Revenge; Winchester Edition

(Y/N) was walking back to the common room when she was intercepted by Draco. "(Y/L/N) walk with me." HE said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"What Draco?" She asked.

"It would appear that quite a few Slitherins have been bothering some of the Mud- I mean Muggleborns. Do you think Granger would find offense at that and talk to Frodo or what do you think?" Draco asked.

"How should I know Draco? Besides, it's far more likely she'll call in the Winchester's this early." She said.

"The Winchester's?" Draco asked.

"Yes, the Winchester's. They hunt Witches and Wizards and Ghosts and they kill them. Among other things." She explained.

"THEY CAN KILL GHOSTS?!" He exclaimed before clearing his throat and glancing around nervously to see if anyone had seen him lose his composure.

"Oh yes. They're quite famous too, I'm surprised you haven't heard of them. Salazar Slytherin himself wrote about Hunters, and how wary you must be of them if you wished to live passed your school years." She explained.

"Thanks for the information Mud- I mean (Y/L/N)." Draco said before hurrying away.


Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N) were seated comfortably in Dumbledore's office. "Are you sure you're willing to pay so much money for a small prank?" Dumbledore asked.

"Absolutely, those little assh- I mean Jacka- I mean misguided children need to be taught a very important lesson. Not to mess with my daughter- I mean to respect each other no matter the blood status." Mr. (Y/L/N) said.

"Well if you're sure."


"Students, if all but Slytherin house would please follow their Head of House back to their dormitories at once it would be much appreciated." Dumbledore announced.

When everyone had left and the Slytherin's chatted amongst themselves Dumbledore chose to speak. "The Winchesters have arrived." He said before exiting the Great Hall with the other teachers.

"No no no no no. The Mudblood told me about the Winchester's, they're witch and wizard hunters. Salazar Slytherin himself was terrified of them! They'll kill us all!" Draco began to hyperventilate.

When the doors burst open and in walked two men with guns in their hands the whole of Slytherin house screamed and tried to run to get away from them. If the windows hadn't been charmed to be unbreakable the young wizards would have jumped through them to escape. Draco was pounding on the glass despite the hopelessness of the act.

The two men shared amused glances and waited while (Y/N) strolled in the room behind them. The Slytherin's paused in their escape attempts to watch the events unfolding before them.

"Dean, Sam, it's so wonderful to see you. How's Cas?" (Y/N) asked.

"He's good, killed a few witches up in Canada just last week. Said something about them being blood purists." Dean replied.

"I see I see, I'm afraid there's been a mistake here. There are very few blood purists at this fine school so your services won't be required." She said. "Don't you agree Slytherin house?" She asked.

"Oh no, no blood purists here, you're right Mud- I mean (Y/L/N)."Draco jumped in.

"I guess you're right. Well (Y/N) if any blood purists do pop up, you and Hermione still have our numbers right?" Sam asked.

She tapped the side of her head with her pointer finger. "It's all right here."

"See you later then kid." Dean ruffled her hair and he and Sam left.

"Oh (Y/N) you saved us, how can we ever repay you?" Draco asked.

"How about eternal servitude, I like my eggs scrambled."