A/N: Hi, all! This is my first wrestling fic. To those that follow me, I apologize to the "Never Let Me Go" readers. I have not abandoned that story, but it's on hold for now until I can find the desire to come back to it. Maybe starting another story that is not in the same universe as it will help with that. Without further adieu.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything affiliated with WWE nor the superstars that are mentioned. I only own the character of Skyler Grace. This is fiction.

Bio for OC

Full name: Grace "Skyler" Brooks

Date of Birth: December 12th, 1983

Place of Birth/Resides: Chicago, Illinois

Family: Phil "CM Punk" Brooks, biological brother; Chez & Cassie (both older), Chaleen (younger), adopted siblings

Physical Features: Sandy hair/Blue Eyes 5'7"/ 125 lbs

Ring Name: Skyler Grace

WWE Debut: 2004 (part-time), mostly valeted Randy Orton; 2007 (full-time)

First Meeting

October 21st, 2011: Kissimmee, Florida

As she dug into the back pocket of her jean shorts, WWE diva Skyler Grace pulled out three wadded up one dollar bills and unraveled them enough to hand over to the concession stand cashier apologetically. "Sorry," she muttered with a soft chuckle.

"No problem, ma'am," the older gentleman assured, handing her back her change as well as her soft drink without the lid.

"Thank you," she told the man before turning around, taking a sip of her Pepsi and glancing around the area around her as people bustled around getting ready for the upcoming FCW match.

The twenty-seven year old diva started heading toward the locker room area looking for her older brother, none other than WWE champion CM Punk, for whom she had accompanied during his visit to WWE's developmental series. It was supposed to be a simple visit, a meet and greet with a few of the FCW fans, but somehow her older brother had been roped into doing a match that evening thanks to be called out by one of FCW's promising superstars – the somewhat psychotic Dean Ambrose.

Skye had been very familiar with Ambrose's background in wrestling. She remembered fondly of his days as Jon Moxley which she could say she had the pleasure of watching on the many videos that were floating around on the internet.

Ambrose had a lot nerve calling out her brother especially in an arena filled with avid CM Punk fans. How could her brother possibly refuse a challenge like that? In fact, she could tell by the amused, admiration on her brother's face after the young Ambrose had spouted off insults that Phil Brooks saw a bit of himself in the lad.

God help us all, she had thought when she had stood alongside her brother while the Dean had paced angrily in the ring nearly twenty feet in front of them still clad in his wrestling gear, sweating and revved up.

When the man's crazy stare had moved in her direction, he let an egotistical smirk spread across his face acknowledging her with a nod as he stated confidently, "How about after I annihilate your brother, you reward me little kiss as a congratulations, doll. I'm sure I could really rock your world."

And that did it, her brother might have walked away from the challenge just to spare the guy from embarrassment, but after Dean had made his snarky remark to Skye, it was a done deal. Phil Brooks was very protective of his little sister and no man would ever show her disrespect in his presence. In fact, that seemed to ignite a fire in her brother for he had charged toward the ring and was being pulled back from refs before he could climb in and fight Ambrose.

Dean kept on provoking him from the ring as other refs kept him at bay, but he looked like a pacing, pissed off, caged animal.

With a mic in hand, Punk readied himself for a fight and even made it as far as hopping over the top ropes into the ring to go after Dean. The man in charge of the night, Morgan, had no other choice but to give the fans what they wanted and made the fight between CM Punk and Dean Ambrose the main event for the night.

So, instead of their day off being filled with signing autographs and watching some pretty talented athletes in the ring, her brother was now getting changed in the locker room and preparing for a fight while Skye could only roll her eyes. Honestly, men and their egos.

Shaking her head, she continued her search for her brother with her cold beverage in hand. She smiled at a few stagehands before rounding the corner and colliding into someone as he or she came around at the very same moment.

She let out a squeal when the collision sent the drink her hand flying back in her direction, soaking her tank top with cola. As the icy liquid hit the skin beneath the top, her eyes flew wildly toward the object that she had ran into, finding a rather large man staring at her wide-eyed and mouth agape.

"Shit," he gasped. "Oh man, I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where the hell I was going. Damn, are you okay?"

