AN: Hi guys long time no update, sorry about that, but here you go!

This is about how Wally meets Dick. Wally is 13 and has been working with his Uncle Barry for about half a year.

Dick is aged 10 and has been living with Bruce just under 2 years and working with him as Robin for about a year and a half.

Unfortunately I do not own the rights to any of the YJ content and characters :(

Enjoy and feel free to leave a review or requests xXx

- SoulReaperOfTheInnocent

"Bruce please!" Dick whined,

"I've already told you, you're not allowed to patrol on your own." Bruce replied,

"Why not? All the hard hitters are in Arkham, plus there haven't been any major problems, apart from this stupid case that you've been working on forEVER!" He complained,

"No means no Dick, now go get changed."

"Cant I wait until uncle Barry gets here, I haven't seen him in ages." Dick said, a pleading tone to his voice.

"Fine." Bruce paused, checking the clock, "For the fastest man alive, he's never on time."

There was a sudden rush of air, as a streak of yellow flew across the cave, crashing into a boulder on the otherside of the room.

"Ouch" Dick cringed,

There was another blast of wind, as a red streak entered, this one coming to a stop next Bruce.

"Kid, C'mon! What did I say about rushing ahead?!" Flash shouted at his junior sidekick, " Sorry about that, we're still working on his breaks."

"NO WAY!" The boy exclaimed, running back to the rest of the group and almost bulldozing into Dick, "This is the BatCave, and you're Batman, and you're -" The boy dressed in yellow spandex turned to Dick, "ROBIN, I have always wanted to meet you, you'resocool,youinspiredmetobecomeaheroyouknowthisissooooawesome!"

"Woah, easy there kiddo" Flash laughed awkwardly, resting his hand on his nephews shoulders. Dick didn't know what to make of Kid Flash, sure he had heard of him, It was his job to know all the players in the game, strengths and weaknesses. He had to admit the teen had, potential.

"Hmm, you know you're shorter than I thought you'd be. How old are you?" Wally questioned,

"It's classified." Dick replied, a calculating edge to his tone,

"Oh, well, so are you coming with us to investigate this case?" Wally carried on, apparently unfazed.

"No he's not and neither are you." Bruce interjected, "Flash, a word." While the adults talked, Wally took the time to get to know Robin or tried to,

"So is Batman your dad?" Wally asked curiously,

"Classified." Dick stated,

"O-kay, so how'd you come up with the name Robin?" Wally continued,


"Favourite food? Candy? Milkshake? Oh let me guess, it's classified." Wally said frustrated, this is not how he expected the meeting, with his all-time hero, to go.

"Cookies, Grape pops and chocolate - not that they let me have anymore! Seriously, it was one time... and in the end he didn't even end up dying." Dick growled in annoyance,

"Wait, what?"

"Huh, Oh nothing." Dick said dismissively,

"At least we can agree on chocolate milk and cookies, but really? Grape? Its sooo sour, not to mention disgusting!" Wally exclaimed.

Dick was silent for a moment, the whites of his domino stared into Wallys eyes, as if peering into the elders very soul. KF shuddered, the cold feeling of dread seeped into his skin, yet Robin made no move, he just ... Stared.

And then the silence was broken, his lips parted, voice flat and unemotional.

"What did you say?" There was no threatening tone to his voice, but Wally could imagine one.

"I- I ah, said" Wally stuttered, unsure about how to proceed, "I said that grapeisadisgustingflavour." His words were too fast for Dick to hear, but it didn't matter.

"Take it back." Robin said calmly, not one to back down from a challenge Wally taunted smugly,

"Or what?" Truly believing his speed would save him from whatever Robin threw at him, after all he had superspeed.

"This!" With that said Dick leapt into the air, using Wallys shoulders as a springboard, off balancing the sidekick and leaving him vulnerable, while he swept his legs out from beneath him.

"Oh, it's on now, shortie." Wally said, standing up and pulling his goggles over his eyes, "Prepare for a world of pain!"

"You talk to much." Dick noted, throwing down a smoke grenade.

"Oh please, is that the best you can do?" Wally teased, he quickly used his speed to disperse the smoke, however as the fog cleared, there was no one to be found.

"Very clever, short stuff, using your ninja bat powers against me, but I will find you!" Wally said confidently,

"Not if I find you first." A voice echoed eerily, from the rafters above. There was a whoosh, as a birdarang sliced through the air, Wally easily dodged to the side,

"Is that all you've got?" He laughed, carefully eyeing the spot where the projectile had been thrown from. With Wally distracted Dick silently crept up behind him, leaning in closer, he whispered in his ear,


Kid Flash jumped about a foot in the air; using his momentum, Dick tripped Wally, who ended up face first in the dust. All logic being thrown out the window, Wally spun and sprinted towards the boy wonder, but a split second before impact Dick dropped and rolled to the side. Wally tried to stop but ended up plowing into the same boulder as earlier, no doubt leaving a permanent engraving of his face on the rock.

Behind him he could hear Robin cackling and Wallys embarrassment quickly turned to anger. KF launched towards the younger boy, but instead of trying to engage him made a vacuum so Robin couldn't breath. He often did this to villans in Central City and new just how long to do it before they passed out. It wasn't long before Robin collapsed to the floor and Wally came to skidding stop only a metre away. The victory however was short lived, as he noticed Robins chest was no longer moving. Wally froze, this had never happened before in Central, maybe its because he was only a kid, or maybe Robin had a medical condition that he didn't know about, not that Wally knew much about him anyway, but there were so many factors he hadn't considered, thoughts continued to race around his head, until,

"Robin?" KF questioned, taking a step towards the unmoving figure, "No."

He took another step closer, but there was still no movement from the boy wonder. Wally dropped to his knees, seconds away from having a full blown panic attack. "Rob?" KF whispered, reaching out his hand and leaning fowards. Wally only caught a glimpse of Dicks evil smirk, before he got a face full of cement. Robin grabbed KFs wrist, twisting his arm behind his back. Dick pushed down and sat on top of Wally's back laughing hysterically, as Flash Jr. thrashed beneath him mumbling obscenities into the floor.

"Now, what did you say?"


"C'mon Bruce, I bet the boys will have a great time together, they're probably best friends already."

Both adults looked into the room to find Dick pinning Wally to the ground.

"Oh yeah, the best of friends." Bruce commented,

"Exactly!" Barry exclaimed happily.

Bruce sighed, he could stand here arguing with Barry all night, but he had a case to solve and this wasn't helping.


Both heroes walked back into the room, Barry trying and failing to smother his laughs, while Bruce remained as unemotional as ever.

"Robin." Dick instantly leapt up, standing almost to attention, a cheeky smile plastered across his face, ruining his youthful innocence. Wally huffed, clumsily standing up, glaring daggers at an oblivious Dick.

"Kid Flash can stay, but only in the cave with Robin. You are not to leave under any circumstances. If necessary you can monitor our progress on the batcomputer, there will be no interfering in this investigation. Am I understood?"

"Yes Sir!" Dick said sarcastically, saluting Bruce.

"Agent A will be down to check in with you shortly, he has been informed of the situation. Robin rule five." Bruce finshed cryptically.

"Ooo, what's rule five then?" KF asked, nudging Dick, as they watched their mentors leave the cave. He opened his mouth as if to answer, before closing it and smiling.

"Classified." Robin said, making his way over to the BatComputer. Wally facepalmed and stomped after the boy wonder.

This was going to be a long night.

A/N: Love it, Hate it. Let me know :) Also I'd love feedback about Wallys Character, obviously he will be developed in more detail in the following chapters, but I'd love to know what you guys think.