The sounds of shoes squeaking in the basketball court were common in the Seirin basketball club. Not to mention screams and yells from the members. Currently, they were all waiting for their phantom man. Who was late. It was a rare thing, as Kuroko Tetsuya was never late and hardly skipped practice.

"Where is that idiot!?" The coach, Riko Aida yelled angrily. "Bakagami, you're in the same class as him, right? Where is he!?"

"I swear I don't know! He left first thing when the bell rung!" Kagami Taiga, their ace yelled back. The doors of the court opened and a skipping figure came in.

"Ohayo minna-san!" Kuroko came skipping in, his usually plain, emotionless face replaced with Kiyoshi's smile, a glowing aura that rivaled Kise's and, and, was that flowers around him!? The team froze. This was not Kuroko. Kuroko opened his arms to hug Kagami, but fell to the floor instead.

"Did I make you guys wait long?" He said cheerfully as he got up, eyes sparkling like Nigou. Even Nigou backed away at his behavior.

"Beat him up! Beat him back to his senses!" Kagami yelled as Kuroko began chasing him for a hug. Just as Riko raised her hands, the gym door opened again.

"Kurokocchi~!" Kise Ryouta yelled, busting in, Kasamatsu behind him. He spotted Kuroko and went for a bear hug, expecting to be avoided or fall to the floor. Instead, Kuroko hugged him back happily, a glowing aura around him.

"WAAAAH! Kurokocchi hugged me back!" Kise said, crying waterfall tears. Kasamatsu punched Kise on the head causing him to faint and fall to the floor.

"Don't do that! It's annoying! And anyway, what's with Kuroko?" He said while pushing Kuroko away from him.

"We have no idea."

"And shouldn't you know?"

The gym doors opened again. This time, Midorima and Takao came in, Midorima being pushed by Takao while holding a carrot. Takao waved to them. Midorima sighed.

"Kuroko left something at Shuutoku, and I wouldn't have bothered if Takao didn't drag me here, nanodayo." Midorima said, pushing up his glasses with his taped fingers. Suddenly, he felt someone hug him. He looked down and say a smiling Kuroko. He freaked out.


"Someone kill him!" He shouted, pointing to the happy phantom man which went to hug Takao.

"What's going on!?" Takao said, running out of breath from Kuroko's hug.

"Just kill him already!" Midorima said.

"Let me beat him back into his senses!" Riko said and ran to Kuroko.

"No, kill him!"

"Why would I kill him!?"

"Tetsu!" Aomine yelled as he opened the doors of Seirin's gym. He saw Midorima and their coach arguing about killing and beating. That's weird. Midorima never loses his cool. I wonder why. He thought. Suddenly, someone hugged him hard.

"Kise what the hell!" He said looking down, only to see his former shadow, which was currently surrounded with, with, flowers? "Tetsu!?"

"Aomine! Kill him!" Midorima yelled.

"Don't listen to him! Beat him back to his senses!" Riko argued.

Aomine shook Kuroko front and back. "Tetsu! What the hell!?"

"Don't just shake him, kill him!"

"Give him a slap!"

"Like hell I would!"

The gym door creaked open, revealing a 2 meter tall high, purple haired, snack monster .

"Is Kuro-chin here? He promised to bring me to a cheap café which sells snacks today.."

"I'm here, Mu-ra-sa-ki-ba-ra~!" Kuroko said as he pulled the giant into a hug. Murasakibara dropped the bag of chips he was eating. "

"Did Kise-chin and Kuro-chin switch bodies?"

"Kill him, Murasakibara!" Midorima yelled.

"Slap him across the face!" Riko shouted.

"Just shake him!" Aomine argued.

"Just kill him!"

"Why would someone kill him, you smart yet stupid green hair!" Riko argued.

"And why would someone slap him?!"

"Let's take pictures for blackmailing!" Koganei shouted, pulling out his phone. The rest followed his example and began.

"Let's see how it turned out…"


The photos were full of Takao. His eyes, his face, his arm, his butt, everything, but Kuroko. They gawked at the photos.


The two of them(Takao and Kuroko)high fived.

"Takao! Don't do that! You have tainted their phones! Seeing this would get them iinto a car accident! Not that I care about them."Midorima said

"What you actually mean, nanodayo, is that you care about the so much, nanodayo…." The two of them chanted, then high fiving again.

"What the heck!?" Midorima yelled.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Kagami yelled, running around the gym, chased by Kuroko, who wanted a hug.

Kagami ran a few rounds before running towards Aomine, making him run from Kuroko too. Then Midorima and Takao got chased too. Kuroko would have got Murasakibara if he didn't run, joining them. Kise stayed on the ground. Akashi came in, and once he saw Kuroko, his left eye began twitching before he started running too.

"Aka-chin, you're also running?"Murasakibara said in between his panting.

"A Tetsuya like this is indeed creepy." He replied, left eye still twitching.

"Even the fearless captain is scared of him!?" Kagami shouted.

"That's why I said to kill him!" Midorima answered.

"We wouldn't kill Tetsu for something like this!" Aomine replied, breathless.

One by one, members of Seirin started getting chased too. Then Kasamatsu, then Nigou. They ran around the gym, around the school, out of the school, on the road, around Maji Burger, around the street basketball court, through the park, up and down a mountain, in and out a forest, out the school, around the school, around the gym, onto the basketball court. By the time they reached there, they were all breathless. But Kuroko hadn't run out of energy. They repeated, but this time in and out of Kaijou, Shuutoku, Touou and the train station. They got many stares from passerbys, all wondering how a small boy could terrify so many bulky basketball players. They also passed by the regulars of those schools, but they ran so fast they didn't know what was going on.

Kuroko won.

"Okay, Tetsuya…." Akashi said, panting. "How many milkshakes did you have this morning."

"Maji burger had a buy one free two sale! So I had around thirty?"

"Say no more."

They all fainted.

Headie: This is something quick we did for fun

Strongie: And its not supposed to make sense, okay?

Headie:Please tell us if you loved it or hated it

Strongie:Or if it was crappy or awesome

Both: Cause we'll really appreciate it!