Warnings: Lots of fluff. :)

AN: This takes place during Harry & Draco's first Christmas as a couple. I've been trying to finish a different companion fic but this idea demanded to be written first.

"Harry! HARRY! Oi! Harry!"

Harry runs through the doorway of his bedroom, skidding to a stop in front of the closet doors where his boyfriend stands with a frown on his face. "What? What is it?" he pants, rubbing the toe that he'd stubbed in his haste to get up the stairs.

"All of your sweaters have stains on them, or are torn, or damaged in some way," Draco says, looking put out.

Harry looks at him in disbelief. "That's what you were calling my name about? I thought it was an emergency!"

"It is!" Draco insists. "I wanted to wear one. But they're all damaged."

"And why," Harry asks, "can't you wear one of your own?"

"They're all at my house," Draco says.

Harry rolls his eyes. "It only takes a minute to apparate – "

"But I feel too lazy to make all that effort," Draco complains.

"Why do you want a sweater anyway?"

"I'm cold." Draco's tone implies isn't it bloody obvious, Potter?

Harry grins mischievously. "If you wanted to seduce me there are better ways."

"This is serious, Harry – "

"Did someone say my name?"

Draco turns to look at the portrait, rolling his eyes. "How many times are you going to make that joke?"

Sirius just laughs and walks out of the frame. Draco turns back to Harry. "Your sweaters need replacing."

Harry shakes his head, smirking, but at the look on his boyfriend's face he sighs. "I'm helping Ron Christmas shop for Hermione this weekend, I'll look for some sweaters then. Happy?"

Draco sniffs. "You'd better."

Harry chuckles and presses a kiss to Draco's lips. "In the meantime, I can think of better ways to keep you warm."

"Ron. You got Hermione a book last Christmas."

They stand outside Flourish and Blotts. Ron's worried face turns towards Harry. "But I don't know what else to get her!"

"Think back. Has she said anything about what she might like for Christmas? Hinted at anything? Looked at something a little too long while out shopping?"

Ron thinks for a moment. "No…wait. There was a pair of earrings she wouldn't stop staring at last week. I remember because they looked like miniature books."

Harry smiles. "Sounds like a perfect gift. Where were they?"

An hour later, after going to three different stores, they finally stumble upon the earrings that Ron described in a fashion clothing store for witches. Harry's eyes wander over the racks while Ron pays for the jewelry. Seeing the sweater section, he groans internally, remembering his promise to Draco.

"Now Mum's the only person I have to find a gift for," Ron says happily.

Harry moans. "I still have to find something for Draco."

"Maybe you'll find something for him in the Quidditch shop?" Ron waggles his eyebrows.

"I think you're the one who wants to look at Quidditch supplies." Harry laughs. "You could be right though; I've no idea what other sorts of things he might like. At least Quidditch is a safe bet."

Once inside Quality Quidditch Supplies Ron immediately gravitates to the newest broom model on display, but Harry's interest wanders after a moment. He strolls down random aisles until he comes to a section of the shop he's never given more than a cursory glance. He stops, staring at the rack in front of him.

"That would be the perfect gift for Draco!" Ron's voice comes from behind him, and Harry starts. "It would," he confirms. "He's been complaining about not having one at my place – never mind he's got plenty he could bring from his – and we're about the same size, so I could wear it if he doesn't like it or something."

"Not like it?" Ron sounds disbelieving. "No way. it's perfect."

"You're right." Harry takes the sweater from the rack. "I'm getting it."

Ron cheers. "See I told you that you'd find something for him in the Quidditch shop!"

Harry rolls his eyes.

"Draco?" Harry calls as he closes the front door. "Are you here?"

"Master Draco not be back yet, Master Harry." Kreacher pokes his head into the room.

"Oh. Thanks Kreacher."

"Dinner be ready in an hour." The house elf disappears.

Harry walks up to his bedroom, carrying several bags. He hides Draco's gift before turning his attention to his other purchases. Per Draco's instructions he'd bought himself several new sweaters. He hangs them in the closet before collapsing on the bed. He rubs his eyes and yawns.


He jerks awake, blinking. Draco looks at him fondly. "Did you fall asleep?"

"Yeah," he says, shaking his head rapidly to clear it. "I only sat down for a minute…."

"Long day shopping with Ron?"

"Very long."

"Did you remember to buy some new sweaters?" Draco raises an eyebrow.

In answer Harry gestures to the closet. Draco opens the door. "Brilliant. And it seems my taste has rubbed off on you somewhat. These are…acceptable."

"I'm so glad they meet with your approval."

Draco ignores the sarcasm.

"I just learned about this muggle contraption called a cell phone, you must explain how it works – "

Harry laughs quietly to himself as he overhears Hermione and Mr. Weasley's conversation. He moves on, pausing to stop a fight between his godson and little Fred before it can start in earnest, and hastily looks away from a corner where George and Angelina are making eyes at each other before he finds the object of his search. Draco is in the sitting room, deep in conversation with Bill and Ginny.

"Harry! Come join us," Bill calls.

Harry sits down, smiling. Ginny gives a sigh. "Would you please tell these boys that Ron is not an authority on all things Victor Krum?"

Harry raises an eyebrow. "I'm not getting in the middle of this, Gin." He chuckles. "Anyway, I know you can hold your own."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Ginny says grudgingly.

