Okay guys, I am so sorry for not updating quick enough. This chapter was really hard to write, but that is no excuse. I'm REALLY sorry! *hands you a cookie* Forgive me?

ALRIGHT, keep in mind that I haven't ever been pregnant and that I've been trying my best to research. If I make a mistake, please let me know, but DON'T BE RUDE. *glares at you, holding a pitchfork*

Anyways, go on and read!xx

Jason's POV

"Babe, wake up!" a familiar voice said.

I groaned, not opening my eyes to see who it was. I already knew anyway. I turned around and tried to find some peace in my sleep.

"Jason! Come on!"

I didn't budge.

"Jason, come on. Wake up!" My breaking point was when she poked my cheek.

Oh fuck no. No one pokes me or touches me while I'm trying to get some fucking sleep.

I grabbed her finger and opened my eyes. I saw her and growled, "Don't fucking touch me."

Reyna rolled her eyes. "You weren't waking up. And I did a lot more than just touching you last night."

"So? I'm trying to sleep!"

"It's time to go to school!"

"You think I give a shit? Get lost, Reyna. I told you. We only have one sort of relationship between us. We aren't dating and we aren't friends."

"So I'm supposed to stay as your sex buddy for the rest of my life?"

"We had an agreement. We can break this off whenever we want to. You're the one making booty calls at two in the fucking morning. And now you expect me to wake up and go to school?"

"You stay out later than that!"

"Well, yeah, but even then I don't go to school!"

"You're a jerk, you know that?" Reyna tells me, rolling her eyes again, getting up. She still hasn't put any clothes on and is fully naked. I check her out.

I won't lie, Reyna does have a nice body and figure. But last night, while I was banging Reyna, I kept thinking of that fucking girl.

I kept thinking of Piper.

Her smooth, dark skin. Her silky, soft hair. Her round curves, yet lean body. Her colorful eyes and her full lips. That birthmark she had on her hip, and those stretch marks on her thigh, which I could tell she hated, because of her constant covering up of those marks with her hand, but I couldn't stop tracing them that night...

What the hell am I thinking?

Piper might be hot as hell, but she's a prude. I mean, literally, those jeans and her loose t-shirts hide her figure so well, that you'd think that she had a body the shape of a potato sack.

But somehow, I like that. I like how conservative she is. She doesn't care about her clothes or outward appearances. I don't know why, but I like that. I very much like knowing that I'm the only guy she slept with and who has seen her killer curves-

I'm fucking losing it.

"Reyna, you up for round two?" I find myself asking. I need to get Penelope out of my mind.

Reyna scoffed and rolled her eyes before slipping a shirt over her head. "No way. Sorry, Jason, I actually care about my grades. Have fun slacking off at home.

"You're a loser," I groan.

"And you're a dick. What else is new?" she shoots back. After slipping on her jeans, she goes inside the restroom. After about ten minutes, she comes out and turns around to frown at me, her hand on the doorknob. "Jason, you know I'm always here if you ever wanna talk, right?"

"What would I talk about?"

"Look, if you ever want to tell me or talk about your mom and dad, or maybe Thalia-"

"Don't. Ever. Say her name," I interrupt, glaring at Reyna, all signs of teasing gone from my face. No one ever brings up my family.

Reyna sighs. "Jason, I've known you since the 6th grade. You and I have been friends before we started fucking each other. I'm just saying, I'm always here."

"Go away. You're late for class. I'll leave in a few minutes," I mumble, not bothering to look at her.

"Jason, I can tell that something is stressing you out right now. Just tell me. I can help you."

"It's not about my fucking family! It's something else."

Reyna sighs. "Fine. I'm leaving. Bye Jason."


She turns and walks out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

I sigh and bury my face into the pillow.

My whole life is a mess.

I'm a mess.

It's been ten days since I've talked to Piper on the phone.

Ten days.

I know that I told her I didn't want any responsibility of the baby, but couldn't she have at least called to tell me if she actually was pregnant or not? And if she was, how was the baby?

I don't know why I want to know so bad. I just...I guess I'm curious.

I mean, the baby does share my blood, right?

It's gotta be a sexy baby.

I smile into my pillow, thinking of a miniature version of me. Would he look like me? Would he also be a player or would he be one of the nice kids who I always pick on? Would he ever get into a fistfight or kiss a girl or have sex or get married or have kids of his own?

What if it was a girl? Would she look like Piper? Would she have a bunch of boyfriends who I'd have to scare off or would she say no to every guy who approached her? Would she like stuff that normal girls do or would she be a tomboy? Would she stay a virgin until she got married or-


My smile quickly disappears, thinking of how I would feel if a daughter of mine had sex before marriage and got pregnant. I would be disappointed. Angry. Sad.

I can't imagine what Piper must be going through.

She doesn't have anyone to support her. I don't know if her parents are still alive or whatever, and if they know or not. She doesn't even have the father of the baby to support her.

Fuck. The guilt is seeping through me.

It doesn't matter, I try to convince myself. She's just another dumbass who had sex with me. Just because she's pregnant, it doesn't mean I have to go all soft on her. I don't care, right? It's just a baby. And babies aren't my thing anyway.

No matter how much that small voice in my head tells me that I do care.