"Other than being thankful that I decided against coffee," she questioned sarcastically as she waved the empty cup pointedly. "I'm just swell thank you. Congrats, you managed to empty the whole cup all over me." She stared down at her wet tank top with a sigh. Her blue eyes lifted to meet his grey colored ones and she was suddenly taken aback by how absolutely gorgeous the man was. I mean DAMN.

The caramel skin man was huge in size and was wearing just a pair of black basketball shorts and an orange, cotton tank top which showed how muscular this fine specimen of man was. His physique made her mouth water as her eyes took in what looked like a tribal inspired tattoo on the upper part of his bicep. She let her eyes travel upwards taking in his long dark hair which was pulled back into a ponytail, pulled halfway through which revealed his chiseled jaw and goatee.

The term sexy just didn't seem like a great way to describe the Adonis standing before her. Good lord take me now, her body begged, but she tried to keep herself from moaning it out loud. Composure, Brooks! Get yourself fucking together!

Even though she was openly checking him out, he seemed oblivious and was still apologizing to her, "I feel like a total ass. I should have been paying more attention and now I've ruined your shirt."

"Dude, it was like five bucks at Target on clearance," she laughed, dismissively. "It's fine really. The only flaw is that I left my bag back at the hotel, so I guess I'll be sporting a nice brown stain while I watch my brother's match ringside."

"Now I feel worse," he stated, frowning. "Look, I might have something in the locker room you can wear. Granted it won't fit you in the slighted, but at least it will be dry and I can at least say that I tried to save face in front of one the most popular divas in WWE."

"You spilled my drink all over me. I'd say you have your work cut out for you," she teased with a slight wink. "I mean do you know who I am," she added with a fake snobby tone.

He chuckled and grabbed for the empty cup, tossing it into a nearby trashcan. "Well, I never said it was going to an easy task, but I'm willing to do anything I can to make myself look less like an ass in the presence of a beautiful woman."

"It was accident," she clarified, trying to blush when his deep, sultry voice referred to her as beautiful. That voice of his could certainly melt the panties off a woman for sure. As the non-PG thoughts ran through her mind, she cleared her throat, "But, I'll take you up on your offer of a nice, dry shirt since you called me beautiful."

"Sure thing," he said nodding, motioning for her to follow him.

When he turned around, she quickly shot a quick glance at the man's ass. Certainly there had to be something wrong with the guy. She sighed softly. Nope, it looks absolutely squeezable, she thought in disappointment. Where did they grow a guy like him? Smiling slightly, she took a few large steps to fall in step with him.

As they walked alongside each other toward the men's locker room, she pulled at her wet top, trying to pry it from her skin. When she looked back up at him, she was quite happy to see that his eyes were zeroed in on her chest area. Hey, she might not have bought her boobs like some other divas nor were they huge by any means, but she was rather flattered that he at least gave them an appreciative glance.

She cleared her throat, causing his eyes to dart away in embarrassment. "I, uh, really got you good, huh?"

"Yeah, I would say so," she agreed with an amused laugh as the two of them reached their destination in no time and he ducked inside to retrieve the shirt.

When he returned, he held two shirts in his hand, "I figured I'd let you choose. I know how women are about fashion and stuff."

"I shop at Target," she defended with a laugh. "This tank top is not exactly made by Gucci."

"I presume that Gucci is some kind of big deal?" he asked jokingly.

She gave him a playful glare and checked out her options. Her eyes focused on one shirt which happened to be a Tampa Bay Rays shirt and she gasped dramatically, "Are you trying to get me killed? I'm from Chicago. My brother would disown me if I go prancing around wearing this."

He chuckled, "Wouldn't want that." He tossed the shirt over his shoulder then held the other option out in front of him. "Will this appease him?"

She eyed the Georgia Tech shirt and nodded, "I think it's the safer of the two. He's a not a huge football fan, so I think he won't protest too much. I mean he is quite the whiny bitch."

"Wise choice," he commented with a snort, handing the shirt over.

Her eyes glanced around, finding a women's bathroom not too far down the hall. "Be back in a flash," she told him and strolled over, disappearing inside.

After tossing her ruined shirt in the trash, Skye cleaned herself up a bit before slipping on the man's shirt. It was then that she realized that she didn't know the sexy fellow's name. "Well, that will have to change," she said simply as she stared at her reflection. She pulled at the shirt, but it swallowed her up, unsurprisingly. The guy was well over six feet. Even though she wasn't short by any means, he still had a good 5-6 inches on her.

