"You-" I growled, "Are in so much trouble young man." My voice echoed through the tunnels.

"Nothing went wrong." The muffled mutter came behind me. My very large, red mask wearing, seconds oldest, was trudging after me, the pout of all pouts plastered on his face.

"Nothing went wrong?!" I shrieked. Whipping around, I jabbed him in the chest. "Describe to me how the two of us getting caught up in a shady robbery down by the harbor isn't anything wrong."

Raphael shuffled a bit, shrugging. "I-I dunno." He lifted his head. "We beat 'em."

"I don't care if we beat them Raphael." I turned to pinch the bridge of my nose. "We almost got caught."

"They didn't see what hit them."

"But they could have." I reached upward and grabbed his nose, yanking his face down to my level. "That is what you have never understood about this Raphael. The point is to never be seen. Ever."

He flinched. "But Mom…" his voice sounded funny, "What was I suppose to do? Let 'em go?"

Slowly releasing his nose I sighed. "I suppose not."

Today was quite a night. Learned my son snuck out of the house and down to the harbor. When I went to go retrieve him, I found him intervening in a robbery the Foot was doing. He was so lucky it was pitch black and raining out.

I stepped in to help of course, like I always do. Managed to take out at least 9 of their guys before they retreated. From my count though, they got away with a few of the supplies they were stealing.

Not sure what it was, but knowing the Foot, it can't be good.

Now, after Raphael left a little warning message on the side of the loading trucks in Japanese (he wrote the word: Family, if you wanted to know), we were on our way home. I was soaked, tired, and just about out of patience with my Son.

"Mom…" Raphael's voice was quiet. "…I'm sorry." He grunted out a bit, but his eyes shine true. Glancing at him, I shook off my jacket.

"Raphie… I just-" I sighed, taking his hand. "I know you want to do what is right." I patted his knuckles. "And I am so proud of you and all your brothers for doing that. But as your Mom I just… I worry. Especially when you decide to go off on your own and with only telling Mikey about it."

"Mikey-" Raphael's eyes turn to rage. "Did he rat me out?"

"That is beside the point." I said quickly. "I would have realized you were gone sooner or later. Besides, it isn't like you don't rat him out on everything else." I gave him a long look. He blinked, shrugging a bit.
Nodding, I turned back to the tunnel. "Are you going to tell Splinter?"

"No." I folded my arms. "If I did, he wouldn't even let you out of the lair." That was not something I wanted to happen. I like my little moments of quiet while the boys are off skateboarding in the sewers, thank you very much. "But, you have to promise me you won't do this again."

"Go after the Foot? But Mom-"

"Go out alone." I corrected. His foot steps trailed off a bit. I guess he was surprised by my answer. "You are strong Raphael, that is true. But you can't face a whole army alone. When you are with your brothers, you are at your greatest strength. And at least than, my heart can be a little at ease." I smiled over my shoulder at him.

"You are the best Mom ever!' He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up, spinning me around. I laughed.

"Thank honey." I kissed his head. "…But don't think you are getting out of punishment for your actions tonight."

"Aww man." He scowled.

"That's right. You are grounded, in secret. No TV or video games for a month." I wiggling my finger. He huffed, nodding. "Good. Now lets go home before Splinter gets suspicious."

0000-NICOLE POV-0000

My name is Nicole Sterling. Yeah, nice to meet you.

I'm sure you don't really care about a weird mechanic fixing a printer and would much rather go back to a bunch of super turtles training to be Ninjas, right? Well suck it up, this is my turn to tell part of the story.

I was in it too y'know. That's right, don't give me that look. It isn't just Arinna taking the spotlight. I was right there next to her… just in a smaller spot light.

You can call me, the Aunt.

Known Arinna for years. We grew up together. Around 13 years ago I got a little worried about her and tracked her down. She said she was fine and I didn't need to worry, but she wouldn't tell me where she was staying. Me being the worried friend I am did the only sensible thing I could thing off.

I stalked her. Seriously, I went complete Ninja on this girl and followed her all the way down to the Sewers. Definitely concerned with that.

And well one thing lead to another and I learned she was secretly raising four mutant turtles and teaching a mutant rat how to read down there. Yeah, weird day.

It all worked out though after Arinna knocked me out and made me swear on the grave of Elvis never to reveal their secret. Bless that pompadour haired man.

