So, I'm re writing Forgotten World, with editing, changing the course of the plot line slightly, filling in plot holes. So here it is! Hope you like it!


"Stay here, ok? I'm just going to the grocery for five minutes, and I'll be back with chocolate, ok?" Jocelyn Fray said nervously to six year old Clare who was gazing at the giant teddy bear at the toy store, who waved a small hand dismissively, nose still pressed against the glass. Five minutes later she turned around.

"Mum? Hey, where dya go?" she said timidly. She wondered around the mall, and soon found herself in a back alley. She sat down miserabley on the ground, sniffing back tears. Then she heard a snuffling sound and a grotesque creature emerged from the bins. Looking like an overgrown slug, the creature oozed it"s way toward the cowering Clare. It clicked it's massive teeth. Clare backed away, mortified. She tripped over a bin, screaming as she fell to the ground, and everything turned black.

Maryse Lightwood was out demon hunting. She was strolling down the streets as she dodged bustling mundanes. Suddenly, a high pitched scream pierced through the chatter of the crowd, and her head snapped up. A couple of mundanes turned there heads, but turned back to their business again. With surprising agility for a women her age leapt toward the scream, cursing as the red pendant around hr neck began pulsing. She landed with a thud on the concrete of the alley, greeted with the sight of a Behemoth demon towering over an unconscious child.

"This is fantastic," she muttered sarcastically. She covered the distance with the demon with one leap and preceded to give a flurry of blows with her seraph blade, slinging the little girl over her shoulder and sprinting back to the Institute.

Light. Lots of light. And a voice.

"Hey Sleepin Beauty," a loud voice said. A grinning face surrounded with long black hair, "I'm Isabelle Lightwood. Who"re you? Mummy found you in an alley with a demon." Clare frowned.

"Demon? What are you talking about? There"s no such thing as demons," she said. Isabelle tossed her hair.

"Sure there are. Only mundanes don't know about demons," she scoffed, "That"s what we do. We're Shadowhunters. We kill them. You"re one of us now." Shadowhunters? Mundanes? What was she talking about?

"Anyways, who are you? Watcha name?" Isabelle continued.

"I…I don't know," Clare said, confused.

"Oookaaaay….Watcha name?" she said. Clare"s face cleared.

"I'm Clare." Isabelle grinned mischievously.

"Correction. Your Clare Lightwood." Clare smiled.

"I guess I am."

Yeah…this is pretty much the same…anyways.

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- Talia .