The shirt covered most of her shorts, so she decided to tie the bottom part in a knot to try and make it look less like she was drowning in it. It worked well enough and so she turned, heading for the door. When she stepped out, she found the man leaning against the wall of the other side holding a fresh beverage.

His eyes took in the styling of his shirt she wore, "Nice touch."

"Thanks…" she said slowly, obviously fishing for his name.

"Right," he realized. "I never got the chance to introduce to myself since all I could focus on was the fact that I drenched you with your drink." He held out his hand for her to shake, "You can call me Joe. I'm known around here as Leakee." When his large hand enveloped hers, she sucked in a breath as she felt the slight spark, but she could have been mistaken.

"Leakee," she repeated slowly as she released his hand. "That's different."

"It's Samoan. It's actually my first name spelled a bit differently," he explained conversationally. "They thought it'd be easier for the fans to pronounce if it was spelled like it sounds. It's normally L-e-a-t-i."

"Yeah I probably would have butchered it," she stated lightly. "Joe it is then. I'm Skye. Of course, you already knew that." When he nodded in response, she then gestured at the drink in his hand. "Is that for me?"

"Uh, yeah," he answered, handing it out for her. "I owe you for the one I dowsed you with. I'm hoping that this will earn me your forgiveness."

Eyeing him closely, she took the drink from him. "That really depends," she answered idly.


"Whether or not you went with regular Pepsi rather than the diet," she responded with a quick smile. "If you chose diet than you're implying that I have body issues and would willingly choke down that sewage. If you chose regular then you have better sense than most men would."

"Wow," he commented, "That's a lot of pressure on a guy."

"Basically," she answered with a flirty look. "So, which one did you choose?" She brought the cup to her lips and took a swig. When she tasted nothing remotely diet about the drink, she smiled, "Well done." She took another sip and nodded at him. "You're forgiven." Glancing around, she figured that it was getting pretty close to main event time due to the scarcity of wrestlers wandering the halls. "I should probably find my brother before he heads out."

"Yeah, it's going to be some kind of match between those two. I know we're all going to be watching back here."

"Thus my reason for being ringside, I'm not going to miss a single second of it." She held up her drink. "Thanks again for this and lending me the shirt."

"It was a pleasure," he told her with another smile. "I hope this isn't the last I see of you this evening." He gave her a quick wink and turned, heading in the opposite direction of where the gorilla position was located.

With a goofy smile upon her face, she went in search of her brother, finding him talking with FCW officials. He saw her coming and said his goodbyes before walking her way.

Grabbing her drink from her hand, he took a quick swig of it before he questioned her attire. "What's with the shirt? Since when do you support anything collegiate?"

Shrugging, she took back her drink and answered, "I ran into a FCW guy and spilled my drink all over my other shirt."

"Sounds like you," he teased, earning an elbow from his younger sister.

"He ran into me," she defended. "Pepsi went everywhere and he was kind enough to give me one of his shirts. I figured this shirt was better than the Rays shirt that was also offered."

"I guess it's the lesser of two evils," Phil agreed, zipping up his hoodie. "Though I guess it would have been too logical just to hit the merchandise area and buy yourself another shirt." When she shot him a look, he batted his eyes at her. "It's cute the way that you go about picking up potential suitors."

"Potential suitors," she repeated with an amused look. "It's 2011, Phil. Besides, I didn't have any more cash on me. I barely had enough to purchase the said drink."

"So, what's the man's name?"

"His name is Joe, but he goes by Leakee inside the ring."

"Weird name," Phil commented with a snort.

"As opposed to CM Punk," she asked briskly.

"Touché," he laughed. "So, he's a wrestler then?" When she nodded, he asked, "Do I have to go all big brother and grill the guy about his intentions? Because I will after I teach young Ambrose a lesson in the ring."

She rolled her eyes, "We barely had a conversation. Let's not rush things."

He eyed her in a knowing manner, "So, you won't be giving him your number later then?"

She glared at him, "The thought may have crossed my mind. Don't pressure me!"

He held his hands up, "Hey, I'm not going to ruin your game, I promise, Gracie. Any guy that gave you that goofy look that you had on your face when you walked up must be something special." He quickly dodged a flying fist, laughing as he trotted over to the open door to the arena just as his music hit.

