Also Titled: The End

Arthur did not begin the trip back to his village until nearly two months had passed. As it turned out there were as many things to do, if not more, after a war as there were when waging war. The first thing Natalia did as Queen of Nockmaar was to officially end the war between her army and the surrounding kingdoms. Peace treaties were signed, lands were rebuild, prisoners released, and other things of that sort.

There was also the sad business of burying comrades. Matthias' body was carried away to be buried in Galadoorn.

"He will be buried in our ancestral vaults," Lukas said tonelessly as the cart carrying away his brother's body drove away with armed guard.

Arthur looked up at him, a little curious but not wanting to pry. Lukas had become almost emotionless after hearing of Matthias' death. "Vaults? Are you from... a noble family then?"

Lukas nodded. "My situation is nearly identical to Natalia's. My brother left no heir so I am now king."

"K-king?!" Arthur slowly put two and two together. "Matthias was… king of Galadoorn?"


"Oh." Arthur looked at the cart again. "He never… acted like a king."

"That's probably why he and I became such good friends," Alfred said quietly, walking up to them. They watched the sad procession for a minute before he choked out, "Dammit, Matt. Why'd you have to go and leave?"

Lukas turned and walked away. "Stupid brother."

After the first week, Natalia ordered that the fortress be emptied. "There are too many bad memories," she said. "There is a castle down in a nice valley. We used to go there during the summer."

The castle in question was old and in need of repair, but now that there was no war to fight the remaining Nockmaar soldiers set to work making it fit to be the new capital of their country. A little magical help from Arthur here and there was greatly appreciated.

A problem arose about a month later when news came that the curse over Tir Asleen had broken due to Ivan's death. Their king's advisor came personally to Natalia's new court and informed her that, just before casting the spell that froze them in stone, Ivan had their king and queen killed, leaving Tir Asleen with no monarch. Alfred, Natalia's pseudo champion, grimaced a little at the accusing tone in the older man's voice.

Natalia, as cool as could be, asked Arthur to come forward with the Lilli. "This child has been appointed by Elizaveta, the Faerie Queen, to be the future ruler of Tir Asleen. I propose that you and your fellow advisors see to the running of your kingdom until she is of proper age to rule."

The man looked down in amazement. Lilli looked back at him and gurgled. He bowed low and said he would gladly accept her offer.

"Who will raise her?" Lukas asked, surprising everyone by appearing in the corner. No one had seen much of him lately, and he seemed reluctant to return to his own kingdom just yet.

Natalia rose from her throne and walked over to Arthur, holding out her hands in a silent question. He gently passed Lilli over to her and Lilli giggled, smiling even more. "If it pleases everyone, I will raise her."

Lukas raised an eyebrow. "She is a special child, and deserves more than to just be handed off to some nursemaid. She needs a mother who can truly care for her."

"I am aware of that," Natala said, her voice turning icy.

"Will you really have time to rebuild your kingdom and raise a child?"

The queen straightened. "I will not be alone, my Prince Consort will help me."

There were gasps and whispers all around the room. Arthur nearly laughed when he saw Alfred turn a deathly white pallor and grip his sword hilt, jealousy written all over his face.

"You are married?" the advisor asked.

Natalia shook her head. "No, but Alfred and I soon will be." Alfred began to make choking sounds.

"Wait a tick, Alfred proposed?" Arthur asked in wonder.

A smile grew across Natalia's face. "No, but I was tired of waiting so I'm telling him now."

"Don't you mean you're asking him now?"


Roderich puffed out his chest from where he and Gilbert were sitting in tiny seats by the throne. "And to zhink zhey have me to zhank for it." Gilbert groaned and facepalmed.

And thus Alfred and Natalia were engaged.

A few days after the wedding Arthur watched the new royal family at breakfast, the small time of calm they had before the day became hectic. Natalia, of course, comported herself with great dignity. Alfred, of course, did not. He chuckled and laughed with Lilli, feeding her bits of bacon (Arthur had been so glad when Natalia had confiscated his black root) and tickling her. There was a sense of… wholeness about the three of them, a wholeness that didn't need or include him.

He smiled, a little bittersweet. His task here was done.

"Natalia, Alfred," he began. They all looked at him. "I think… I think it's time I head home."