Now I'm kind of the boys' Aunt. Aunt Nicole.

It's cool. Never thought I would have nephew's in the first place, so having them be steroid like turtles is awesome! And regardless of whether or not Arinna agrees, those boys look like they are on steroids. Seriously.

"Hey Nicole, you done yet?" Vern nudged my shoulder.

"I dunno Vern." I pulled back from the Printer to push my hair back. "Will you break it again? Cause I was just in here yesterday fixing this exact same Printer."

"Maybe you just didn't fix it properly." Vern suggested with a frown.

"Or maybe you purposely break it because you want the attention." I placed my wrench into my pocket.

"In your dreams."

"Vern, not even in your dreams." I countered, closing the lid. "Well, it's done. My job is done."

"Good." Vern huffed.

"Nicole?" A voice called behind me. Turning, I was surprise to see the editor of Channel 6, Bernadette Thompson. "I just saw you yesterday, what are you doing here again?" she frowned.

"Apparently people can't keep this darn machine fixed." I patted the machine. "Plus I like you people."

"That's sweet." She patted my shoulder. Pushing pass me, she turned to her crew. "Alright gang, listen up. We need a lead for tonight. Who's got it?" she looked around. Intrigued, I leaned against the table next to me. It was kind of cool to see a New's Channel at work.

"Major re-developments proposed for lower Manhattan." One man suggested. Bernadette shook her head.

"No." she waved it off. "Next."

"I got something." Another man raised his hand. "NYPD task force taking credit for small decrease in Foot related crime." He offered with a smug smile.

Bernadette rubbed her chin. "I like that. Let's run with that." She announced. The group nodded.

Turning to leave, Bernadette gave me a little nod. Lifting my mug to her I nodded back. Lifting the mug to my lips I took a long sip, a flash of yellow crossing my gaze. Blinking, I lowered my mug to watch a young reporter in a bright yellow jacket run towards us.

Almost running straight into Bernadette, the girl let out a little breath. "Oh, O'Neil." Bernadette nodded. "I'll talk to you in a minute." She waved her off.

"Oh yeah I uh-" The apparent O'Neil nodded, stepping in front of Bernadette to stop her. "I actually know I am over stepping my boundaries by being here but uh, I think you are actually going to really want to hear what I have to say." She moved towards the ground, a few files in her hand. Curious, Bernadette followed after the young reporter.

I knew this girl. Arinna's brother use to work with her Dad. Good to see she's managing her life okay.

"I think you are actually all going to want to hear what I have to say." April announced. Vern lifted his head to stare at April. Leaning towards me, he grinned.

"I'm her Camera man." He said smugly.

I whistled. "Your mother must be so proud."

"Shut up Nicole." He scowled.
"If you don't like what I have to say then don't say anything at all Vern." I flicked the back of his head. He flinched turning to hit me back. We froze when Bernadette gave us that look.

"Um-" O'Neil, who's first name is April, cleared her throat. "I witnessed an attempted Foot clan robbery at the docks in Brooklyn last night." She announced. Huh, that's unexpected.

"Hold on, the scanners said that gun shots were heard, but there were no reports of any Foot Clan activity."

"That's because whatever they were attempting to do was stopped." April said.

"What are you even doing in Brooklyn anyway? Was there a trampoline convention?" asked, referring to April's very embarrassing interview with a trampoline nut the other day.

April ignored the giggles around her, "I was in Brooklyn because I was reporting and not sitting behind me desk all day McNaughton."

"Aw snap." I snapped my fingers.

"Served." Vern turned his head with a smirk.

McNaughton's face turned red with rage. "Shut up Nicole, Vern. What are you even doing here anyway Nicole?"

"Doing more than just play Solitaire all day." I snorted.

"Okay kids." Bernadette growled stopping the argument all together, "Who stopped it?" she turned to April.

April blinked a few times. "…Well-" she paled, "There was this guy, I didn't get a good look at his face because it was dark, but he was swinging these giant shipping containers and knocking these guys into the river-" around April, the other reports all snorted, their eyes widened in disbelief. "There is a vigilante." April insisted, glaring at McNaughton and the others, "And he is fighting back against the Foot Clan. There is a huge story here."

Sighing, Bernadette shook her head, struggling to believe April's story.