Shaking her head, she disposed of her drink and followed her brother out into the screaming crowd. She waved and slapped a few hands as she walked behind him as he made his way to the ring where Dean was already waiting. They took a left turn heading for the opposite side of the ring from where Ambrose was standing. Phil jogged up the steps and entered the ring eyeing his opponent in amusement.

She followed, ducking under the top rope. While her brother climbed up onto a corner post and yelled "Best in the World" to the crowd, Skye leaned against the ropes and smiled proudly. It really showed a lot for her brother's character to be doing something like this. Taking time to come back to where he and she were launching their own careers in the same type of division as this and taking on a promising up and comer.

She tried to do the same from time to time.

Soon the match was underway. The first few minutes were spent with the two of them toying with the other, but soon the real wrestling began and it was certainly a sight to be seen.

Even with the level of experience that her brother had, Ambrose was holding his own and in return impressing the hell out of Skye. He really knew how to work the crowd. He was okay with being hated and being booed. He really knew how to stay in character and even though she was just a bystander watching, she took great joy in getting to slap the cocky smirk off his face after he had performed a move on her brother that sent Punk to the mat.

After he had done the move, Dean had stuck his upper body between the ropes to send an asshole remark her way and she reared back and slapped him across the face which seemed to excite the crowd immensely. She too found herself satisfied at his shock expression when her brother dragged him away and the fighting continued.

The match lasted for nearly twenty minutes before Phil regained the upper hand and finally performed his signature GTS closing move. When he had Ambrose pinned, she had to let out a laugh when her brother checked to make sure that the goods were okay after the low blow from Ambrose to the nether regions.

When the ref held up her brother's hand victoriously, the crowd began chanting "One more time! One more time!"

On the other side of the ring, she saw Dean slowly climbing to his feet on the outside of the ropes. Phil approached him and sent him flying over the ropes into the ring, his back slamming the mat. When Dean was back to his feet again, Phil lifted him back onto his shoulder to perform the finishing move again and kneed Dean in the face, sending him flying between the ropes and out of the ring into the small crowd of FCW guys that had come to ringside after Ambrose had been pinned.

As she climbed into the ring, her eyes quickly looked for Joe amongst the crowd of wrestlers. She finally spotted someone wearing orange and smiled when she realized it was him. Before the two could make eye contact, she let out a sudden yelp when she was jerked into a sweaty hug by her brother.

"Ew," she let out, trying to shove him away only to have him lift her up obnoxiously and swing her around. "Put me down, you dork."

He let out a loud laugh and does so. "You're no fun." He quickly messed up her hair before continuing his celebration.

"Jerk," she yelled out to him as he climbed onto the nearby corner post, holding his hands up in victory. The crowd got louder with the encouragement of some FCW guys. She ran her fingers in her tussled hair and let her eyes travel to outside the ring where Joe stood watching her with a grin.

She approached his clapping form and dropped down to sit crisscrossed, "Enjoy the match?"

"Absolutely," he answered with a firm nod. "Though I think I was more distracted by the beautiful woman ringside who apparently a packs a good slap."

"He probably deserved it," a shirt-less wrestler with long, dark hair commented as stepped up beside Joe.

"Oh I don't doubt that," Joe agreed then introduced the man. "Skye, this is Colby aka Seth Rollins."

"We've met before," Colby mentioned which caused Skye to look at him questionably. "A couple of years back," he added, "in Ring of Honor."

Then it dawned on her and she nodded, shaking the man's hand, "That's right. You went by Tyler Black back then. We met during Ring of Honor's Survival of the Fittest in 2009. I was visiting an old pal of mine Colt Cabana while recovering from my collarbone surgery. It's good to see you in FCW."

"Thanks," he said gratefully then grinned at Joe. "So, my friend here is already on a first name basis with CM Punk's little sister – that's interesting."

"It's really not," Skye laughed as Joe elbowed his fellow competitor. "It's good to see you again, Colby." She jumped when she felt her brother run up behind her to climb the corner post to her right in celebration then dropped back down to walk over to the center of the ring where flopped down and began doing "ring angels" known to normal people as snow angels. Rolling her eyes, she returned her attention to the men outside the ring, "That's my cue to end the embarrassment."

Her eyes went over to Joe who nodded. "I'll catch up with you backstage?"