Alfred's face fell. "Really?"

Arthur nodded firmly. "Really, I miss my family."

Alfred teared up a bit and looked down. "I'll miss ya, little dude."

Surprised to feel tears pricking at his own eyes, Arthur tried to smile. "I'll miss you too." A memory made him chuckle. "I can still remember you dangling up in that cage… Er, what did you do to get up there?"

Alfred avoided Natalia's inquisitive stare.

Arthur had been expecting a quiet farewell with his few close friends. He had most certainly not expected a grand event with people cheering and lining the path. And yet, there he was, at the gates of the castle with people cheering his name, being presented two white ponies for his travels and many rich gifts from Natalia and Alfred.

Once the noise had died down Lukas walked up to him and handed him a thick book. "Arthur Kirkland, receive this book of magic. You are on your way to becoming a great sorcerer."

"Arthur zhe Sorcerer!" Gilbert shouted, waving his spear.

Roderich wiped a tear from his eye. "You make us proud!"

Natalia knelt down next to him, holding Lilli. Arthur caressed the dear babe's cheek, trying not to choke up. "Goodbye, Lilli Zwingli." He leaned down and kissed her forehead. Lilli gurgled and smiled.

Two hands suddenly lifted Alfred into the air. "Hey!" he shouted. He was set down on the first pony by Alfred, who grinned at him. The warrior then did something unexpected; he held out his hand.

The Nelwyn and Daikini shook hands.

Arthur urged the ponies forward, looking back often to wave.

"Goodbye, Arthur!"


"Come visit us soon, Arthur."

"Yeah! And bring your family, 'kay?"

The cheers continued long after he was out of sight.

The little Nelwyn village was busy, harvesting the hay, wheat, and other crops that were now ripe. The first one to spot Arthur was a Nelwyn who lived at the very outskirts. He took off his hat and waved to him. "Arthur!" He was a little taken aback by the fine clothes he wore.

"Hello, Regan!" Arthur answered, joyful to be nearly home.

"Arthur's back!" someone else called, drawing the attention of most of the small town. The Nelwyns crowded around him in amazement, awed by his ponies, clothes, and just the fact that he was alive.

Heracles ran forward to shake hands, others joined and soon Arthur realized a small parade had formed behind him.

"Arthur!" a familiar face worked their way through the crowd, making Arthur's face light up.

"Tino!" He dismounted and hugged his friend. Someone tapped him on the shoulder and he turned. The High Aldwyn smiled and shook his hand, saying nothing. Arthur grinned back and pulled an apple out of his pocket. He concentrated for a second before throwing it up into the air. There was a small flash and the ruddy apple turned into a dove. The crowd gasped in amazement. There was a yell from the back when a bird dropping landed on Sadiq's face.

Arthur looked around, trying to find three special faces. He looked towards his home at the far end of the village, where three Nelwyns were just coming out.


Francine stopped and stared. Her hair had grown just past her shoulders by now. Peter and Michelle laughed and clapped their hands at the sight of their father. They got to the garden fence and climbed over it, not bothering to unlatch the gate.

"Arthur?" Francine whispered.

Arthur pushed his way through the crowd and ran towards her. "Francine!"

Finally realizing this wasn't some dream, Francine ran to meet him, her skirts flying, easily outstripping her children. "Arthur! Arthur!"

They met halfway, wrapping their arms around each other and sharing a long awaited kiss. Two little bobbins ran up and clung to Arthur's legs.

"Dada, we missed you!"

"And I missed you," Arthur answered, hugging his children and smiling through the tears.

Francine grabbed his free hand with both of hers. "Welcome home, Arthur."

The End.

So that's it… That's the end. Fabulous, wasn't it? I did nothing, thank Viva.

*sniffs* I feel like I'm sending my baby off to college or something.

If this is your baby, what am I? The awkward aunt that's just kinda there and doesn't really do much?... Never mind. Don't answer that. I like to think I actually do something helpful.

You do! I rely on you a lot.

I hope y'all enjoyed this parody. Now, go watch the movie.

Yeah! I suppose I need to see it, too. I must find it!... Or actually write something of my own. So conflicted XD

In any case, thank you all so much for reading and supporting this story. You're reviews and favorites always make my day.

But seriously, go watch the movie.