Late Night

Hikaru now a days was always tired. She was well into the third term of her pregnancy and it was showing. Even so when she heard the click of the apartment's lock and the door creek open, she was up and struggling to get out of bed to greet her husband.

"Welcome home-"

One glance and she could tell Lantis was upset. He was furiously pulling at his tie; normally it slid away from him with ease and grace in his nimble fingers. Tonight he struggled just to loosen it. "What's wrong with Earth women?" Finally off his neck, he bunched the tie up and threw it to the floor.

Nervously Hikaru asked, "What happened?"

Buttons flew as he all but tore the shirt off of himself. He looked at her with flushed cheeks. "One of them came on to me!" Clearly he was talking about one of his female coworkers. He'd gone to a diner hosted by his company. He had wanted to stay home but she had insisted he go. It wasn't good etiquette she explained. She didn't want him to look bad to the higher ups.

"Eh?!" it was as coherent a response as she could muster.

He held up his left hand, "I have a ring. It means leave me alone doesn't it? Unbelievable!"

Well no, she thought not really. Some women only saw a married man as a challenge. He was handsome and tall and he was quickly climbing the ladder at work, it meant a better status and more money. He was a prize even if he didn't realize it. But he was hers. Other women shouldn't even be looking at him and that one thought sent her stomach twisting as jealousy burned in her. "That bitch. What exactly did she say to you?"

Her beloved's eyes bulged. It wasn't often she swore and it was enough to shake him out of his foul mood. He scratched the back of his head, "I would rather not say."

"Tell me!" His wife-his very pregnant and hormonal wife roared.

There was little in this world or his that could make him flinch, Hikaru was one of them. "She... may have implied that I should go home with her since being so uptight, I must not be getting any at home." He recited the words before he could stop his lips from moving.

He could hear her jaw click from how tightly she gritted her teeth. "I need to hit something."

Lantis all but jumped after her "think of the baby, dear. Please. Calm down. I handled it. I used my scary face you tease me about to get rid of her."

She looked at him, worry in his eyes serious as ever and his words clicked and she smirked. Scary face he says... and then she broke into giggles. She could just imagine that warriors glare of his. A look that promised he would tear someone apart if they didn't get out of his way. It made lesser enemies quake in their boots. That woman, she almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

Lantis cupped her chin and drew her face up to look at him. "Ours is the only bed I want to spend my nights in." He leaned over and kissed her forehead. His hands rested on her shoulders.

"Are you okay with the other stuff though? You haven't been um, getting much lately."

He dropped down on his knees and pushed her night shirt up exposing her belly. He kissed her there and rested his hand waiting to feel the kick. "I believe I've had plenty." Lantis looked up smirking, "At least until this little one pops out. After that," His smile grew, as he wrapped his arms under her bottom. "I would very much like to make another one with you and then another, and another."

Her body rumbled against him as she chuckled. "I think we'll need a bigger apartment."

Lantis rested his chin against her bulge looking up at her. "I was thinking we should get a house built near your family home. Your brothers hate that you live so far away from them."

Hikaru stared down at him. She hadn't expected that. He was ridiculously sensitive to her family and their needs. Perhaps because he had lost all of his over the years. First his father, then mother and then Zagato... he was the only one left. So when her brothers had finally accepted him, welcoming Lantis as part of the family, he really took it to heart.

She wanted to run her fingers through his hair but that would have to wait until he washed out the gel that made his unruly mess of hair presentable for work. "We can't afford that." She reasoned.

He shook his head against her belly. "Not now perhaps but in a few years, even if you don't go back to the veterinary clinic we will be able to get a home built."


He was on his feet and lightly kissing her to silence her protests. "Family should be close to family. Do you disagree?"

"You spoil me too much." She sighed as he guided her to bed.

"Beloved, I haven't spoiled you enough."

Author's Notes: It was supposed to be a one shot but while working on my other stories, this kept popping into my head. I won't be continuing this regularly but I might make it a drabble collection. They would loosely relate to each other probably, whenever an idea strikes me that won't fit in Cross or Never Enough or insert whatever other fictions past and or present that I may work on in the MKR fandom. So I'm going to keep the status for this fic as complete as it is a collection of oneshot/drabbles in which one chapter may not directly relate to a previous chapter.