"I've been looking for you."

Olivia turned her head, slightly startled at Fitz's sudden appearance behind her.

"You found me."

Her voice was playful, her head tilted back, her eyes closed, her face the picture of serenity and bliss as her legs moved back and forth in a slow rhythm.

"Well, don't you want to join the party?"

"Why would I do that when we're having our own little party over here?"

At that Fitz couldn't help but smile, moving to take the seat next to her. Fitz turned his head to look behind him at all of the commotion on the other side of the park. It looked like a normal birthday party if one could ignore the various bodyguards that surrounded the perimeter. There was a bounce house and cupcakes and balloons and face paint and of course, about two dozen giggling, screaming, and crying three and four year olds on a sugar rush. He could see why Olivia had snuck away to a part of the land that had a semblance of quiet and the noise was nothing but an echo.

"Where's Harper?" Olivia questioned, opening her eyes for the first time, one of her hands caressing her son's back while the other ran through his hair.

The movement widened Fitz's smile. Olivia never looked better than when she was holding one of his children. All of her fears during pregnancy were unfounded as she took to motherhood, for the second time, with all of the grace in the world. Plus, Gerry was a momma's boy and wanted to be in her arms at all times so it didn't surprise Fitz that Gerry's face was nuzzled between her breast while his arms stayed wrapped around her, his bare feet dangling in the wind. His closed eyes and slumped body would make anyone envious for a nap that looked as good as his.

"I left her behind with her, and I quote, 'bestest friends in the whole wide entire universe' aka the unofficial Grant children, Nadia and Josslyn. Plus, Abby is trying to round up the children to start the cookie decorating as we speak."

Olivia laughed at that, quieting down once the baby in her arms began to stir.

"And what do you have to say for yourself, Mrs. Grant?" Fitz looked down at her bare feet as he continued speaking. "Running away from your only daughter's fourth birthday party to play with her brother could be frowned upon by our party guest."

Olivia shook her head at him, pumping her legs a bit faster.

"I love the swings." She answers with a small smirk on her face. "What can I say? They were calling me and I couldn't say no."

Fitz can tell by the look on her face that there's a story that he hasn't heard behind the proclamation.

"Do tell."

That was all it took for her smile to widen and for her swinging legs to slow to a complete stop before she looked down at the little boy in her arms.

"Remember how I told you that there isn't much that I remember about my mom?" Olivia paused, waiting for his nod. "Well, besides small things like the color of her favorite house robe or what kind of tea she liked, she used to take me to the park every single Sunday when I was a kid."

Fitz's face furrowed in wonder at that.

"Why the park? Why not…I don't know, flying to New York by way of helicopter for breakfast at Tiffany's? That seems more like something your elitist parents would do."

Olivia raised her eyebrows at him, pursing her lips and tilting her head at his question.

"Don't act like Big Jerry never took you out of school to go golfing in Hawaii with his senator pals. We're in the same boat buddy." Olivia retorted, lightly pushing his swing away from hers without jostling the baby in her arms.

"I'm just saying…"

"Anyway," Olivia continued with a roll of her eyes. "When we got there we would always head straight for the swings, she would help me sit down, push me a few times and then she would say 'Okay, Livvie just pump your legs like a big girl and I'll be by the trail watching.'"

"What was by the trails?"

The question made Olivia look back at Fitz, her attention previously drawn to her hands that were straightening out the wrinkles in Gerry's striped shirt as she spoke. A smile spread across her face before she answered.

"Dominic. I obviously didn't know about him until I was way older but that was her rendezvous time."

"Great parenting." Fitz joked with an approving nod of his head.

"Yeah well, while my mother was doing whatever she was doing, I had a friend that would come and sit next me on the swings, which were much closer than these are by the way, and he would just talk to me until it was time to go." Olivia closes her eyes with a small chuckle at the memory. "He gave me quite a few of my first kisses in life on those swings."

The amusement on Fitz's face dissipated almost immediately.

"Excuse me? Did you just say that that boy kissed you?" He asked in shock, his face changing from delight to shock to anger to stern in mere seconds. "Harper is never going to the park without me. You better not take my daughter to the park without me."

This time Olivia laughed loud enough for Gerry to start in her arms before settling down from the soothing circular pattern that she was rubbing on his back.

"Jacob meant no harm." She replied, her voice full of amusement at his reaction. "I mean, I know for a fact that he still wants to be with me but it was all innocent then. They were just little pecks if that makes you feel any better."

