Chapter One: The birth and labeling of a Savior

August 3, 1980

Dumbledore was sitting with the Potters explaining the prophecy and that he had already informed Alice and Frank that their new son Neville as well as Alexander the Potter's son were both prime candidates for the Dark Lord to target and that they should go into hiding to protect their families. Sirius, Remus, and Peter joined in the debate over who would be the secret keeper. They decided on Peter as he would be the least likely one to suspect, the former Gryffindor accepted.

August 1, 1981

Dumbledore cursed his luck as he arrived at the Potter's to meet their newest son who had been born at 11:59 the night before "as the seventh month dies" He hadn't thought that another possible candidate would appear in the Potter household. He arrived to a home set up to celebrate the first birthday of Neville and Alex who had a year ago been born within minutes of each other, apparently shortly after the guest had gone home Lilly had gone into labor. He walked into the nursery where he raised a bushy eyebrow at Alex who seemed to have his hands stuck to his own face. He shook his head and turned to be introduced to a baby with the most entrancing green eyes, Harry Charles Potter.

October 31, 1981

The Order was in the middle of their weekly meeting/Halloween celebrations when James and Dumbledore stiffened as the felt their wards being breached at the Potter's place in Godric's Hollow.

Voldemort had finally broken Pettigrew and now knew where the Potters had hidden, he had decided to attack there first seeing as Alex Potter's birthday said 31st where as Longbottom's said 30th. As he blew in the front door the sitter Lisa was impaled with the shrapnel and was silenced with a spell as she quickly bled out as Voldemort made his way up to the nursery. Once inside he paused as he saw two boys, he hmmed to himself at the fact that Pettigrew never told about the second boy. He shrugged as he aimed his wand at the auburn-haired youth.

Harry who had been woken by the pained filled screams, had been watching as the red-eyed man raised his arm and wand. Harry wanted to protect his brother even if he was a meanie. Harry raised his hand and as his eyes glowed the same as the curse flying through the room, a white bubble of magic surrounded red-eyes and the green spell had been cut off from Alex. A piece of the white followed the green line into the head of his brother and gathered all negative effects from the exchange and shot them back into the bubble trapping red-eyes in with his own curse. As the shield fell a barely seen shadow escaped out the window and Harry saw as he slipped back into unconscious that Alex now had a jagged bloody mark on his forehead.

Just as Harry fell asleep the order burst into the room to find a wailing Alex and knocked out Harry. Lily picked up her crying child as James did the same to the sleeping Harry. Dumbledore looked around trying to assess what happened when he saw Alex was marked while Harry remained untouched. As James raised the question on how Voldemort had found them a message came via Patronus saying a tortured to death Peter Pettigrew was found. Soon after Dumbledore took Alex from Lily and held him up for the Order to view, "I give you Alexander James Potter The-Boy-Who-Lived."