So . . . I got this idea the other day of a lock-in at Iridium High (like on iCarly in 'iOMG'), so I started writing it! Yes, it's a multi-chap, but once it's done, please do not ask for more. That will be greatly appreciated. Anyways, I have a total of 3 chapters down so far - Chapter 1, 2, and a later one - but I'm gonna wait until I have a few more chapters done before I start posting them. I just wanna make sure there's not that much of a wait, like for my other stories. So there's the info for the lock-in below!


Maddie & Sebastian

Andi & Daniel

Jax & Sophie

Emma & Diego

Katie & Gigi


Jax + Emma = Jemma

Diego + Maddie = Miego

Daniel + Andi = Dandi




Advertise for something you think will be a popular invention in 2030.


The next morning



Jax's Locker

Emma/Andi's Lockers

Nurse's Office

Janitor's Closet (not "authorized")

As you can see, the info that I put in here is pretty simple. Originally there was more, but that's just for the author. Chapters will be posted soon!