Fitz looked straight ahead, his face scrunched in disbelief.

"What do you mean you know for a fact that he still wants you? You remember his name? You're still in contact with that juvenile pervert?"

Gerry's constant stirring in her arms helped Olivia calm down a bit so that her laughter wouldn't wake him but she almost couldn't help it.

"Calm down before you make me wake up my son."

The mention of Gerry softened Fitz's expression and he ran his hand across his son's back before remembering the conversation at hand.

"Don't try to distract me with this adorable baby, Olivia." He looked back at her as he spoke. "Do I need to have a hit taken out on someone named Jacob."

Olivia waited a moment before answering just to see the agitation on his face grow.

"No, you do not need to have a hit taken out on Congressman Shaw. He does great things and I don't think his constituents would appreciate that."

"Congressman Jacob Shaw?" Fitz tried to hide the surprise on his face at that answer but failed comically. "You mean the man that you helped with his sex tape, the same man that I tried to hit because came to our Christmas party and charmed my little girl by kissing her cheek. ThatCongressman Shaw?"

"The one and only." Olivia answered, trying to keep herself from giggling at Fitz's astonishment. "That's why I wasn't too surprised that he was caught screwing multiple women in his office. That's just like him. He was always a bit promiscuous but I was shipped off to boarding school by my father before he ever got farther than just kissing me."

"I knew I didn't like him." Fitz told her with raised eyebrows and a face filled with certainty. "I've told you before that I don't like the way he looks at you and you brushed me off and now I know that I was absolutely right. He wants to sleep with you. Tell me I'm wrong. I should kick his ass."

"Okay Rocky." She acquiesced with a roll of her eyes. "I know that it makes you feel weird so you don't like to talk about it but when I was about nine and he was kissing me on swings, you were old enough to be a Member of the House. I think you can let this one slide."

Fitz grimaced at the reminder of their age gap.

"Fine…but I can't believe you still think about him."

"Maybe I shouldn't have said anything." She groans, starting to swing again as feels Gerry wake up. "I'm not thinking about him per say I'm just…the swings make me think of how innocent things used to be. Being a child seems so far away at times, especially now that I have my own but then there are moments when it seems like I was just sitting on these swings and my hair was in ponytails and my glasses were pink with flowers on them and boys kissed me because they wanted me to know that they liked me and not because they had some ulterior motive. I don't know. Maybe it's stupid but…the swings make me think of childhood. They were kind of the only thing meant for children that I had with the two nuts that I have to call parents. Y'know?"

The smile on Fitz's face was full of understanding. Sometimes he thought it was a miracle that two people with such a terrible upbringings would find each other and could manage being happy for a lifetime.

"I get it." He said, reaching his hand out to interlock with hers. "I mean I don't think about other women which clearly makes me the better spouse but I get it."

"Whatever." Olivia retorts with another roll of her eyes. "Maybe we should get back to the party? It seems kind of unfair to leave Abby with all of the wrangling."

"We still having a party?" Gerry's muffled voice interrupted, drawing the attention to him.

Fitz reached over, shuffling him from Olivia's arms to his.

"Yeah, Bud, we're still having a party. Did you enjoy your nap?" Fitz murmured into his hair as Gerry plopped his head on his father's shoulder and rubbed his eyes.

"Mhm. Can I still eat cake right now?"

"Yes, you can still have cake." Fitz answered, looking to Olivia to make sure he'd given the right answer.

She laughed under her breath and nodded in confirmation. At that, Gerry picked his head and looked around like he thought the coveted slice of cake might appear out of thin air.

"Okay. I walk by myself now, Daddy." And as soon as his feet hit the ground he was toddling off towards the group of his rambunctious peers.

Fitz and Olivia linked hands, following their son at a more glacial pace, wearing matching smiles from the encounter with their youngest.

"I feel like I've said this before but…we did a good job." Fitz jested, looking at Olivia with a boyish grin. "We should have another one."

Olivia gave him a look that made him laugh.

"I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that." She retorted before joining her daughter and her friends at the wooden picnic table.

Harper's area was covered in melted ice cream and her face was bright red with excitement and heat. Olivia chuckled under her breath at how well deserved her daughter's nickname was.

"Are you having fun Rosie?" Olivia asked her daughter, pushing her headband back.

