What Started as a Curse... Ended as a Blessing


Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural

2000 years ago

Agora was bitter. She watched quietly from the sidelines as everyone enjoyed the beautiful day. Couples held hands and kissed on park benches. Agora despised these people's happiness. She once was happy, but her lover had left her alone because of what she was.

When Agora had first begun to date Fabio, she had refused to reveal her true nature to him. They had been happy for 2 years. One day, she had returned home and saw Fabio sitting on the ground with her large book in his arms: her spell book.

Yes, Agora was a witch. She was a very powerful witch that had been living for hundreds of years. Fabio had not said a word; he simply pushed the book in her arms and stormed out of the house. No amount of pleading from Agora could convince him to stay.

Agora had spiraled downward. She fretted day and night, trying to figure out a way to make Fabio love her again. Finally, she had devised a spell that would make him love her. Agora went to Fabio's hotel room and knocked on the door. When no answer came, she entered and saw her worst nightmare.

Fabio was entangled in bed with a blonde girl. "What are you doing?" Agora screamed.

The scene that had unfolded didn't go anything like Agora had planned. Fabio had been furious at her presence. He had started screaming at her and she panicked. In Agora's haste, she ruined the key part of her spell. Instead of putting a love spell on Fabio; Agora had cast a curse.

The curse caused soul mates to feel each other's pain. The curse would not have been so bad, but it caused soul mates who had never met each other to suffer pain. The curse caused one to know their soul mate was in trouble, but not even know who the other person was to begin with. People could feel their soul mate's pain from across the world.

Worst of all, if one soul mate died; so would the other. After casting the curse, Agora went into hiding. It is said, she is the only one who knows how to reverse the curse. However, she wasn't going to be east to find. Many had tried to find Agora, but had never been heard of again.

Now in present time, the curse was becoming a much bigger problem. People were falling in love; only to discover later that the person they loved wasn't their true soul mate. Some were lucky enough to find their true soul mate and live happily ever after. Others were never able to find their true love.

It wasn't possible to break the curse until the day Dean Winchester was sent to Hell. Luckily, for the entire world, Dean's soul mate had the power to pull him out of Hell, and search for Agora. The fates were a funny thing; making an angel and hunter soul mates, yet it was the best thing to happen since the curse began.

A/N—okay so I know this wasn't the best start. This simply is the lead up to the plot. I promise the rest of the story will be better.

Please review and give me your thoughts

I am writing several stories, so I don't know how quickly I will get to update. Plus I am about to start a new job and school, but I will try and update pretty regularly.