Harry smirks before turning to look at Draco and Bill. "You should lay off of her though. Ron gives her enough grief about dating Victor Krum."

Draco looks appropriately abashed, but Bill just grins. "So how's work treating you lately Harry?"

Harry latches on the change of subject quickly at Ginny's look of relief. "It's been crazy lately. The office has been getting all the holiday criminal nutcases. You know, the witch who beat up her sister by bewitching candy canes, the wizard who made a bunch of nutcrackers start talking in the middle of a muggle store…there were so many memory charms to perform. That case took both my office and the Office for the Misuse of Magic collaborating for weeks. It was a nightmare."

Bill laughs. "Sounds like it. How's your new shop working out, Draco?"

"It's brilliant," Draco says. "It was a bit slow going at first but now I'm so busy I'm looking to hire another full-time staff member."

"Have you thought about offering apprenticeships to seventh-year students? They'd be able to help with your workload during the summer and gain valuable working experience at the same time. Gringotts is considering a similar idea."

Draco cocks his head. "Hmm. I'll give it some thought."

Running footsteps interrupt the conversation. "It's time to open pwesents!" Fred bounces into the room, Teddy right behind him. "Gamma wants evawy-one to come."

Draco gets up, pulling Harry along. "What's your hurry?" Harry asks.

"No hurry." Draco tries to sound nonchalant but fails. Harry looks at him. "Eager to open your gifts?" he teases.

Behind them Ginny laughs. "I'm eager too. Last one there is a – " She takes off running, not even bothering to finish her sentence as she pushes past them.

Draco and Harry look at each other before breaking into a sprint, Bill following close behind.

"Oh good, everyone's here," Andromeda says as they burst into the sitting room. "Settle down you two," she adds, looking at Teddy and Fred, who are bouncing up and down in their excitement.

Accompanied by much ooo-ing and aww-ing, one by one everyone opens their gifts. Draco looks over at Harry. "So, you first or me?"

"Oh, go ahead." Harry grins.

Draco rips open his gift. His mouth drops open. "Harry," he says in a strange tone, "open your gift."

George tosses a small package over at Harry, who catches it. He looks over at Draco. "So do you like it?"

"I love it," Draco assures him, but there's still a strange note in his tone.

Harry unwraps his own package and then gasps. He looks up into silver eyes. "We got each other the same sweater!"

Draco grins at him as the rest of the family breaks out into laughter. "I saw it at that shop and since you needed new sweaters…thought it was appropriate."

Harry leans over towards Draco and gently kisses him. "I love you, you know," he says quietly.

"I love you too," Draco says just as quietly.

"Put the sweaters on you two! I need a picture," Mrs. Weasley says. They hurry to comply. "Oh you two are so cute," gushes Ginny as they pose by the tree.

Harry blushes and squeezes his boyfriend's hand. Draco smirks at him before saying, "We're not Pygmy Puffs, Ginny. I believe dapper is the word you are looking for."

Ginny sticks her tongue out at him while the rest of the family laughs. There's the sound of a small click as Mrs. Weasley snaps the picture just as Draco sticks his own tongue out. "Oh dear, that one's no good, let's try again. No tongue this time, you hear?"

"No Molly, of course not," Draco says in mock seriousness while laughter once more flows around the room.

"Draco! DRACO! Oi! Draco!"

The blonde man runs though the door to the bedroom, skidding to a stop in front of Harry who stands at the foot of the four-poster. "What? What is it?"

"Do you think that looks good there, or should I move it to above the door over there?" Harry points to a picture frame on the wall to the right of the bed.

Draco stares at him. "That's it?" he asks, disbelief clear in his tone. "I thought it was an emergency!"

"It is," Harry pouts. "I'll probably never move it once I decide where it looks the best, so it's got to be just right."

Draco raises his eyebrow, but considers the question. "I think," he says after a moment, "that it is perfect where it is."

Harry nods decisively. "Brilliant. Than that is where it will stay."

"Why," Draco asks, "did you choose that picture? The other one is better."

"The other one is better," Harry agrees, "but I rather think this one is more appropriate for our bedroom, don't you?"

Draco blinks and doesn't answer and Harry realizes what he's said a moment too late. "Not that I'm asking – I mean, if you want to – I mean – oh bugger."

"Harry," Draco stops him before he continues, slowly moving towards him until they're barely a foot apart. "I know we've never really talked about it before, but I spend nearly every night with you anyway. I'd like it if we made it official."

Harry takes a breath. "Really?"

"Really." Draco smirks. "Then I wouldn't have to borrow your sweaters all the time."

Harry rolls his eyes. "Are you a wizard or what? It's not that difficult to apparate."

"Honestly," Draco says, blushing deeply, "I like borrowing your sweaters because they – they smell like you."

Harry doesn't know what to say, but is saved from having to answer when Draco speaks again, gesturing towards the picture on the wall. "I suppose I do understand why you chose this one for our bedroom."

"Your tongue action really is quite suggestive," Harry says with a smirk.

Draco doesn't respond with words.

The picture on the wall takes no notice of the couple. It replays the same scene over and over: a smiling dark-haired man holding a blonde man's hand and laughing while watching him stick his tongue out at some unseen person.
