Hello guys! This is my first ever SasuNaru book I've ever written so please be patient with me. I'm new to this website but I'm getting a hang of it :D Please review, favorite and follow! It will mean a lot to me! :) Thank you.

Warnings: boyxboy, yaoi, contains lemon and lime in the future chapters. Naruto is a bit of an Uke on here - ok maybe more than a bit.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Sasuke owns Naruto. Hehe.

Ever since Naruto was young the Third Hokage called one of the ANBU Back Op ninjas to take care of him. Not only because he was young but also because Naruto possessed the Nine Tails inside him. It was the most powerful out of all the jinjuriki.

If it was ever going to take over Naruto's body, Yamato was there to help him out. He was counted as his mother while Kakashi Sensei was counted as his father.

Yamato couldn't take care of Naruto himself so Kakashi had offered to help him out with the money since he came from a rich family. Yamato was pissed that Kakashi thought he could just say he was the woman in this 'relationship'.

Now Naruto was used to always being around them. He counted them as his real family. They took care of him when he fell down, and they were there for when he was bullied in the Ninja academy. He was always looked and labeled as a monster so he barely made any friends.

He did have a boyfriend when he was in the Academy, his name was Kiba. He carried a small pup around that Naruto loved so much. But they had to break up because the kids in school found out about their relationship and bullied Kiba for even being near Naruto.

Kiba's parents had also found out and told the Hokage to take Naruto out of the Academy, so since then Naruto was home schooled by Kakashi and Yamato.

It wasn't something he hated. No, it was the opposite. He learned lots of techniques from both of them.

That's why he was upset when Yamato had told him he was going to a Private High School Ninja Academy. It costs a lot to get in that academy so Naruto didn't know how they did it. It was probably Kakashi's money they spent. He didn't want him to waste any money because of him.

"No, no way." Naruto shook his head and put his chopsticks down on the table, and across from them he could see Kakashi glance over at Yamato's way.

"Look Naruto," he said, "Kakashi already put you in it so you can't say no, and..." He smiled, "We are going to be teachers there so the price was a small amount of money to enter you."

The blonde was shocked, "Woah. Are you serious dad?" His eyes widened and Yamato nodded and smiled noticing Naruto had called him 'dad', it wasn't the first time but it was sweet that he thought of him as his father.

He shot up from his seat and went to hug the brunette man, "Thank you so much." He kissed Yamato on the cheek and then went to Kakashi who also got a kiss on the cheek but claimed he was still manly.

"Wait.. Who's going to drive me there?" He stopped, now sitting on Kakashi's lap with a confused expression. Kakashi chuckled, "There is dorm rooms there Naruto, so you will be having a roommate."

"A room...mate...?" He asked confused. Yamato smiled, "Yes. But if you don't like your roommate you can always tell the principle. She is named Tsunade with the Vice Principle Shizune, who follows her everywhere."

Kakashi cleared his throat, "Well it is getting late so you should start packing up Naruto. Tomorrow you will go to the dorm rooms since it is Student Vacation week. After this week ends you will start your classes." He turns to Yamato, "You can help him out with the packing and explain more since you know about the school. The Hokage has ordered me on a mission."

Yamato stood up and kissed Kakashi on the lips - horror to Naruto he was still sitting on Kakashi's lap that he had to witness it. "Ahhh! Not in front of me." He rushed off from his lap and ran upstairs with a horrified expression.

Oh yes, I forgot to include that Kakashi and Yamato had been boyfriends now. Spending time with Naruto had drawn them closer, which made them Naruto's official parents and guardians.

Kakashi dismissed himself as Yamato followed Naruto up the stairs, apologizing the horrible scene he had to experience.

Once Naruto and Yamato had finished packing the important things that he needed; including his orange phone, some sleep clothes (since they had uniforms), his gaming console with all his games, and his MacBook Pro. Etc.

"It's kinda heavy. Can't I just take two suitcases?" Naruto tried to pick up the suitcase but failed making Yamato help him with it, "Don't worry I'll carry it. I'll take it to the car so we can leave early tomorrow. You can go to sleep now."

Naruto nodded and quickly changed out of his ninja clothes and onto some regular sleep clothes. He folded the ninja clothes and placed them neatly on the nightstand next to his bed. When he finished he got in bed, closing his eyes and falling asleep right away.

He was nervous, but for him sleep came first.

In the morning Yamato and Kakashi drove to the Academy early in the morning. When they had arrived, there weren't many cars in the parking lot so Yamato was right about it being Student Vacation week.

Yamato had explained to him some things about the Academy as they drove there, he told him about where most classes where and where the dorms were located. They weren't connected to the school but instead only a few minutes away from it.

There was a trail that led to them if you wanted to walk from the school and back to the dorms. It seemed pretty easy for Naruto. Still he was nervous about the whole thing. Since he was home schooled for around 5 years and now that he was going to a rich private school he didn't know what to think.

"You have to pick up your uniform at the main office, but we will go for it while you take your suitcase to your dorm. There might be a few students still there, so watch out. Not everyone is friendly." Kakashi said as Naruto got out the car.

"Okay." He mumbled and closed the door as he dragged his suitcase behind him, he walked by the trail that led to the dorms until the building was visible. It was huge! Almost twice the size of the school.

As he entered he could notice the first floor looking like some sort lobby...? There were plants on every corner, two elevators on different sides and a counter in between. And on the front there was fancy looking L-couches with a table in the middle and chairs that looked like hands around.

"May I help you?" A young looking woman behind the counter said, getting his attention. "Um yeah. I'm new here. My guardians gave me this card for my room." He walked to the counter and slid the card to her.

