This chapter's better :P Please review :)

Chapter 7

Clara walked down the street, recalling the past few hours as she walked by the cinema. She thought about how happy she always was with the Doctor, even in times of trouble. It all made sense to her now that she wanted to be more than friends. She felt like an idiot for acting so angrily around River, as if she was a child not getting her way.

She stopped walking and turned around, knowing that she shouldn't have walked away in the first place. The Doctor and River were still in there with the Master and she couldn't help but remember what the Doctor had told her that day in Akhaten. "We don't walk away," he had said.

She made her way back now, quicker than how she had left. She would just have to put up with River because she wasn't going to leave the Doctor.

As she neared the dance club, she heard a crash from within. This startled her a little but she kept going. Instead of bursting in though, she approached with caution, hoping not to be noticed. She opened the door slightly and looked in on what was happening in the room. To her horror she saw two Zygons moving in on the Doctor. Where was River? And the Master?

She noticed a chair standing about a metre away from her and with no hesitation, she picked it up and threw it through the door and at the Zygons. This distracted them for a moment while she signalled for the Doctor to run. He did as he was told and ran towards her.

He grabbed her hand and they ran out of the club and down the street together. "River?" Clara asked as they ran.

"Zygon. So is the Master. If you turn around, you'll notice that they are back in human form and chasing us," the Doctor explained.

"Great." They ran in the direction of the Tardis because it was the safest place to go. They had to weave in and out of people once they got onto the busier road. There was loads of traffic on the road so the Doctor and Clara decided to cross the road by running in between the cars. There were a few shouts and horns pressed but, in the current situation, that didn't really bother them.

Once on the other side of the road, which wasn't that much quieter, they found an alley to turn into. The alley was pretty dark and Clara tripped and fell at one point, but she got up in no time and they kept going. That was until they hit a fence.

"Typical New York alleyway," said Clara.

"I thought you said you'd never been to New York," the Doctor said.

"You always see dark New York alleyways in films, and there always seems to be a fence at the end!" Clara shouted as she shook the fence.

"C'mon, we'll just have to climb," said the Doctor as he started up the fence.

It was a pretty tall fence but they got to the told within a few minutes. The Zygons were on their back though, because they had just reached the fence. The Doctor and Clara jumped down and ran on, not looking back at the Zygons who were struggling up the fence.

Before they knew it, they were standing, panting in front of the Tardis. The Doctor removed his key from his pocket and they both entered quickly. The Doctor locked the door from the inside and ran to the console. Clara followed and they looked into the screen, seeing the Zygons just reaching the Tardis.

"Time to leave, don't you think?" the Doctor said, grinning at Clara.

"Definitely," she said beaming back.

The Doctor pulled the leaver down and the familiar screeching-wailing sound filled the room. They caught one last glimpse of the Master and River's angry faces before the screen went blank. Clara laughed.

"What a day. There's always a lot of running but that's the most I've ever done in one go," Clara said.

The Doctor laughed and then his face went serious. "Clara, I can't tell you how sorry I am about today with River. You must have felt so uncomfortable. I… I feel so bad…"

Clara blushed and looked at her feet, sighing. She bit her thumbnail awkwardly. The Doctor went up to her and cupped her face with one hand. "Look at me," he said. When she did he continued. "Clara, I think we both know how we feel about each other now. I never thought that I would ever say this out loud, but I really really like you. You're brave, you're funny. All this probably sounds very clichéd but it's true."

Clara was smiling now and looking right into his eyes. "Doctor, I'm so sorry that I got so jealous. I should have just accepted it and moved on, but you see, I wouldn't have. My feelings have developed too much now and I just don't want to let you go."

The Doctor stroked her cheek and whispered "Thanks for saving my life," before leaning in and kissing her on the lips. Clara kissed him back like it was meant to be. Perhaps it was meant to be and that's why it felt so right to her. One of the Doctor's hands moved down her back which was what caused Clara to gently break the kiss.

"Let's take this one step at a time, Doctor. I don't want to rush into things. Besides, we have all the time in the universe."

I seriously love the cute Whouffle bits :D I'm narrowing it down to this because I'm probably too young to write Rated M :P Sorry smut lovers :P