I know these are short and not my best work, but this is mostly about me getting back into the habit and trying to renew my Reviews addiction to keep me going, so please be patient with me.

Chapter 2

Ten minutes had passed now, and Leonard was still standing in the hallway like a statue with his brow furrowed in concentration. Or maybe it was the effort not to concentrate. He wasn't sure. He did know that his bladder was beginning to call for attention and he was beginning to feel the tingle that would signal a migraine by the evening. He could knock. But one did not do that when a tie was hanging on the door. And he lived there for crying out loud! He briefly thought about going next door to use the toilet and sit down to think for a while, but the key to Penny's was in the dish on the other side of the door. Although things were going well, it seemed presumptuous to carry it permanently on his key ring, and Sheldon already bitched periodically about how Leonard looked like a warden with as many keys as he carried now. The problem of getting to it should not have been an issue.

A few people had passed through the stairwell as Leonard stood there. No one said anything. The obvious fact that there was a problem was enough for his fellow residents not to want risk getting involved without being asked. Leonard faintly registered the sound of footsteps increasing in speed as they passed him by, but took no notice of them consciously until one did deliberately call for his attention.

"Hey, Leonard. What are you doing here?" Leonard started and turned towards the unexpected voice at his elbos. Of all the people it could have been, Wil Wheaton was definitely the last he'd have expected.

"Me? I live here."

"Doesn't look like it," Wil said skeptically. "Why are you just standing out here?"

"I… What are you doing here?"

"It's a little embarrassing actually, but Sheldon asked me to…" then Wil noticed the tie and trailed off. They looked at eachother awkwardly for a moment, but just as Wil opened his mouth to continue, the door was suddenly opened from within.

"I knew I heard you! Wil, get in here! You're late and Amy's been ready for…" Sheldon stopped as he registered Leonard's presence and shut the door behind him quickly, although Leonard was still too confused (frightened?) to have taken the opportunity to look past him. Now Sheldon was scowling at Leonard as if he were an unwelcome guest instead of his best friend-slash-roommate, and his next words confirmed the impression. "What are you doing here?"