OH the suspense! And The 379th Hero that was the desired effect. Thank you so much for your comments. This is the last chapter but please check out my other story in motion 'Wedding rings are less dangerous than engagement rings'. I'm thinking of doing a high school story leave a comment below. I really hope you like it.

Thalia gasped and we turned to my mum. She was to busy staring at our visiter but when she turned round to us she just shrugged.

"Oh come on you were all thinking it." We continued to stare but then after consideration we all just shrugged and murmered in agreement.

"Uh,Miss Aphrodite-" I began.

"With no offence intended -." Annabeth continued

"But no-one likes you." Thalia finnished, her arms crossed. Aphrodite let out a light laugh that made me feel like I was flying, it was like when Annabeth kissed me, only this felt artificial like watching Barry Scott try to promote his cleaning spray, no matter how good it sounds I can't believe it.

"Eyes up boys." Well that was embarrasing. Annabeth stomped on one of my feet (SHE WAS WEARING HEELS!) and Thalia stomped on the other.

"I was talking to you two aswell, I know your happily married don't ruin it." OH MY GODS! I think I'm actually going to be sick. Paul was w-w-as checking Aphrodite o- you know what I can't even finish that sentence it's just to weird.

"Oh Thalia don't you look lovely, you know don't listen to a word Drew says." Aphrodite was abruptly interupted by Annabeth.

"Don't worry noone listens to Drew for fear of their brain actually melting." She slowed down the last part and cringed.

"Oh and Annabeth what a lovely dress, but didn't we talk about shorter items of clothing, you know what I always say 'If you've got it-"

"LA LA LA LA LA I can't hear you." Thalia screamed her hands cupping her hands over her ears and Annabeth covered mine.

"Oh I'm sorry, you must be Paul's nephews." She smiled and Josh and Seth. Probably wasn't the smartest idea for the most beautiful being to grace the earth, to smile at two hormonal teenage boys.

"DU-uh-uh du-uh-uh." Josh stuttered looking a bit bellow Aphrodite's face for it to be innocent.

"Your HOT" Seth's jaw looked like it had extended an extra inch and he looked like he was about to start drooling. Aphrodite laughed again.

"Oh darling, I know."


"Are you sure you don't want some chicken." My mother asked with no enthusyasm. We were all sat back down in the kithcen, Thalia's thumb was hovering over her bracelet and Annabeth was gripping her minimized dagger in one hand and I held her other.

"I-I still feel like we should adress the problem that arose before y-your visiter arrived." Gwen filled the akward void of silence that settled into the kitchen. I sighed and watched as Aphrodite sharply stopped filing her nails with a sparkly pink nail file.

"What! A problem with percabeth no! Your uncle promised I'd be the one to make you want to kill youselves over you love life." Aphrodite pouted crossing her arms ans slouching in her chair.

"There's no problem." Paul said with the exact same enthusyasm as my mother.

"No problem? That boy is not going to college." Rob exlaimed while trying in vain to tare his eyes away from Aphrodite. Aphrodite smiled again.

"You think that's a problem, what about being turned into a tree." Thalai muttered so only Annabeth and I could hear.

"Oh it's only problem with his education, for a secon I thought we had serious problem. I mean we wouldn't want to have to deliberately start another war just to get you two closer together."

"What?!" Lucy gasped.

"Nothing, she's mentaly challenged." Annabeth began, Lucy raised an eyebrow "And drunk." This seemed to convince Lucy.

"Thanks a lot Annabeth." Aphrodite went back to filing her nails.

"Hey, she did you a favour." I deffended Annabeth wrapping my arm around her shoulders, she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I just love that you two are always there for each other, even when your arguing you make up just like that." She clicked her fingers "I remember when you two were fighting about Annabeth's brother, and then Percy just kissed you and you forgot all about it, infact if I remember correctly that was the first time you tw-"

"DUDE! Shut up! Uh uh uh." Thalia was making vommiting gestures. Annabeth's eyes were closed tightly ,she'd pursed her lips and her cheeks flushed a deep red. I looked across to my parents. Paul was suddenly very interested in his salad and my mother looked shockingly pale.

"Infact I think I have some photos." Aphrodite started sorting through her yellow Prada bag.

"oh my gods." Annabeth whispered into my shirt.

"No, that's Jiper, Caleo, Oh that's a lovely one of Thaluke."

"WAIT WHAT!" Annabeth and Thalia screamed. Annabeth sat up hitting my chin in the proccess.

"Ow." I whined.

"OH MAN UP!" They both snapped.

"What do you mean you have a photo of Luke and Thalia?" Annabeth asked.

"She probably just has a nomal picture." Thalia stressed glaring at Aphrodite.

"She's who she is why would she be carying around normal photo of you and Luke." I was the only thing inbertween Annabeth and Thalia and I think I'd rather be anywhere else besides that place right now. I knew that I'd be killing myself if I tried to talk but I was so confused.

"Define normal." I piped in.

"SHUT UP!" yep I saw that one coming.


Annabeth had slipped one of my Goode hoodies over her dress and had taken of her heels. Her head was on my lap and we'd snuggled up on the couch to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Thalia sat, curled up on the opposite arm chair. My mum and Paul had gone to bed.

Paul's family must have snuck out after Annabeth's mum arrived. You see Thalia and Annabeth got in a fight about Luke and then Thalia got in a fight with Aphrodite for taking the photo and then I got in a fight with Annabeth about Luke. It turns out Aphrodite called Athena to say we got into a fight. When she got here she tried to kill me and then Piper arrived to warn us about her mum. If I'm being honest I thought it went well, no let me rephrase that, it could have gone worse. But at the end of it I still had my Wise Girl. I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Love you to Seaweed." She whispered.

"Love you to to, to – wait uh dammit." I muttered, Annabeth laughed lightly and snuggled in closer.