She took it from him, typing something on her computer before handing it back to him, "Your room will be in the fourth floor, room number 751. I will be calling one of the Academies' dorm room helpers to help you with your school ID." She leaned against the counter, "Be careful with the Akatsuki students alright? Your roommate is one of them. I'd consider moving to another one."

Naruto stood there frozen as she pressed a button. He hadn't been to his dormroom and he was already scared. What kind of roommate will he be?

"Mei Terumi, you called for Academy dorm room help?" A young man walked in wearing a weird sort of armor with a bandana around his head reading 'Academy Helper'. Temuri nodded and motioned towards me, "Fourth floor, room 751."

The man walked towards me and took my suitcase before telling me to follow him to the elevator. Both got inside as the older man pressed a button. Naruto leaned against the wall and looked at the wall, and since the whole inside of the elevator - except the floor - was all mirror, he looked at himself noticing how horrible he looked.

His blonde hair was messy since he hadn't bothered to brush it in the morning, while his clothes weren't even fancy. He wore the jumpsuit he wore everywhere even when he was at home.


The elevator door opened as the man walked out, Naruto following behind. They walked down the long hall of doors, and after walking a few they came to a stop at a door. "This is your dorm room. Hope it's alright for your comfort. If you need anything - like in a hotel - we have room service. You can call from the phone or there will be a button by the bed counter."

Naruto took out his card and slid it through the card reader, hearing a click as the door opened, "Thank you. My guardians will be coming to my dorm to give me my uniform. Can you lead them here?" he acted polite, it's the longest time he's ever been polite. He was always joking around but being around this private academy sort of made him act polite somehow.

"Sure." The man bowed and walked away. The blond walked in the room after putting his card away, he rolled his suitcase in and turned on the lights. He noticed that there was only one more door - probably the bathroom and two beds with a study desk next to each.

The left side close to the windows was already taken, though it was really neat. There was a box that read 'clay' by the side of the bed. Over the desk there was a pin board with pictures and calendars. He walked to it as he put his suitcase over the empty bed.

There was a sign that read 'Akatsuki' in upper case letters, was this the group of students Mei Terumi was warning him about? They didn't look bad. Although they did have different looking uniforms, was that allowed?

Pictures showed a 15-year-old girl holding a toy that kind of looked like it was made out of clay? They were allowed to have a girl and a guy to share a room? I thought Kakashi said it wasn't allowed... Naruto thought. Unless the girl was actually a guy.

He shook his head and walked to his side of the bed, taking out his things and putting them where they went. He took out a fox teddy bear Yamato had made for him along with his Xbox console; he put it on one of the TV counter's shelves. He then proceeded to take the rest of the things inside the suitcase.

There was a knock on the door interrupting Naruto who was putting the now empty suitcase under the bed, he stood up and pressed a button that read 'Enter'. The door opened, revealing Kakashi and Yamato.

He took a step back and let them in.

"We got your uniform and schedule here. They will be giving you your ninja headband tomorrow. I gave the man that brought us here a picture of you to use as your ID." They walked in and they looked around the dorm room.

"Your roommate seems neat. I don't know how they will survive with you Naruto. You're quite the opposite." Yamato walked to the pin board looking at the pictures, "So you got Deidara huh?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "Deidara...? You know that girl?"

"He's a guy. Yes I know who this is. He's part of the Akasuki, their parents are the ones that founded this Academy so they think they're superior over the other students. You should change dorm room Naruto."

The blonde groaned, "Not again with that. I already unpacked everything dad. I wont talk to this Deidara guy. I plan on actually studying." Kakashi and Yamato both let out surprised gasps.

"Did Naruto just say that?" Kakashi looked over his book that read 'Make out Paradise' to look at Naruto. Yamato snatched the book out of his hands; he hadn't even noticed Kakashi was holding it until now.

"Yes I said that. Are you sure this isn't a University? This looks nothing like a High School, what kind of High School has dorm rooms?" Naruto said unbelievably.

Kakashi shrugs, "It's a High School Ninja Academy, sure it can have dorm rooms. At least this one does. Not only people from Konohagakure, but from other villages like Sunagakure, Amegakure, Kumogakure, and etc. So they can't drive from their village to this school. Its very well known so many students come to this High School." He explained.


"Yeah, so we are going to have to go now. We have our classroom to prepare too. They're changing student's schedules for this semester so we have to finish by the end of this week. See you Naruto!" They both kissed his forehead before leaving.

Naruto pouted and watched the door slide closed automatically, he took off his jumpsuit and folded it neatly on his bed. He walked into the restroom after grabbing his shampoo and conditioner. The smell of coconut was his favorite - it made girls ask him what kind he used and such but he loved it anyways.

The restroom had hair ties and nail polish on the restroom counter, with other beauty stuff. It made him wonder if this guy really was a guy or was pretending to be one.

He took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around his body after he was done; Kakashi had told him that he had a very feminine body for a guy, even his face looked feminine. He didn't take it offensive since he was gay but he did try to look more like a guy. He had no abs or muscles but that was okay. He didn't care.

After he changed to his sleeping clothes, he got in the bed looking up at the ceiling, putting his arms hands behind his neck. He wondered how it would be like being in an actually school, was it just studying and studying or was there other things? He wondered if he would have any friends.

The Akatsuki students seemed scary to him, one of them was his roommate so it would mean some of them might come over sometimes. That sort of scared him and made him regret not asking for another dorm room.

He pushed the nervous feeling out and closed his eyes, trying hard to sleep, but this time it took a while.

One week and everything will begin..