The Unknown

So this is my second story and it's aBella/Sam story where Bella is a badass hybrid. like last time I own nothing it's all Stephanie Meyers I'm just tweaking it a bit.

Prolog Chap 1

Isabella Swan looked like a normal 16 year old teenager on the outside. She was anything but normal hell, she wasn't even completely human. Her mother Renee, married her high school sweet heart Charles Swan right after graduation. They had never discussed having children; it was just implied that the couple would have some after marriage.

As most laid plans go life got in the way. Charlie had become a police officer in the sleepy little town of Forks, Washington where they grew up. As Charlie worked more hours, Renee grew more unhappy in her marriage. After 3 years of marriage in a last stitch effort Charlie took his wife on a second honey-moon to Italy in order to rekindle the romance. Renee had loved Italy. Especially the tour of Volterra. It was there that Renee conceived Isabella.

The couple had decided on another tour of the Volturi castle. This tour would take them thru the castle; not just the main corridor like the one. Charlie was unable to make this tour with his wife since he had an unfortunate run with bad sea food. So he convinced his wife to go without him.

During the tour Renee got separated from her group while wandering around. She came across a large room that looked like an art gallery. There in the middle of the room stood a tall blond haired god. When he heared her gasp he turned to face her. Just that quick Renee forgot she married, she forgot she was on vacation, shit she forgot how to breath. All she could think of was all the sinful things she could do to the blond god.

The god before her introduced him-self as Caius Volturi. A decendent of the original rulers. Renee couldn't help but blush and stutter as she introduced her-self. After a few more compliments, Renee stood bare before the god.

After many hours Renee was leaving the castle. A bit sore but very pleased, she chose not to tell Charlie about her indiscretion.

It had been 3 months since the Swans returned from their honeymoon. Renee realized that she had missed her last 2 periods. She knew instantly that her affair was revealed since they had found out Charlie was in fact infertile. Renee showed her husband the three positive pregnancy test when he got home from work that night. She expecting him to throw her out, to hurl insults, anything but hug her and kiss her.

"Why aren't you mad "Renee couldn't figure why he wasn't furious with her?

"Oh I am; but we always wanted kids. I always wanted kids with you, but since we found out I couldn't give you that. I was waiting for you to leave me. But this baby is a blessing, it's going to need a father. I love you as well as anything that comes from you enough to be that. As long as this was only a one-time thing. Every-one makes mistakes; so what kind of man would I be if I couldn't forgive for yours. Especially since it's giving us this beautiful baby we always wanted" Renee could see the truth and hurt in Charlie's eyes.

"I'm so sorry. It was just that once, I had never even been attracted to any-one else since our senior year. I don't know what happened but I swear I will never be any kind of unfaithful again." Renee vowed

The pregnancy progressed normally other than Renee started to crave her meat more rare then usual. On September 13 1995, Isabella Marie Swan was born. She had light brown hair, and hazel eyes. Renee could have sworn when she looked at her daughter the first time her eyes flashed red.

Isabella had a normal child hood. loving parent, two best friends, Angela Webber, and Jessica Stanley. Isa as her friends and family called her would play with Barbie's like the other little girls, but she could also beat the boys asses in football. She seemed more graceful than the ballet dancer on TV, but stronger and sturdier than the football player her dad watched.

It wasn't until Isa was 8 that she truly realized she was different; so very different. Renee and Charlie had taken Isa to get her picture taken with Santa. She got separated from her parents while on the Seattle streets. Isa had wandered around for half an hour when a man pulled her into the alley way. As she struggled to break free, she bit the hand that he had over her mouth. At the first drop of her assailants blood, Isa felt hungrier then she had ever felt before. As she began to suck she hadn't realized that there was no-more blood coming from the man until she heard her parents calling for her. The problem was she was still in a blood haze as her parents turned the corner where she was. Isa lunged for her father,but just as Isa's feet left the ground a white streak grabbed her.

The male (Peter) stood holding the child in his arms while her parents looked on helpless. When a female joined the group holding an unconscious male and laid it at the child's feet, the small girl wasted no time with her second helping of blood. while Isa finished her prey the two vampires took the time to introduce them-selves to the girl's parents.

"Hello I'm Charlotte this is my mate and husband Peter. We're the Whitlock's"

The beautiful woman in-front of her speaking was enough to snap Renee out of shock, and with her Charlie.

"I'm Renee Swan. This is my husband Charlie, the little girl over there is our daughter Isabella. Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, can you tell us what fuck you did to our daughter."

"Now sug' we didn't do anything to ya babe, so how about you tell us where ya got the girl there. Cause ya ain't makin' a lick a sense." Char was very confused about why and how these people were around an immortal child with-out being eaten.

she looked over to her mate only to see him concentrating on the child as though he had just figured something out. She was still looking at him, when he turned to address the humans.

"She's half human ain't she? How did you survive her birth? all the folk lore say she shoulda' killed you when she was born? How long were you pregnant? Did she hurt you?"

"What the hell are you talking about half human?" Was Charlie's response as he made his way to his little girl huddled in the corner scared out of her mind. "Isa baby come to daddy, we'll take you home and get you cleaned up. I would ask if you wanted to stop at the diner for dinner, but I guess you already ate." Isa laughed at her daddy.

She was so scared he would be mad at her.

"Why don't you follow Charlie and me home so you can explain what the fuck is going on?"

The small group made their way back to forks all lost in their own thoughts. Once at home Isa was cleaned up and put to bed. Peter and Char explained what they were, what Isa was, and finally everything about being a vampire. By the end of the discussion Renee and Charlie had named Pete and Char Isa god parents because after talking to them both couples felt comfortable around the other. The Swan's felt Isa should have someone to confide in about everything that comes with being a hybrid. It was also decided that the Swan's would put a refrigerator in the basement for blood bags so Isa wouldn't have to go out and feed as well as getting blood on a regular schedule. The vampire couple would handle supply and the human couple would handle demand.