"Yep." She nodded emphatically. "It's the best! But Momma, Joss and Nadia and me was talking-"

"Joss, Nadia, and I were talking." Fitz corrected from across the table.

"Yeah, I and Joss and Nadia were talking and we 'greed that you forgotted to ask me something for my birthday."

"Oh, did I now?" Olivia giggled at both her form of grammar correction and Fitz's face at the thought he hadn't done everything possible for is little princess on her birthday.

"Uh huh." Harper nodded with a small bite of her cupcake. "Did you know that Joss is a bigger sister now because her mommy had babies? And now Joss can play with her baby sister whenever she wants to."

"Well, what about her baby brother?" Fitz queried, knowing without a doubt that Josslyn's mother had given birth to fraternal twins.

Harper sighed, her expression full of incredulity at the question.

"Daddy, he's a boy and Joss can't play princess with a boy." She sassed as if it should have been obvious. "Anyway, Momma, Nadi's mommy is having a baby too and Nadi thinks it's gonna be a girl."

Nadia jumped into the conversation then to provide back up for her best friend.

"Yeah my Mommy said that maybe if ask for baby sister it'll be a baby sister."

"Is that so?" Olivia asked the girls, hers eyes jumping back and forth between the trio in amusement.

Josslyn had been quiet as she concentrated on her ice cream and cake but her head bobbed the entire time in support of her friends.

"Yep!" Harper answered and then grabbed her mother's hand to make sure she had her full attention. "I think you forgotted to ask me if I wanted one because Joss and Nadia's mommies asked them if they wanted a baby sister or a baby brother and then they gotted one, 'cept for Nadi's 'cause hers isn't here yet, but we thought that maybe you forgotted to ask me and that's way I don't got one yet."

Olivia's eyes widened and she had to literally bite her tongue to keep herself from telling her daughter that she had barely made it here and brother had smaller prospects than she did.

Fitz smirked at Olivia, trying to hide the amusement on his face at this turn of events. He'd been dropping baby hints for weeks and he knew that she was purposely ignoring them. He would have bought Harper anything she asked for in that moment for being so direct.

"Harper, you're already a big sister. You were just too young to remember when Gerry was born."

In an instant Harper's eyes filled with tears and Olivia mentally cursed the genes that copied her expressive eyes and pasted them perfectly on the small faces of her babies.

"But Mommy," Harper whined. "I didn't ask for a brother. I want a sister. Ger is dirty and he's a boy."

As soon as Olivia opened her mouth to scold her daughter for speaking ill about her brother she followed Harper's line of sight and thought better of it as she watched her son dive face first into his bowl of melted ice cream. Luckily, super dad in the flesh already had a response to quiet her tears and demand.

"Princess, why don't you let Mommy think about it and then we'll let you know, okay?"

Harper looked at her mom, drying her face of the few tears that fell.

"Do you promise to think about it, Momma?" She sniffled.

"I promise."

And then Olivia kissed Harper's head, waved bye to the table, and made a swift exit from the area, running straight into Abby.

"Whoa, where's the fire?" Abby jested, picking up on the stress that covered her friend's face.

"Is there alcohol here?"

Abby laughed, shaking her head at how dramatic Olivia was being and walked them to a few chairs that were vacant.

"What happened?"

"Fitz's spawn is a grade A actress and I just got the teary eyes and sniffling and 'Mommy why haven't you given me a baby sister during all of your copious amounts of free time?'" Olivia breathed and then rubbed her temples. "Sometimes I ask myself how the hell I got two children that I have, why would I have a third? You know, Fitz worries about Harper kissing boys but I would rather she do that than ask questions that I don't want to answer."

"Do you want my opinion?"

Olivia gave her a pitiful look from between her hands.

"Yes, please."

"Honestly, Liv…it may not be what you want to hear but I think the kids make you calmer. You stress less at work, you're happier when you're pregnant…I don't think it would be a terrible idea." Abby stops and the look Olivia is giving her. "I'm just saying. I would say at least the party ends in about an hour but you still have to go home with the brat and as much as I love being a God mom, I'm not taking home a child that's had three cupcakes, five cookies, and two bowls of ice cream."

"Just give me that camera so I can document this joyous time in our lives."

Abby snickers at her tone but hands her the camera anyway and begins clean up duty hoping, at least for Olivia's sake, that the next hour would go by quickly and much to Olivia's delight it had. Before she knew it they were loading her SUV with presents and shepherding their kids to the car.

