A/N thanks so much guys for the support that this story has been getting. Leading the poll for the pairing is still Serena, Dawn is in second and Misty in third. This will be the last chapter to vote for the pairing. There is unlikely to be much romance for a while whoever wins. I have a plan on how to do only one of those three choices so I will have to think on it depending who wins.

Chapter 11

Ash and Serena set off from Lumiose city early much to Serena's displeasure. While they walked Ash talked to Serena about his past travels, with the occasional input from Pikachu. Just as Ash was telling her about his first gym battle with Brock there was a screeching of tires on the road ahead. The pair look up to see a jeep driving right for them.

"There's someone following Ash mutters." Serena tried to make out who Ash was referring too. Ash reached down to his belt, "It's officer Jenny." Serena said

With that he brought out a Pokémon, "Kingler crab hammer the jeep."

The huge crab Pokémon appeared right in front of the jeep and slammed his right claw into the bonnet. There was a cry of pain from inside the jeep as it sharply came to a halt.

Ash pulled out another Pokéball and called out Floatzel. As a man got out of the door he came eye to eye with Ash. He gritted his teeth and reached down to his Pokéball belt. There was a blur of movement and the man looked down to see his pokaballs sent flying from his belt. He followed the blur only to see Pikachu reappear on Ash's shoulder. There was another screech as officer Jenny skidded to a halt. She got off her bike and walked over to them.

She walked straight over to the man who was gaping at Ash. She turned him and clicked handcuffs on him, "I'm placing you under arrest Dolan for repeated illegal capture and smuggling of Pokémon."

After having placed him safely in the passenger carriage on her bike she turned to Ash, "Thank you young man, that was some quick thinking."

"No problem Officer, I'm happy to help out."

"Thank you too young lady," the officer said to Serena.

"Ohh," Serena said slightly embarrassed, "I didn't really do anything."

"Nonsense, you recognised Officer Jenny." Ash said.

Serena gave Ash a smile. "Anyway, thanks again you two," Officer Jenny said, "I've got to get this guy to the police station."

"What about the jeep?" Ash asked.

"I'll have someone pick it up later." Jenny replied. Ash nodded his understanding and started to walk down the path once again.

Serena glanced back at officer Jenny who was getting on her bike, waved and walked after Ash.

Line break

The two stopped for the night and Ash exchanged some of his older Pokémon around. As Serena settled down on the floor with Fennekin Ash suddenly froze.

Froakie was the first to react and he sent his water gun attack towards a tree. There was a blur of blue and a larger Pokémon much like Froakie appeared and deflected the attack with one of its own. A person in ninja clothing seemingly materialised out of the tree.

"Your observation skills are very impressive." He said to Ash.

Ash gave him a terse smile, "Why were you spying on us?

The ninja gave a nervous chuckle, "Frogadier saw your Froakie, and wanted to watch. We see a lot of Froakie round here but none of them are on the level of yours." The ninja's Frogadier gave a cry of agreement. "I'm Sanpei by the way."

"Ash, and that's Serena." Ash replied gesturing to Serena, who gave Senpei a wave.

"So, if you think my Froakie is impressive, would you care for a battle." Ash challenged.

"You bet." Sanpei responded eagerly. Ash glanced at Froakie who dashed in front of his trainer. Frogadier did the same in front of Sanpei.

"Shall we start?" Ash asked.

Sanpei didn't answer he just said, "Frogadier use quick attack."

"Froakie counter with double team."

Frogadier stopped his movement unsure of which image to attack.

"Froakie use your frubbles to attack." Froakie threw his frubbles at it's evolution. Frogadier immediately located the other Pokémon and launched his quick attack. Frogadier landed the hit but fazed straight through the image.

"Froakie use smack down," a rock was shot from another image and brought Frogadier down. "Finish with pound."

Sanpei looked in shock as Frogadier couldn't get up. "How….." he paused, "How did he not get hit by quick attack?"

Ash smiled, "He used his frubbles to blind Frogadier momentarily. He then switched with another image. Frogadier didn't notice and attacked the wrong one."

