Hello and welcome :)

Well this I my first story both related to SoA and , so go easy on me ;)

I know very well that my grammar sucks and right at the moment, I haven't got a Beta-reader. So if anyone would read proofread it send me a PM.

And if any of you have some suggestions with were the story plot should go, just write to me or leave a review with your suggestion(s), then I will try my best to incorporate it in my story.

I most of the chapter I will use some lyrics and in the end I will write the name of the song and the artist, just to let you reader know :)

And by the way I don't own anything, except for my OC - Emily.

Enjoy reading C:

Ouch... Oh God my head was pounding...

Reminder to myself: Never, ever drink that much, ever again, Emily!

I twisted and turned in the large comfy double bed – I was sure that a couple of hours would do great to this bad hangover. I snuggled into the soft pillows and mattress. It had a distinctive smell of gasoline, grease and smoke.

Gasoline? Grease? And smoke?! This was for certain not my bed! Even though I must admit that it was the best night sleep, I have had in a very long time - but let's leave that for now. I opened my eyes wide open, and what I was seeing, was stars and stripes. The American flag was hovering above my head. The exact same flag that represented the country that had failed to protect my family, when it needed protection the most

Voices that were what I heard - voices of two males, one slightly angry and one more calm than the first one.

"What the hell are you going to do with that... That girl?!" Yelled the angry voice.

"Oh Clay that's up for me to decide, after all it was my plan." The calm voice said.s

"Your plan or not. If shit goes down, the club has to deal with the aftermath! So you better get it right the first time - 'cause I know the club won't be pleased if shit explodes in your face... Our faces!" It was a threat, it wasn't just one of those warnings you get from your family, no it was a proper threat! And the man Clay talked to should be scared as fuck. If this calm guy didn't get it right, the... mm... Club? Yeah, the club would handle it. Rather, they would find a way to handle... me! I think, 'cause why else would I be here?

I was going to find a way out of this room, out of this house! I wasn't going to stay a minute more in this crazy house.

Okay Emily, first thing first! If the angrier man was Clay, then what was the name of the calmer man? Not that it mattered to me, a kidnapper were after all a kidnapper.

I looked around to see if there was anything I could use to defend myself or somewhere I could hide. But before I could act, the door's lock made a noise, a noise that indicated the door was now open, and the room which I was in, was ready, for the person on the other side of the door, to enter.

I quickly turned my back, so it faced the door, and then I pretended I still was sleeping. The door opened slowly, I could tell so, because I heard the speakers.

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life and realize there's nothin' left
Cause I've been blasting and laughing so long,
That even my mama thinks that my mind is gone

The next I heard was a voice, the calm man's voice.

"Morning Darlin', brought some coffee and painkillers to your head."

All I did was produce a low moan, to indicate that I somehow still was alive and annoyed of being waken. But it was all a show, I heard every single word he said, but chose to pretend to be asleep.

The next thing I knew, was him shaking the bed to get me awaken.

"I know you're faking, so you better sit up and listen to what I have to say to you!" His voice was hoarse and commanding.

I did as he asked me to, I sat up in the big double-bed, and looked straight at him, and what I saw was these piercing ice blue eyes, at least I think they were ice blue. And I'm sure that if I kept holding his gaze, it would tear holes in my eyeballs. Whatever the color they were, the eyes were of a man, whose charm could be switched on and off like a light. What had just happened was clear evidence.

He passed me the coffee and the painkillers, and I took it willingly. I quickly put the painkillers in my mouth and swallowed them with some of the coffee. He was studying me; I could feel his gaze travel over my slightly covered body. The guy in front of me was not a bad-looking guy, and I'm sure the gaze somehow could be arousing, but not in the position I was in... Kidnapped, against my own will.

"Why am I here?!" I spat out, trying to keep my temper as low as possible.

"Well, you're Emily Ruby O'Neal, aren't you?" He asked, but from who or where did he know my full name?

"No, I am not..." I said, and I know right well that I was lying, but I had to lie, I had to fight somehow.

The next I heard was his mocking laugh... He laughed at me.

"Wh... Why are you laughing?" I asked in the most fake insecure voice I could perform.

Then abruptly I felt a sting on each side of my cheeks, he had grabbed my cheeks, to make sure that I looked at him, when he said the next thing.

"Well, how about you stop lying to me?!" He said angrily, and the former calm voice was now long gone. "I know exactly who you are, and what you do for a living!" He continued in the menacing voice, while his grip tightened gradually. "We'll try this again." He looked into my eyes, with this look that if I lied once more, he would do unforgivable things. "Are you or are you not the mentioned Emily Ruby O'Neal?!"

I nodded slightly, while he still kept my face in the same tight hold as before, and said "I am, why?". As I asked the question he tightened the grip on my cheeks, while saying "It's me who asks the questions Darlin'!". I just nodded at his statement, and he continued asking questions. "Your daddy and the club had a deal, but since your daddy's gone and so are your mommy, then you're the only one who can pay the debt, and so you will." He talked like he knew both my mother and father.

The inspiration to the title is from the song "We are", by Hollywood Undead

And the lyrics used in this chapter is from the song "Gangsta's Paradise", by Coolio.

If you like this chapter please leave a review to let me know :) Or just follow or favourite, if you like that part more :)