"Harper, honey, it's time to get down now." Olivia cooed, rubbing her daughter's back as they reached their cars on the other side of the park.

Harper had given up on the walk a few minutes in and had surprisingly fallen asleep. Olivia sat her down on her side of the car and opened the door for her as Fitz started buckling Gerry in on the other side. Harper looked up at her in confusion.

"Why do I hafta ride with Daddy?" She began to whine, the full, napless day starting to rear its ugly head.

"Baby, my car is full with all of the presents so I'm going to drive my car with all of the party stuff in it and you guys are going to ride with Daddy." Olivia tried coaxing. "Daddy's going to drive right behind me and we're all going home."

"But I don't wanna go with Daddy, I wanna go with you." Harper cried, tucking on her mother's shirt.

"It's okay, Princess, don't cry." Fitz interjected, knowing that Harper was beyond the point of rationalizing that the quick fifteen minute drive ended with everyone in the same place. "Go ahead and strap in. Mommy's going to drive my car and I'm going to drive her car okay?"

Harper looked between her parents as her mother lifted her into her booster seat.

"Don't leave in the other car, okay, Momma?"

"I'm not leaving, I'm just getting my purse and then I'll drive us home." Olivia murmured, shutting the door and linking hands with Fitz to make the short walk a few spaces down to get her belongings.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I would say that you're a pretty good mom and all. Your kids cry when you leave…I wish my children liked my wife half as much." Fitz joked, bumping her shoulder.

"Shut up."

Fitz snickered at her and backed her into the passenger door as the reached her car, kissing her lips softly. They stayed connected for a moment, her arms wrapped around his shoulders, his arms wrapped around her ass. His tongue brushed her lip making her pull away and then she sighed before speaking.

"I'm thinking about it." Olivia stated simply.

"What does that mean?"

Olivia raised her eyebrows at him until a look of understanding crosses his face.

"Oh, you're thinking about it."

"Yes…it. I know Harper would love a girl to play with but what if we had another boy? Or, what if we do have a girl, then what about Gerry? Every way I think about it we end up with four kids."

Fitz's face lit up at the number.

"I am perfectly okay with four kids."

"I'm sure you are, you don't have to do any of the hard work." She grumbled. "I think that I was so nervous with Harper because she was our first and then I was worried with Gerry because I wasn't so great with Harper and now they're a little bit older and can tell me what's wrong and listen to directions and it makes me feel like we could do it again and be successful at it but none of those fears went away. I still feel like I may screw them up and that I should work less and go to more of those school meetings but it's not as bad as I thought it would be…I don't know. What do you think?"

Fitz took a moment to seriously think about her question, knowing that answering it flippantly wouldn't please her at all.

"I think that…I know that you are an amazing mother and I don't worry one bit about you 'screwing up' our kids as you put it. You can take a while to think. I would prefer if we got these kids out of the way before I'm sixty but I want you to be sure. Plus, there's no harm in practicing until you decide. In fact, I rather enjoy practicing."

Olivia laughed at that and moved to grab her purse from the floorboard.

"Speaking of practicing, let's get the kids in bed and have some Mommy/Daddy time."

Fitz smirked at her as he watched her walk to his car. Olivia could feel his eyes on her scanning her from behind and sashayed a bit more to give him a better view, laughing to herself as she got into his car.

She turned around to check the backseat and couldn't help but smile, her heart beating faster at the sight of her children sleeping, their heads lolled on their respective windows but their hands interlocked on the middle seat.

'It would be nice to have two more angels like them.' She thought. 'To do everything the right way.'

Olivia shook her head at the turn her thoughts had taken. She didn't think that she'd changed drastically in three years but here she was, three years after crying herself to sleep for weeks due to exhaustion and the fear of having another child, she was contemplating doing it all over again. Twice. That had to signal some type of personal growth.

Or, maybe it was hormones that had her seriously considering starting over. Her breast ached and hadn't felt this heavy since she nursed, which was usually a sign that her period was coming but it didn't this time. The thought made her stomach turn. Being pregnant and trying to get pregnant were two different things.

Olivia looked up and caught Fitz's eye in the rearview mirror. The smirk that he sent her made her smile. She knew that he'd been pressing the baby issue because he suspected that she was pregnant and in denial and he was probably right. She sighed and looked back at the road.

"Here we go again."

Reviews are appreciated :-)