Authors note: ok, so this is my very first fanfic so i am not sure if this will go very well. Please review and tell me anything you think about it. The story will mostly be in Clary's POV (like this chapter), but i will do some chapters in other styles… yeah, I guess i'll let you start reading now!


Chapter One: Prologue

The girl with flaming hair rushes up the doorsteps of the 3-story mansion with steely determination, clearly not bothered by the sheets of rain falling from the grey sky above her. She looses her purpose for a moment, hesitating before letting her fist fall on the polished door.


The first thing you should know is that Valentine Morgenstern is the most selfish person I know. He only ever thinks about himself, his job and his image. Those are the most important things in life, right? Forget about family. Valentine is not a family man. He is the reason my brother left me, and don't think i'll ever forgive him for that.
I used to think he was also the reason my mother left us, but he soon convinced me that I was to blame for our mother's… situation. Don't ask how, I don't really get it either,
but apparently my 6 year old self was not something my mother wanted to deal with. What a fucking mess we all are.I guess I should also mention my given name is Clarissa Morgenstern, but I hate being called Clarissa, my name is Clary. I like to think that my given name doesn't matter if it was given to me by someone as awful and un-parent like as my father. So, my name is Clary Fray because it is the name I gave myself, after all shouldn't you have atleast some control over your life? Well, I like to think everyone should. Since I don't have much control over my own life I like to be able to convince myself that I can control at least one aspect of it - what i call myself.

My mothers 'situation' is that she went missing when I was about 6 years old. Jonathon (my brother) was only 8, but he remembers much more than me. She has been missing for 9 years and all I have left is the memory of warm hugs, the scent of vanilla perfume and lavender shampoo, and a picture of me, Jocelyn, Jon and Valentine on her birthday. We all looked so happy. Happy is something none of my family is these days, and even though I probably should dislike my mother for leaving us, I can't convince myself to. How can you hate someone that you don't really remember? Especially when they leave only happy memories behind them? I just wish I knew why she left. Valentine is technically my biological father, but I wouldn't dare call him that. A father he is anything but. A lot of the time I wish he would just leave me alone and let me start a new life. One where I wasn't constantly under pressure, and cowering under my father's shadow. A life without him. It's hard to escape your past when someone is adamant to never let you forget.

A/N: please, please, please review and tell me what you think. Thanks for reading! And sorry for any mistakes, i tried to proof read, so just in case i missed something, sorry! bye for now!