WOW: solution. No-one ever said being the Prince of Darkness was easy.

A/N If this sounds like a Human Resources practitioner doing a bit of venting - it is - hence the fact I've done 200 words; I need to do a lot of venting!

Disclaimer: I don't own him - I don't know which of us is more relieved about that!


It's hard work being the Lord of Hell.

Sure, it has its perks, but people don't think about the practical side of things; the long hours, the pressure, writing all those interminable performance reviews for Hell's minions and all the crap that goes with that - the training, the support, the disembowelling - sometimes it's enough to make a grown embodiment-of-all-evil weep.

Then there was that clown yesterday who wanted to improve equality and diversity in Hell; you know, equal opportunities in torture and mutilation - that kind of thing.

I found a solution; I sliced him into a thousand equal pieces and spread them in diverse places around the pit.

Sometimes they come to me moaning about their lot; 'the terms and conditions stink' they say.

Hello? Sulphur …

They complain about the hours, the health and safety, the food … I mean, what the hell (literally) is wrong with the food? The meat screams while you're eating it, how goddamn fresh can you get?

But anyway, if they complain too much, I normally have a nice civilised meeting to hear their grievance, then I suspend them. Usually by the thumbs.


Did I mention it's hard work being the Lord of Hell?

