Prompt: all I ask

Blaine was considering trying to smother himself once he got back to the loft. He'd been late to class, forgotten the draft that was due in his Shakespeare seminar, and nearly been run over by a bus as he was walking up to the diner. It was like the universe was conspiring against him.

As he dragged himself down the hall to the loft, he heard faint strains of music wafting out from the closed door. The tune became clear once he managed to force the big metal door open, and then Kurt's voice chimed in, instantly putting a smile on Blaine's face.

"Say you'll share with me each night, each morning," Kurt sang, flitting around with the duster and wiping down their knick-knacks. "Say the word and I will follow you. Love me, that's-"

"-all I ask of you," Blaine chimed in, sneaking up behind his fiance. He pulled Kurt in for a quick spin, startling a laugh out of him.

"Blaine! What are you doing?" Kurt asked, sounding more pleased than anything else.

"I'm making up for the ridiculously crappy day I had by dancing with my fiance around our apartment," Blaine said. He started rocking Kurt in a somewhat bouncy slow dance, a little off from the actual beat of the song.

"I can't say I'm complaining about this, but I wasn't actually done with my dusting yet, B," Kurt said. "You wanna go put on some comfier clothes while I finish up? We can put on the actual Phantom movie and heat up the leftovers from last night."

"You're a genius, did you know that?" Blaine leaned up and gave Kurt a quick smooch. "I'll be right back."

"I'll be right here."