As intense as the battle was that preceded it, one could argue that the cleanup efforts afterwards would be much more intense. At least that's what Harry Potter himself would argue if given the opportunity and a few of the people who were in the know would back them up.

Bits and pieces of alien technology laying about. If they didn't act quickly, some of it would end up on the black market and then they really didn't know what to do with it. Some random gangsters getting ahold of that equipment was a disaster waiting to happen and Harry shuddered to think of the potential implications of that.

"Just make sure we get what we can," Harry told Gwen through the radio piece as he made his way over to SHIELD. "I'm sure Fury is doing the clean up effort, but the more sets of eyes, the better."

It would be extremely better if there were several sets of eyes who could scan for such things. At least that was what Harry was under the assumption of.

"Don't worry, we'll get it, trust me," Gwen said and Harry did trust her.

That might be the problem but Gwen didn't really steer Harry wrong. He spent more time steering himself wrong.

"So, do you think we can have a vacation?" Nym asked and Harry turned towards her.

"I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with that term, it's not one that really enters my vocabulary that often," Harry told Nym and Nym folded her arms over her chest and gave a long and heaving sigh towards him.

"You know, you're really impossible sometimes, aren't you?"

Harry smiled at her. "I won't deny that I'm guilty as charged. But some of us thrive on being impossible."

Nym figured that Harry would take something like that as a compliment. He was as bent as an old coat hanger sometimes. Yet, she had a lot of room to talk with a lot of the oddities that are going on.

"Today, I think we learned a lot," Maria said, she had been listening into a little bit of a conversation. "And I learned that you can end a war really easily."

"Well, all battles are ninety percent up here," Harry said tapping himself on the top of his head. "And there's a lot of brain power."

"Stark has been raving about you, don't be surprised to find yourself offered a spot on the Avengers," Maria told him.

"Flattered, but it wouldn't work," Harry said, stealing a kiss from her. "But if Tony Stark wants to try and court me, then that's his business. Who am I to judge something like that anyway?"

Maria couldn't even keep the grin off of her face. It looked extremely priceless with how she looked.

"You know, you can't, although people might take Tony Stark courting you the wrong way," Maria said and Harry put his arm around her. Natasha joined them some time in the meantime. "And Stark would be high up on the list."

Harry chuckled. "Only people with way too much time on their hands and people on the Internet."

"You mean they're not the same thing?' Nym asked him and Harry smiled.

"Well, it would be foolish to think that they're mutually exclusive, yes," Harry agreed and he leaned back. "We're going to get a lot of information about what happened in the coming days from the Skrulls I'm sure."

"What do you think that they'll come out with?" Natasha asked.

"Likely some secrets that will prevent future alien invasions from other races out there," Harry suggested.

Earth was kind of new in the grand scheme of the wider universe. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for some race to consider the world easily conquered territory.

He could easily see the Skrulls selling out other races to get some leniency with their own crimes. That was just the type of thing that anyone would do if they were in the position that they were.

"And when that happens, we'll be ready," Harry said.

"I just can't believe this entire mess was all over some prophecy," Maria said.

Harry shook his head and sighed. "I can. Most of the messes in my life are over some kind of prophecy."

Harry hated that more than anyone else. He wasn't one who was a strict believer in the fact that something was set in stone. Magic was intriguing though in the sense that it could make the unbelievable very real.

Natasha wondered if she should even ask the next question. On one hand, plausible deniability was a good thing. On the other hand, she felt a desire to quench her curiosity.

The curiosity factor won that little battle.

"So, I'm sure you want to know about the doomsday weapon," Harry prodded her.

Natasha sighed.

"If you must know, it's perfectly safe and locked on tighter, and I hope that no one ever has a need to use it," Harry said, and he meant that.

"Do you think that you'll be able to figure out when the right time is to use it?" Maria asked.

"If that day comes, it will be a day that we'll be utterly boned," Harry said and he could see Nym's mouth opening. He decided to cut her off at the pass. "And we'll be utterly boned and not in a good way either."

Nym's mouth closed, she could not believe it.

Harry Potter felt that he had power that no one should, past, present, or future. He had the power of the entire world resting in the palm of his hands. The capability to do anything with that power and to increase his visibility out in what was really a strange and extremely insane world.

He knew that he could handle it, and he hoped that he could have people who could handle him. The world entered a tricky spot, especially with magical people from around the ICW countries entering an age of mistrust after the Ministry got infiltrated by Skrulls.

They wondered if their Ministry could have gotten infiltrated as well.

"Your Ministry isn't the only thing that is in a state of transition, you know,' Maria commented in a frank voice when she looked at Harry. Her husband fired back with a smile. "SHIELD also had some infiltration. They didn't do as much damage as they could have."

It was a wonder that SHIELD had been infiltrated as deep as they did. And everyone wondered if what they did could go much, much deeper than that.

"Well we've got a long road, don't we?" Harry asked her.

His statement was extremely frank and quite frankly, extremely matter of fact. That was just the way Harry Potter operated.

"So, is Fury leaving or is he sticking around?" Harry asked. "Or should I just ask the man himself?"

"That might be for the best," Maria agreed and she nearly spun around.

Gwen Stacy's sudden arrival was something that took her off guard. In addition to spider powers, the girl had remarkable stealth abilities. She would make a good Agent of SHIELD if Maria was honest with herself.