"O'Neil." McNaughton sneered. "I think you found Super Man. That's cool."

Looking back to Bernadette, April narrowed her eyes. "The vigilante is real, I saw him."

"O'Neil, I'm going to assume that you would not come up here and tell us this fantastic story without some tangible proof." Bernadette said. Ruffling through the papers in her hand, April handed her a picture.

"I took this photo on one of the shipping containers. I actually think it may be his calling card." April announced.

Lifting the picture up, Bernadette examined it. I craned my neck to get a better look at the picture, taking a sip of my coffee. Getting a good look at the pic, my eyes doubled in size at the sight of the familiar looking symbol. "PFFT!" I spit my coffee onto Vern's shirt in a shocked reaction.

"Agh!" he jumped to his feet. "Nicole!"

"Sorry." I mumbled, using my sleeve to dry off my mouth. I kept my gaze locked onto April. This girl… Good golly, she was on to something huge and she didn't even know it yet!

That symbol she took a picture of, that was the symbol Arinna's boys used! She totally saw Arinna's kids yesterday! And maybe Arinna? Who knows!

Oh she is going to be so angry when she finds out.

"This is nothing." Bernadette forced a smile. "Nothing." She shoved it back into April's hands.

"That is exactly the point." April sighed. "Somebody stopped a Foot robbery and left no evidence. There is nothing."

…Probably not the best way to convince someone, but hey, I get your point April. An A for effort.

Bernadette looked ready to blow. "Oh. I get it." She was faking a smile. "You wanted me to put nothing on the nightly news."

"Of course not." April frowned.

"You know I'm going to pretend we never had this conversation." Bernadette scowled. "I am erasing it from my mind and the rest of us, we're going to go back to work. Lets hit it." She snapped her fingers, turned, and stormed out of the room.

Standing there in silence, humiliation burning across her face, April lowered her gaze.

Well I would tell the poor girl I believe her, but I did swear on the grave of Elvis and there is no one out there I respect more than the king himself. So, sorry April, you are own your own girl.

"Nicole out." I saluted Vern.

"Yeah whatever." He was dabbing his shirt from the coffee stain.

Smirking I quickly moved out of the offices and towards the elevator. As soon as I was inside I lifted my phone out of my pocket and punched in a number. Smirking to myself, I placed it to my ear.

"Hello?" Arinna's voice rang from the other end.

"Hey Arinna." I snorted, "How's your Morning been?"

"Good." She said, "Why do you ask? You don't usually call just to ask how my day has been."

"Yeah." I nodded, struggling to keep in my giggles, "I don't. So I have a question for you."


"Yeah, so what were you doing yesterday night?"
"Yesterday night?"
Were you at the Harbor at all?" I smirked. The other line was silent for some time, the only sound was the background noise of what I assumed to be Arinna's sons eating breakfast.

"How did you know…" it wasn't a question.

"Well, whatever you were doing, you left behind quite a tall tale to a young reporter here."

"What? Who? For which Channel!?" Arinna demanded.
"Channel 6. A young miss, April O'Neil came in with quite a story. Something about some vigilantes down by the harbor stopping some supposed Foot Clan robbery." I couldn't hold it in anymore. "You wouldn't- hahahaha- happen to know about that, would you?" I cackled.

"April O'Neil." Arinna repeated slowly. I could practically feel her calm beginning to break.

"What am I speaking French over here? Yes, April O'Neil. The young reporter who has an eye for the strange and she is very determined to follow up on this little story of hers." I whistled.

"…You're enjoying this." She hissed

"No-" I scoffed. "….Okay yeah, maybe a little." I snickered, glancing around to make sure no one was ease dropping. "But you have to admit. Out of all the people who know about your sons, you were probably expecting me to be the one to slip up and blow the whole thing. But oh, look at this, it was you guys. Hah!" I cackled. "Victory for me!"

"Nicole!" she screamed.
"Yeah sorry, I should take this seriously." I nodded. "…But I can't. This is too good!"

"Why you- just- Ahh! One second. RAPHAEL!" I held the phone away from my ear a bit as I heard my friend scream. "MAKE IT THREE MONTHS GROUNDED!"

"Wha-" I could hear Raphael say from the line. "Why?!"

"Do you want to make it four?" she growled.


