As a younger teenager, I suffered from depression. It's no surprise considering my father neglected me, my mother was absent, and I was isolated from the real world. I wasn't truly living. I recall nightmares after nightmares haunting me and refusing to leave as my depression consumed my life. Maturing in the way of how I thought of seemingly hopeless situations and learning coping methods helped me move past that torturous period of my life, and looking back, I don't know how the hell I did it. Yet the fact that I did is a huge encouragement. Joining Fairy Tail made me forget all my past troubles for the most part, and my mindset had changed drastically. It's hard to get me down now, and I'm glad. Yet still...

My heart is racing, my chest moving up and down to a quick rhythm. The sweat on my forehead glistens in the moonlight beaming through my dark room, and fear is consuming me in my unconsciousness. My eyes fly open and suddenly I'm sitting up in my bed, screaming.

"HELP ME!" the loud shriek rips through my throat. My hands grip my hair as sobs cause my chest to ache. I can't stop crying. I can't stop. What the hell is going on? Why is this happening to me?! The familiarity of the nightmare I woke up from is terrifyingly similar to those I had when I was younger; it was the dream where my father beat me and told me he hated me, and my mother stood by and watched. My father told me over and over that I should die, and my mother was unfazed. "Help me!" I begged her, and she just scoffed. My begging continued desperately until I woke up.

I continue to sob as overwhelming feelings from the past seep into me. Damn triggers... Why do memories have to link feelings? Why?

"Mama," I cry, hugging myself tightly. "Mama, please please help me."

This is a prologue. That's why it's short.