This brought a small smile to her face and she nodded, "Yeah, sure." She climbed to her feet then turned to rejoin her brother in the center of the ring.

As he watched her try to pull her brother up only to be swatted by the WWE champion, she ended being dragged down to join him and began doing her own ring angels, Joe couldn't help but laugh at the scene.

"Wow," Colby commented, causing the Samoan to break eye contact. "I've never seen you so enamored by a chick before man, at least not as long as I've known ya."

"Enamored," Joe asked with a scoff, turning and following the rest of the guys to the back with Colby falling in step with him. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Dude, I was watching you backstage. Every time the camera panned over to ringside, you were on high alert when her face appeared on screen. Admit it, you are so intoher. You like CM Punk's little sister." He laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. "God, do you have some kind of death wish? Dude doesn't seem like he would just let anyone date his sister. I mean check out the aftermath with Randy Orton. That feud doesn't seem like it's ever going to end."

Joe snorted, "I could take the guy, Rollins, no problem. Besides, I think you're rushing things a bit. We only spoke for a few minutes after I dumped her drink all over her."

"Smooth," Colby commented with a chuckle, following Joe into the locker room where guys were gathering their things. "Is that your method for picking up women?" He laughed when Joe glared at him. "So, what, you're not going to get her number and see if the girl wants a bit of Samoan in her life?"

Jon Good approached the two, sweaty from his match and wiping at his face with a towel. "Who wants a bit of Samoan in their life because whoever it is they've got some competition." He grabbed Joe in a headlock and grunted, "Which would be me, pretty boy."

"Ha, ha," Joe muttered, annoyed at his two friends and pushed Jon away.

"So, who's the chick that's got Joe interested," Jon questioned, draping the towel over his shoulder.

"None other than WWE Diva Skyler Grace," Colby answered with wide grin.

"You mean the same chick that nearly slapped my head off my neck," Jon asked with large eyes. "Dude, she's way out of your league."

"You don't know that," Joe argued. "She seemed really down to earth when we spoke. It's not too unreasonable to think that I might have a chance with her."

"We'll see," Colby snorted and he and Jon went to get cleaned up.

Joe frowned after them. Was he kidding himself? Were they from two different worlds and therefore had not chance of working out?

Ten minutes later, Skye leaned against the wall of locker room waiting for her brother as he got cleaned up. Many other male wrestlers had exited the locker room with their bags. Each nodded at her and she smiled politely in return silently hoping a certain someone was still around. She hadn't expected for her brother's celebration to take so long.

With a sigh, she walked across to the other wall and took a seat in a nearby metal chair, crossing her legs and pulling out her cell phone. As she went through her text messages, she noticed that she had missed a text from Nikki Bella a fellow diva and good friend.

Hey chick! How's Florida?

She responded with Fine. My brother managed to get provoked into a match, but I managed to run (literally) into a very hot guy so I can't complain too much.

Moments later, Nikki replied with Oh, details! Immediately! Snap a picture if you can! I must see this guy!

Skye rolled her eyes and was in the middle of replying when the door the locker room opened, revealing Joe and Colby. The two were in the middle of a conversation, but Joe had seen her the moment the door had opened. He flashed a grin in her direction and continued listening to Colby as the other man went on about his fatal 4-way match earlier in the night.

While they were both busy, she switch her phone over to camera mode and sneakily zoomed in, snapping a quick picture of Joe for which she attached to message back to Nikki.

Her friend did not disappoint with her text back. Holy shit! What a hottie! You better get on that!

Skye bit her bottom lip to avoid giggling and texted back, I know, right? Unfortunately one night stands are not my thing, but you better believe that I'll get his number. When she saw Colby walk off, she hit the home button on her phone and clicked off the screen. Standing, she slipped her phone into her back pocket and approached him.

"Your brother should be out shortly," he informed her as he leaned his shoulder against the wall just beside the door he had exited while she leaned her back against the same wall.

"Thanks," she said with a short nod. She pulled at his shirt. "I hope you know that I plan on keeping this mainly because I tossed the other shirt in the trash."

"You should. It looks better on you than it ever did on me."

With her cheeks warming at his words, she tried to keep her voice level as she asked, "So, you're a fan of Georgia Tech I presume."

"Yeah, I played ball for them," he stated which caused her eyes to widen.