"Then go to your room." There was a small pause. "Okay Nicole, you need to convince April to drop this. Does she have anything on her? Any pictures?"
Nope." I examined my nails. "Everyone thinks she is crazy."

Arinna sighed with relief. "That is good. I mean, bad for April and I'm so sorry to hear that, but good for us."

"Yeah. But I've heard the stories Arinna. April is the daughter of Kirby O'Neil. One of the most stubborn people who ever lived. She isn't going to be giving this up any time soon." I reminded her.

"You're right." She sighed. "We'll have to be careful from now on."

"Got that right." I glanced at my watch. "Oh man, I gotta go. I have a baby sitting gig tonight."

"Little Gio?" He was my neighbors kid. He was flippin' adorable!

"You know it. See yeah."


Hanging up, I ran out the door. Man, this day was just getting better and better.


I watched quietly from the background, keeping my head down and my eyes open.

It was best not to make any sudden movements or sounds when in this room.

It was my Sensei's, Master Shredder's, training room after all. I had just entered the room during a critical time within the training.

Master Shredder was on his knees, his wrists bounded behind his back while one of my men loomed over him. Lifting his head, the Shredder met the man's gaze, nodding his head. "Hajime."

Taking that as the okay, my soldier attacked. Swinging his fist relentlessly at Master Shredder, I watched in awe as he dodged each attack with such ease. Using only his head and legs, he lifted himself to his feet, using sheer strength to take out the attacker's legs, slamming his foot into his face.

I flinched when my solider stumbled back, only to get another blow to the skull. Falling back, he landed at my feet, out cold.

I gulped when my Master suddenly turned to me. Breaking the ropes with ease, he moved towards me. "Your men are weak." He spoke in Japanese, his voice thick with anger. "It is no surprise your missions fail." Cracking his neck, he stopped in front of me.

Looking up to him, I felt a trail of nervous sweat slip down the back of my neck. "We couldn't have anticipated the vigilantes showing up at the docks." I said quietly, "Master Shredder."

"You have been trained for such contingencies." He growled.

Feeling fear run through my spin, I hesitantly met his gaze. "…I've never seen an enemy like this." I breathed out. "Their size. Their strength." I shuddered at the thought. "They aren't human."

"I don't believe in Fairy Tales." Shredder began to speak in English. "It is what society wishes to bring the Foot Clan to. A myth. But the Foot Clan will rise again." He turned. "Capture the vigilantes in anyway you can. Use innocent civilians as bait."

I nodded my head a few times. "Yes Master."

"No one will stop our quest to gain victory. We will own this city." He lifted his hand, signaling for me to leave.

Nodding, I rushed out, quick to get as far away from his wrath as I possibly could. As his second in command, I was ashamed to have been defeated so many times by the vigilantes.

But what I said was true. These were no mere vigilantes. These beings were unlike anything I had ever seen.

If I was forced to use bait, I needed to a little… convincing. Texting a few of my requests to the labs below, I moved to get my men ready. Relaying the plan to them, I sent them to their positions before I journeyed to collect the materials required. The best place for us to gain a lot of quick and easy hostages would have to be the underground subway stations. Not easy to get in or out of those kind of places when people are panicked.

Moving down to the basement, I pushed through the large steel door and made my way to the science division. "Stockman!" I growled.

The man jumped in surprise, whipping around to look at me. "Y-Yes?" he stammered, not expecting my visit. "How can I help you Ms. Karai?"

"Is everything prepared?" I growled.

"Yes." He shuffled across the room to a table where a few black boxes were laying. "Here are the bombs, just as you requested."

Picking one up, I examined it. "And I simply press this button?"
"Yes." He nodded. "They will stick to any surface and cause quite sufficient damage."

"Good." I nodded. Turning the device in my hand, I felt sick. Being within this clan was starting to become… something I hadn't been expecting.

When I say this, I mean that killing had never been something I did for sport like most of the men here. And recently, I've been expected to do it more and more.

Nodding, I placed the bombs down. "Good." I nodded to Stockman, who smiled nervously. "And what of the other devices? The ones requested by our employer?" I did a quick scan of the room. It looked exactly the same as it did one week ago. Had they accomplished nothing while I was gone?
"Well, we've made great progress. But…" he trailed off.

"But?" I narrowed my eyes.