No girl or child will bring down these walls of mine that I have built around myself. No one.

Piper's POV

"You know what I'm craving?" I ask my roommate.

Lacy sighs. "What do you want, Piper?"



"And donuts."

She wrinkles her nose. "Pickles and donuts?"

"Glazed donuts."

"Piper, that's disgusting."

I scoff. "No it's not. I want dill pickles and glazed donuts, is that too much to ask?!"

"I am NOT looking forward to pregnancy," Lacy mutters. "Alright, fine. I'm gonna go pick up some donuts and pickles from the grocery store. Meanwhile, try NOT to throw up again."

I glare at her. "Hey! It's not that bad!"

"Seriously Piper, your puke is disgusting."

"Go get the damn donuts and pickles."


She takes the keys and grabs her purse from the room. "Bye, Piper! Call me if you need anything!" she calls while she wears her shoes.

"Bye, Lacy!" I hear the door shut and close my eyes, leaning on the couch.

Being pregnant kinda sucks but it's kinda fun too to have everyone doing favors for you.

Oh god, I really want to stuff my face with pickles and donuts right now.

I decide to put on a movie for myself to watch and keep watching when suddenly, the doorbell rings. I groan and pause the movie and walk up to the door to answer it.

"Who is it?" I call.

"Open the fucking door, I'm not a robber."

What the..Jason. I glare at the door angrily. "Go away, Jason. I am not in the mood to talk to you."

"Just open the damn door, Penelope."

"Stop calling me Penelope!"

"Will you fucking open the door?!"

I clench my fists and open the door to see Jason standing there with a ticked off look on his face. "What do you want?!" I snap.

"Can I fucking come in?"

"Do you have an obsession with the word 'fucking'?"

"It's not just the word I'm obsessed with. Now let me in, or I'm coming in myself."

"I will call the cops if you dare-"

"Go ahead. It's not like I haven't met them before." He shoves past me and walks into my dorm. My jaw drops as he stomps over to the couch and takes my spot.

That little...

"Get out!" I shout.

"Stop yelling." Jason rolls his eyes. "Come sit next to me."

"You need to get out of my dorm RIGHT NOW, or I'll-"

"I said, come sit next to me, Piper. And stop screaming. You know stress can cause miscarriages, right?"

I glare at him. "You're the reason I'm stressed!"

"Just. Sit. Down."

I clench my fists and slam the door shut and walk over to the couch, taking the spot furthest from him. "Why are you here?" I demand.

"Let's talk a bit, Penelope."

"If you call me that ONE MORE TIME, I'll-"

"Chill out."

I glare at him. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Well, first of all, how's the baby?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because that's my child."

"And again, why do you care?"

"Just answer me."

"MY child is perfectly fine, thank you very much."

Jason sighs, running a hand through his perfectly soft hair. I can feel my hormones stirring. Ugh, this would be so much easier if he wasn't so hot.

"Look, Piper, we need to talk about...all of this."

I cross my arms. "Fine. What do you want to talk about?"

"Well, you're pregnant for sure, right?"

I roll my eyes. "Didn't I just say that my child was perfectly fine?"

He ignores my retort. "Anyways, I'll admit, last time I acted like a dick. And I said some stuff which I didn't mean. I guess...I'm not ready to be a father. I never planned on having any kids, or getting married or all that shit. My history with my parents isn't that great. How was I going to be one?"

My curiosity takes the best of me. "What happened with your parents?"

He clenches his jaw. "That's none of your business."


"Fine. Go on."

"Anyway, I decided that I should at least try to be a parent. I mean, I don't want my son or daughter to grow up thinking that I never tried."

"So you'll accept the child as your own?"

"I...yeah. I guess that's what I'll do."

I took a deep breath. "Okay, fine. I'm giving you one chance, and ONLY once chance. Screw this up, and you'll never be able to meet my son or daughter."

"Deal." He holds his hand out for us to shake. I reluctantly take it and shake his hand, widening my eyes as a shot of electricity passes through me. Did he feel it too or...?

"Alright, I'm gonna go now. When's your next doctor's appointment?" he asks, getting up.

I get up along as well. "Um, Monday. After my classes."

"Alright, call me and we'll drive there."


Jason hesitates for a second before saying, "Take care, okay? Don't stress too much. Bye."

With that, he left my dorm, leaving me confused and still craving for pickles and donuts.

On Monday, I was stressing the whole day. Would Jason actually keep his word and show up to my appointment?

He wouldn't.

I mean, he's only known me for a couple of weeks. And I was probably just one of the many girls he's knocked up. He probably just wants to fool around with me some more. He told me he didn't want the baby. And all of a sudden, he's changed his mind? Yeah, right.

So I was definitely surprised when he showed up outside my dorm door right on time.

"Piper? Ready to go?" he asked, when I answered the door.

I stared at Jason blankly. He remembered? He ACTUALLY remembered?

Jason snapped his fingers in my face, causing me to blink rapidly. "Piper? Hello?"

"Oh, yeah, right. Um, let's go." I quickly grab my bag and shout out a quick goodbye to Lacy before we head out to his car.


Question of the Chapter: What's your favorite junk food? Mine: ICE CREAM, FRIES, CHIPS, COOKIES, CHOCOLATE, ETC.

