The days rolled by slowly. The tension was high and America refused to speak first to England.

America was washing dishes when England strolled in through the door. He hung up his hat on the coat rack and plopped down into his chair. "God, I forgot how busy I am when I ruled the world."

America continued to wash the dishes silently. He had this sort of dead glare that reflected in the water.

"Still not talking, eh? Grow up Al."

No response came from the colony so Arthur got up and walked over to notice the beautifully painted flowers on the plate Al was washing had chipped off. He stuck his finger in the water; cold! 'Has he been washing the same dish for this long?'


"…." Arthur snapped his fingers and waved a hand in front of the boy's face.

"Alfred!? Alfred my boy, snap out of it!" He shook him by the shoulders which brought America semi-back to reality. The colony looked down at the plate he was washing.

"Alfred, how long have you been washing the plate!?"

America rubbed his finger on one of the chipping flowers. "I'm sorry big brother, the flowers have lost all their petals haven't they?"

The Empire brought the younger's gaze to his own, what he saw shocked him scared. The boy's eyes were grey. He had no sparkles lighting his eyes up anymore. All that was left was a depressed gleam, one you can only find on a dead fish. That was it, America was nothing more than a dead fish at this point. That gaze he gave seemed as though he was staring right through his superior.

Arthur was frightened at this. He took a step back against the stove top. Pots clattered to the floor, creating a racket. He quickly, picked them up rather clumsily and ran upstairs to his room.

The Empire shed his coat and paced the floor, anxious. The only other time he ever remembered seeing that expression was right before he slit the throat of a man so anxious for death more than any other he had seen. Arthur had slaughtered the man's family before his own eyes. He had intended to kill the man after but he begged for the knife even before he had unsheathed it.

"This was a mistake; I never should have gone back. I have destroyed the one I love most. I'm sure he is still scrubbing the dish. Dear God what have I done!?"

A knock sounded on his door. "Come in." America opened the door. "Afternoon tea is prepared."

"Good, good. I'll be right there."

The two sat at the table in utter suspense; Arthur occasionally sipping his tea.

Nothing but silence until Arthur's teacup clinks against the saucer. Alfred continued that dead fish stare.

Arthur coughed. "Alfred? Aren't you going to drink?"

"Kill me…" Arthur swallowed his drink hard and turned to his colony in shock.


"Thirsty…not thirsty."

"Oh….oh good. I thought you said…never mind, just clean up the table would you?"

America gathered the dishes and dropped them into the extinguished fire place, they all broke to pieces. "A-Al? The dishes don't—"

Alfred continued to wash the same dish again.

The Empire placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Alfred, the plate is clean." He stopped, hesitated and let the dish shatter to the floor.

His head rotated to gaze up at Arthur. "The plate will never be clean." Arthur slowly backed away. This was terrifying to him. He was gone. Alfred was dead inside.

"Oh god Alfred….what have I done? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MAKE YOU LIKE THIS?! YOU'RE DEAD! YOU'RE GONE! OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE TO SIN AT YOUR HAND! I HAVE LOST YOU! FORGIVE ME FATHER..." Arthur fell to his knees and sobbed into the floor boards. "….forgive me….forgive…forgive me please….I take it all back….I want my old America….I want my America…..please….forgive me….America…."

"But I do forgive you England."

"No…no you don't….you're gone now."

"What are you talking about? I'm right here."

"No you're not…your voice is only my imagination."

"Oh, okay…well would you mind telling this voice in your imagination what you're apologizing for?"

"I thought I would be happy if I had you as a brother again. I changed history thinking it would make me happy, but it didn't. I was wrong! So very wrong! I'm so sorry! I wish I had my America again!"

"Arthur, open your eyes."

England slowly brought his head up from his folded arms. He first noticed a ring of magic dust around him. He was in his old bedroom, sobbing on the edge of his bed. But the best part was America sitting on the bed next him giving him a kind smile.

This was too perfect for him. "No, this can't be real, can it? This is nothing more than a figment of my mind."

"Oh really?"

America reached out a hand. Arthur examined it closely but looked up in confusion.

The American rolled his eyes. "Golly you're difficult. Touch it. If I was part of your imagination you wouldn't be able to touch me, right?"

Arthur seemed rather skeptical but lightly pressed his hand to the other's palm. His eyes widened as he looked up to see America smirking down at him.


"Yes, England, it's really me."

"Oh god my America…" The Brit hugged the nation fiercely and America hugged back with a smile as he felt the back of his shirt wet with his lover's tears.

"Oh god, thank you…thank you so much! Thank you for everything!" Arthur said in between crying.

"You have always been a cry baby haven't you."

"I missed you so much! I love you just the way you are!"

America smiled at the unusual words. "I love you too, just the way you are." Alfred pulled him back for a moment to plant a kiss on his lover's lips. They split and shared one last short hug with a few sniffles from Arthur.

"Soooo, about that make-up sex…."

The Brit rolled his eyes with a smile before diving into another passionate kiss. "Fine…but only because I love you, just the way you are."


This is the last chapter everybody. I hope you enjoyed it all! Hooray for fluffy endings! I would also like to explain how England got back. His will to be regret his decision and to see his loved one was so great that he granted it with the magic in his heart blah blah, cheesy stuff and love and happiness THE END! and dont forget that I humbly accept requests on almost any shipping!