Well guys here is another story a new Yu-gi-oh story. This story is not a rewrite of one of my other stories. I want you the viewers and readers to see the big difference in social class. With that said you should know the main concept of the story but love is more powerful than dumb social class rules if it's strong enough to overcome.

Atem: I can see that you put it an adventure/romance while it should be a drama/romance.

Me: Don't worry I know what I'm doing this is actually an adventure/drama/romance one but mostly a story I thought with you and me.

Atem: I get it but I can't wait to see how this story will turn out (I hope she knows what she doing).

Prologue: The Social Class of Egypt

In some of the kingdoms they all have a social class and Egypt is no exception.

The social class is a guide line of where to put people after they were born. If the social class was to be drawn then it would look like a triangle or a pyramid. In most all European countries they're all the same but we're not in Europe are we no we're in Egypt or more importantly Ancient Egypt. In Egypt they do their social class a little different but all in all it's the same as the Europeans just with different words.

There is a big difference in the social class of Egypt especially between all the people in the kingdom. Let us start with how the social class is made up. From the bottom to the top is how will start so the bottom of the pyramid is the slaves/servants, in the middle is the peasants or the majority of the kingdom is the towns people. Next is the nobles the people who have high status in the palace and finally the royalty of the area but more importantly the pharaoh, the queen, and the prince.

When the kingdom of Egypt was starting with the first pharaoh the kingdom didn't have the social class. Any of the nobles didn't have to marry other nobles people could fall in love with anyone they wish. According to people letters from this it was glorious not having rules to follow for your class it was peace for them. By the time the fifth pharaoh was in power he went to Europe one day and saw why they were so different.

He visited a king to one of the kingdoms in Europe and ask a question to him.

"Milord I ask of you but why do you have something called a social class" he said then ask?

"Well pharaoh the social class is to divide the people from the lower, middle, and high class to keep the kingdom in order" the king said.

"Are there any rules to this you know like are there some exceptions" he said.

"My pharaoh yes there is you need to make sure that the nobles marry in the high class" the king said.

"What about if the noble loves someone very much and not from the high class" he ask?

"Who cares no one should do that a noble marry a slave or a peasant it sounds so silly and who cares if they love each other very much it's to make their family proud like I did" the king said.

The pharaoh look at the king with wide eyes trying not to believe what he just heard. The pharaoh had always been taught that if you love someone especially very much that fate or destiny as we call it had a purpose for you two, the lovers. The pharaoh got up and went back to his kingdom all though he didn't like the rules the pharaoh still put the social class in. when the change happen anyone who was already married didn't have to separate.

The fifth pharaoh before he pass into death he had a dream.


The pharaoh was in a distant time that he knew for sure but when in the time he didn't know. He look around the vast time and he saw that it was his kingdom, Egypt and everyone was living within the social class under the reign of that pharaoh.

The pharaoh saw the son of the pharaoh in that time and what was weird he saw the son clearly. The son look like he was a teen around the age of 14 so barely a teen in his eyes. He saw that a girl was with him who look like a peasant or a slave with her light brown hair that went to her shoulders. By the looks on both of them they were friend's actually best friends for that matter.

The pharaoh ask himself 'doesn't that girl know that man is the prince.' Then he look at the eyes of the prince and it was filled with guilt meaning he didn't say anything yet. Not only did he see friendship but love as well was staring to bloom between the two. He saw a line between the two of them that no one else saw and he was also taught only specific people are chosen by the Gods of Egypt can see the line of fate.

Then he eyes went wide the two in the front of him were destined to be together by fate the Gods had a plan for them. He saw the prince's eye soften to a loving one and he saw his lips and could clearly make out the words. The prince said the following saying.

"I need to tell you something important Dawn and well I'm the prince of Egypt."

The girl who he called Dawn her eyes went wide the feeling she was anger, but mostly shock. Then Dawn started to back away slowly until she hit a wall breathing in and out very hard. The prince came over to her and all he could heard her say was this.

"I…I…I can't be friends with you Atem or should I say prince, I'm mad at you for not telling me but sad because you're the only friend I made" said Dawn.

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything but nothing will happen we'll always be friends" said the prince known as Atem.



"Are you sure we won't get caught" said Dawn.

"No we won't I don't know if it is totoo early but I have feelings for you Dawn" said Atem started to show some slight pink on his face.

"You have feeling for me" said Dawn!

"Yes I do I like you very much" said Atem. End.

The pharaoh woke up from his dream and got some paper and wrote it down telling anyone who should read it that the barrier of the social class will be broken by a forbidden love between a peasant girl and the prince of Egypt during one of the reign of the pharaoh. He also told anyone who should read it not separate them the two lovers they're tied by the line of fate so don't do anything because if you do then you'll angry the Gods of Egypt.

So anyone who should read this hear my warning don't separate the lovers of Prince Atem and the peasant named Dawn because if you do then I wish you all the luck my friend.

The seventh pharaoh was reading his writings and put a smile on his face not only did he break the barrier but his son will to and he'll make sure nobody will interfere with their destiny.

Yes from the fifth to the seventh pharaoh they all knew about the fate of the prince and the peasant this is a tale of a forbidden love story that will be told for the generations to come or so I say the God of Gods, Horus.

Was it good, bad I what you to tell me what you think but be nice about the reviews if you write a flame.

Atem: Why are you doubting yourself?

Me: Because Atem I'm still not a good writer.

Atem: Dawn please you're a great write I know because I'm in most of them.

Me: Thank-you but what about reviews.

Atem: The reviews help you out now Dawn doesn't own Yu-gi-oh! only herself.

Me: I hope that you like this and until the next chapter farewell my lovely people.

Both: BYE!