"Wow, that's impressive." Sanpei returned his Frogadier, "How is his pound so powerful?"

Ash pulled out another Pokéball, "This isn't down to me, this is because of this Pokémon's training. Go Sceptile."

Sceptile appeared in a flash of light. He glanced around the people present giving a nod to Ash and Pikachu. "Sceptile is one of my strongest Pokémon, but he prefers not to use hugely powerful flashy moves." Sceptile nodded in agreement. He then walked over to Froakie and the two of them started an exchange. "Sceptile has really taken Froakie under his wing." Ash said with a slight smile on his face.

"Could I have a battle with Sceptile?" Sanpei asked.

"Uhhh, I guess."

"Sceptile is really strong," Serena chipped in with.

"Don't worry I have just the Pokémon." Sanpei replied confidently. "Greninja come on out." The ninja Pokémon glanced around the clearing.

"Sceptile, you have an opponent," Ash said. Immediately Sceptile was at Ash's side.

"Greninja use ice beam."

Ash just watched as Sceptile dodged it by himself and used bullet seed to pepper his opponent.

"Greninja quick attack." Sceptile me him head on with pound and Greninja was sent flying back.

"Greninja, night slash." Sceptile countered the slash with one leaf blade and slammed Greninja with the other one in an upper cut. Greninha was sent flying back again landing heavily. Sceptile then jumped after the Pokémon. He slammed down on the Greninja with leaf blade knocking it out cold.

Sanpei looked on in silence at his comatose Pokémon, "I told you he was strong." Serena said helpfully trying not to laugh.

Ash walked up to Sanpei watching as Sceptile walked back over to Froakie, "That was a good battle, Greninja is really strong."

"But….but I made it to the victory tournament in the kalos league the last two years and Greninja is my ace."

Ash gave a short laugh, "I won the Unova league last year and Sceptile stood toe to toe with Cynthia's mega Lucario." Sanpei's eyes bugged out at that information.

"How didn't I recognise you? You're Ash Ketchum aren't you?"

"Uhhhh, yeah." Ash replied slightly embarrassed. "That's me."

"People say you'll be the next kalos league victor."

"Okay…. I thought I had a relatively low profile in Kalos."

"You did, until the Meganite tournament. Though even now not many people could point you out. Most people just know your name.

"That's something I guess." Ash muttered.

"Ash isn't too keep on huge amounts of publicity," Serena filled in, "he says it gets in the way of travelling."

"That's one of the reasons I came to Kalos, I'm pretty unknown here." Ash added.

Sanpei nodded his understanding. "So where are you planning on heading off to now?"

"We're heading to Cyllage city for a gym badge."

"Makes sense, he's a rock type trainer if you wanted to know." Sanpei said.

"Thanks," there was a second of silence, "do you want to join us to eat?" Ash asked.

Line break

Ash and Serena stared up at the huge chateau. "What did you say it was called?" Ash asked.

"I think it's called the battle Chateau." Serena said, "It's where people battle….."

"Are you planning on battling?" Ash asked, "You've been progressing well."

"I don't know Ash," She said, "I'm not that good."

Ash gave her a trademark smile and jokily said, "That's because you have to compare to me." Serena laughed, but then Ash said seriously, "You'll never know how good you are, or if battling is the thing for you unless you try it."

"I guess so."

"I know so." Ash replied with a smirk. "Let's go."

Ash walked through the front door with Serena in tow behind. They walked up to what looked like a reception. "How can I help you?"

"We're here to battle….." Ash said awkwardly.

There was a crash as the doors to the main building were slammed open. out stormed Callum. The person following brought a smile to Ash's face, "Paul."

A/N There we go. That was mainly just a filler chapter, not too much happened…. I realised that I hadn't really done much with Serena and I'm not a hundred percent sure what she is going to be doing. What do you think of Paul returning, he was my personal favourite rival along with Gary so I kinda had to bring him in. There will be more old friends returning in this story so you can look forward to that.

Thanks for reading and this is HCS signing off.