
Hello! First fanfic. Hope you enjoy! Don't own twilight or the characters. This is ooc and I've fudged the timeline some.


Caius turned to the small voice shouting his name, and was greeted with a warm mass squeezing his neck. He laughed and wrapped an arm under the child's backside and used the other to squeeze him.


He smiled into the blond hair and kissed his head.


He looked up and saw a beautiful brunette walking toward him.

"Darling." His smile fell as he moved quickly towards her, unwrapping an arm from hugging his son. She wrapped her arms around them and pressed her head to the side of his chest, as he used his hand to tangle in her hair holding her to him. Jasper snuggled, sheltered between them.

She looked up at him her chocolate eyes shining and leaned up on her toes to kiss him and he smiled softly bending to meet her.

"Bella" he whispered. Jasper using his still heart as a pillow.


Prologue. Third person Caius pov. Hope you understood the atmosphere I was going for, kinda the feeling of coming home(after a long time) and being loved. Maybe a bit confusing bit hopefully will be clear later.