"You know how he is." Stockman stammered quietly. "If he was more… cooperative, I'm sure we would have been closer to completing it, maybe even done, by now." He motioned across the room to bared door. Within, was our prisoner.

A scientist we had captured a few years back to continue the research we had lost within the fire. Being one of the only two survivors of the fire, he was the Foot's only chance in repeating the research and machinery.

Meaning we needed him alive. And he knew it too.

Thus, this made him very hard to manipulate. We couldn't threaten him with death, nor could we break him through beatings. I myself have never tried to break him, but I've heard the rumors. The man's will was strong.

….Very strong.

"I'll go talk to him." I sighed moving to the door.

"Good." Stockman nodded. "He is being rather… grumpy, today. He refuses to even pick up a tool."

Leaving Stockman too his work, I approached the door. Grabbing the keys that hung on the wall next to the door, I unlocked a few of the locks. Placing the keys back, I pushed the door open with little difficulty. Peeking inside, I peered around the room.

Just as it always was, it was cluttered with different mechanical parts, papers, and a few others things I never understood. I was never one for science.

To the corner of the room, a tall man dressed in a long white coat was hunched over a magnifying glass, looking to what appeared to be a shred of grass.

"Hey." I grumbled knocking on the wall to catch his attention. "You aren't here to stare at grass."

The man lifted his head, turning to me. "…Oh, well if it isn't Karai." He smiled. "How are you doing lately my dear? I haven't seen you for some time? You must have been busy."

"Very." I agreed, deciding to go along with his small talk. "Some Vigilantes have been causing us trouble."
"I heard." He chuckled. "Well, it shouldn't be a surprise. Someone was bound to step up and go against the Foot eventually."

"…You sound sort of pleased?" I folded my arms, leaning against the table.

"What, me? Pleased that Shredder is having some trouble? Never." The man chuckled sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"Right." I fiddled with a few of his papers. "I hear you refuse to help out with the device."

"I've helped out enough, don't you think." He twirled a pen between his fingers.

"That isn't how this works." I reminded him. "You can't keep doing this. We have this same conversation every few months. You refuse to help, I come in and talk with you, then you get back to work."

"I get bored." He shrugged innocently.

"You know, we would let you go if you simply finished the device." I pointed out coldly.

"No you wouldn't."

"Yes I-"
"Maybe you would Karai…. But the Shredder wouldn't." his gaze was even, almost unnerving

I did a double take, "Master Shredder swore to you that if you finished his device he would deliver you home, safe and sound, and leave you alone forever." I argued.

"I've been here for almost 17 years Karai." The man sighed, sounding so very tired. "I don't think I even have a home left to return to."

I couldn't find anything to say. I had known this man for so long, and each time I came in here it just got harder for me to leave him behind. At first I was just doing my job, no questions asked. But as I started to talk to this strange scientist I began to wonder… was this really okay? Obviously it wasn't. I knew we weren't on the side of justice, but that never bothered me before.

But this, this man right here, he did. What we did to him bothered me and it just could fathom why.

"I never wanted it to turn out like this." I whispered quietly.

"I know." He smiled. It hurt to have him be so kind. "I don't blame you for the position I am in… I am only concerned."
"Why is that?" I tore my eyes away from his gaze.

"You have so much potential Karai. You could do some much good for this world, yet you waste it on working for a man who only wants to see it's destruction." He sighed, "And who cares nothing for you."

"You're wrong-"
"Am I?" the man's voice grew. "Can you look me in the eyes then Karai and honestly tell me he wouldn't sacrifice you, without a care in the world, just to save his own hide?"

I froze at the scientist's livid stare. "I… I must perform my duty. To keep my honor. Compassion or feelings has nothing to do with it."

"Sounds kind of empty if you ask me." He glanced down at the blade of grass. "That would make you no different from this blade of grass. You would seem like such a big role in the scheme of things, but no one would notice if you got plucked up and carried away, never to be seen again."

I rushed for the door. "I've heard enough." I growled, unable to hear his painfully truthful words. "I will come visit later."
"I'll be here… like usual."
Quietly creeping the door open, I paused, giving the man one last look. He had turned his back to me, fumbling around with a vile. "…See you later Vincent."

OH my gosh. Is this… Is this an update?! GOOD GOLLY IT IS!



So I felt really bad for always killing off Vincent in all my other stories. So... yeah, here's vincent everybody! :D