"That would explain why it felt like I was running into a brick wall," she commented jokingly. "You're obviously used to blocking."

"Again, I apologize," he said wincing slightly.

She laughed and reached to touch his shoulder, "I'm tougher than I look."

He glanced at her hand which caused her to jerk it back, letting it fall back to her side. "Yeah, I know you are definitely tougher than you look. Look, I still feel guilty for what I did, so I would really like to take you out for dinner tonight if you're available."

Her shoulders slumped slightly as she frowned, "I'm sorry, Joe, but I can't."

Losing his smile, he nodded, "I understand. I guess it was a long shot…" Maybe I was kidding myself.

"No," she interrupted, quickly. "I'm not turning you down! I just can't tonight. My brother and I are hopping on a plane to Texas for the Pay-Per-View as soon as we swing by the hotel for our things. I'm trying to get the title back from Beth Phoenix, so I need to put in some extra training."

Joe went to say something, but was interrupted when the door to the locker room opened and Dean Ambrose appeared freshly showered. He paused to look at them and he grinned in Skye's direction. "That was one helluva slap, doll. Sure you don't want to give me that kiss I requested?"

"Ambrose," Joe sighed in warning.

"Now why would I do that," Skye questioned with her hands on her hips, and tilted her head slight. "You lost."

The jab didn't seem to faze Dean at all. He just chuckled. "I'll leave you two be. Catch up with you later, man."

When walked past, Skye turned to call out to him, "Hey, Ambrose."

Turning around, he eyed her with a smirk, "Change your mind? I get it. Most women can't turn this down."

Amused, she rolled her eyes, "Hardly. Look, my brother doesn't go around praising people like he did for you tonight, so I hope that you realize that you've gained his respect. Personally, I can't wait to see you on the main roster. I'm confident that my brother will make sure the execs won't screw things up the moment that you do."

Dean's face seemed to lose its cockiness a bit as he cleared his throat. He didn't respond to her words just nodded in what looked like appreciation and turned to walk away.

Smiling, she turned back to Joe who had an awed look on his face. "Look, I'm sorry that we can't get together tonight, but…" She pulled out her phone and clicked away at the screen before glancing up at Joe. "If you give me your number, we can try another night when one of us is free and can travel to visit the other. I know it's probably not ideal, so if you aren't for that…"

"It sounds like a great plan," he agreed, surprising her and he rattled off his number.

With a small smile, she typed it in then proceeded to compose a text with her own number included then hit send. "There. We both have each other's numbers so give me a call sometime and we can at least get to know each other more."

At that moment, Phil walked out of the locker room and eyed the two of them when their eyes shot his way. "So this must be Joe or my sister has more game than I have ever given her credit for."

"Yes this is Joe. And I still have more game than you," she countered, placing her hands on her hips in annoyance.

"I'm in a two year relationship and you're still single," he pointed out

"It's been more of an off and on thing," Skye pointed out.

Ignoring his sister, he held his hand out to Joe. "It's nice to meet you. I wish we had more time for me to do the whole overprotective big brother bit, but we have a flight to catch."

"Some other time then," Joe reasoned good-naturedly as they shook hands.

Her brother chuckled, "You better believe it. I don't just let anyone date my sister."

Skye spoke up with a snort, "I'm sorry...let? Since when do you have any say in that area?"

"Uh I might have used the wrong wording there," Phil replied uneasily, backing away. "I'm ready whenever you are, sis."

"I'll catch up," Skye told him with narrowed eyes and Phil headed for the exit. She spun back around to face Joe again. "Well, Joe, it was lovely to have run into you, literally."

He let out a deep laugh, "Uh, yeah, dumping a woman's drink was not one of my finer moments, but I definitely will take that disastrous meeting than not meeting you at all."

As the words sunk in, she stared at him in wonderment, "I don't know if I'm quite ready for a guy like you, Joe, but consider me curious." With a small wave, she backed away. "Take care."

"Have a safe trip," he said in return, wondering what she meant with the whole statement about not being ready for a guy like him. There has to be some backstory to that.

Nodding, she turned and walked away with the biggest grin on her face. She dared to glance over her shoulder at the man responsible for that grin and found him watching her go.

A/N: So, what did you think? My plan is to make the story mostly one shots about their relationship as well as the in-ring wrestling storylines later on. Please Review and let me know your thoughts.