


Primus looked out at space, watching his children fight. Bloodshed, civil war, destruction, things he never wanted for them. With a soft vent of air, he contemplated how best to help his children. The allspark had been thrown to space with him included in the cube—though he was able to be in multiple places in time. He needed a physical body, something to perform the actions needed to help.

His ex-High Lord Protector was in the wrong. And no matter how much he loved all of his children, he knew that Megatron was as evil as any mech could ever be.

He knew that the cube, and himself included, had landed on a planet with sentient life. Perhaps one day he will take the form of one of the creatures of this planet, and when that happens help his children once and for all.

It was as good of a plan as any, and Primus dreamed of those days he'd be able to.

And so, Primus sat and waited till the day he could help his children.




He doesn't know when exactly he decided to take the form of a human. All he knew is that he knows it is the right time. He acknowledged that he had to have a body that had what some humans called magic. The body would not be able to handle his powers if it didn't have a conduit for it. Magic was the easiest way to go (though, Primus mused, he could also have taken the body of a psychic or a magical creature of some kind.)

Discovering a young wizarding couple who's fetus would end up dying before its birth, and thus did not have a spark (or rather soul as humans would call it) he decided to take the body as his own, and allow the couple to keep their child. His body would not remember who he was, at least not until he was older and able to handle the information stored within his spark.

Nestling down deep into the body of the young child, Primus slept until the time he would wake up.




Lily and James Potter knew their son, Harry, was different. For one, a couple months after he was born his normal baby blue eyes changed color. Now this wouldn't be so shocking if they didn't change to gold. An unnatural color, that even James, with knowing which magical creatures were in his bloodline, was confused about. Gold was an unheard from color, the closest being Amber, which was the color of werewolves.

Another weird thing was that ever since they had bought the child toys meant to stimulate building and logic he completed them quickly, too quickly to me natural. Lily speculated that their child might be a genius.

Harry also almost seemed to be talking, or rather baby talking, with what little electronics they had around their house as if he could understand them.

Despite all these weird happenings going on, they loved their son all the same, especially after the almost miscarriage. Their son was their son, and they'd love him no matter who or what he was.

It was too bad that they would not be able to show that love to him, after October 31st.

As it were, destiny had a way of working. Had the body of young Harry Potter kept its original soul, he would have grown up to be one of the most powerful wizards of his day going on to be the Master of Death, thus his body even so young was destined for greatness. Primus did not factors this in, believing that the body would not be able to handle the information so young and readily.

So when Voldemort came to his house that late October night, and when he was hit with the killing curse, something triggered in him. A golden shield of light, filled with numbers and codes, blocked the curse. But the backlash of using such power caused the child to begin his transformation.

And thus, Primus—live giver of Cybertron—was born anew.

AN: idk if I'm going to continue this story if it gets enough attention I'm willing too. But here is the prologue.

Harry Potter as a reborn Primus. This circumstance is a little different. Primus as a god is able to be in multiple places as once, thus he exists as himself, his mech self, but also as Harry and his human self. Harry as Primus has the power to give life to electronics so expect some oc children. Also I'm going to try and NOT make this an OP harry as basically Harry IS his own person not just Primus. Primus is like a being in the back of his mind basically lol.