"Sorry, I just couldn't resist," Gwen said and she took a second to greet her husband with a long kiss to the lips.

Maria felt amused by their antics and also a little bit annoyed that she was left out. Her hand placed upon her hips when she gave a long and prominent sigh at the both of them.

"I think we should allow her in for a little bit," Gwen said and she closed ranks around Maria. "What's the harm in that, anyway?"

"There's really no harm," Harry agreed with a smoldering smile on his lips.

Maria could say something, she really could. Harry's lips inched closer to hers and she was trapped. Trapped in a good way, and her heart raced a little bit more.

He closed the gap on her and both sets of lips met each other with a passionate and sensual kiss. Their tongues wrapped around each other.

Nick Fury's arrival could kill anyone's mood and Harry turned to see the Director of SHIELD, perhaps the former one approach him.

"So, we're back in the saddle, aren't you?" Harry asked.

"We've got problems in both of our houses, as you know," Fury said and Harry looked rather amused.

"You don't need to tell me what I already know, Fury, I've got this one," Harry told him, but the look on Fury's face did really amuse Harry for many reasons.

"I hope that you know that this is a cease fire, the consequences of that situation will be revealed, and when they are…"

"Deal with it, like you'll deal with it," Harry countered. "I know you're going to want to give one of your grand Nick Fury speeches, but save it for someone who hasn't been saving the world since he could barely be able to walk."

"You think a lot of yourself," Fury commented.

"Most of us do," Harry admitted. Gwen tried very hard not to look amused, even though it failed her.

"Well we have to think a lot of ourselves," Gwen commented. "How do we ever hope to get anything done if we're not even confident?"

Harry didn't really shake this feeling that this world was in a state of transition. If he was able to help guide it, then it would come out okay. He had been placed on this world for a reason and he was a savior to many, even if they didn't appreciate that fact.

"SHIELD is going to be in a rough state soon, and remember, you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer," Harry warned Fury.

"You're not really telling me anything groundbreaking, Potter," Fury said.

"Just a nice little reminder of what could be coming down the pike soon," Harry commented in his lightest voice.

He thought that with the Skrulls done, the war would be over and maybe that was true. Or maybe it was a prelude to something far bigger to come. There were more races out there, and there were also people on Earth.

Harry heard someone say that humans could very well end up being the greatest danger of their own planet. Over the next hundred years, humans would either thrive to the highest heights or destroy their planet through sheer stupidity.

A hundred years later, Harry Potter would be there, young as ever, ready to face anyone who had damaged the planet that he had claimed for his own.

"We're going to be up and running and the President has settled in," Fury said.

"Yeah, this is an election year," Maria said, and she frowned.

"Which why it was a good time for the Skrulls to invade to cause the maximum amount of damage," Harry commented.

He looked out the window and saw the sun slowly rise above the horizon. This could be a good omen, for it was a fresh new day. Or it could be a bad omen because it signified that something wicked was happening.

All Harry Potter was going to have to do was wait and see.

Harry, Kara, and Gwen walked under control to a secret base, one of many.

"You really think that this much security is overkill?" Gwen asked.

Kara laughed when they disabled the 97th and second to last gate. "If they can get through this without being atomized, then they can have the Doomsday Weapon."

Harry didn't want to say anything but he almost thought that it wasn't enough. There had to be some additional security. Even though programming each gate to transport anyone trying to access the room without his permission to a different grisly fate was a challenge. He also had to compensate for intent.

He had other treasures in this deep underground chamber that he didn't want anyone to get their hands on.

"Deadly and beautiful," Kara said when she eyed the weapon. "Let's hope that we never have to use it."

"Yes, I do hope that, I think that we all hope that," Harry told her with a smile. His eyes traveled over the weapon, perhaps the weapon to end all weapons.

He added another layer of security over it. He could tell why the Skrulls wanted their hands on it.

The dark and dreary underground made them absolutely depressed. The three of them were going to meet with Maria, Natasha, and Carol in a little bit. This entire alien invasion thing really put a damper on the entire spontaneous Vegas marriage thing.

"So if you're thinking Orgy…"

Gwen turned to Kara with a grin. "You're always thinking Orgy."

Kara's eyes snapped towards Gwen in an exasperated manner. "Don't tell me you're not always thinking Orgy."

Harry cleared his throat and both girls turned towards him.

"You two don't want a spanking, do you?" Harry asked.

Gwen grinned at him and playfully pushed him back against the wall. "Are you asking or threatening?"

Harry reversed her grip and grabbed her ass with one hand and her hair with the other hand. He looked into her beautiful blue eyes. "What do you think?"

"I think my imaginable can do a wonderful enough job in filling in the blanks," Gwen added with a smile.

Kara giggled in amusement and Harry turned towards her.

"If it makes it any easier, I'll just pull my panties down right now," Kara said, trailing her tongue against the edge of her lips.

"You know, it loses some of the menace when you're the one who is asking for it," Harry told her and Kara backed off, nodding.

"Yes, it loses a lot of the menace," Kara told him and Harry walked around to the other side of her, wrapping his arms around her.

He was going to head off to meet his three newest wives, but then he got a phone call.

"Harry, we might have to delay the dinner plans," Maria told him over the line.

"Something came up?" Harry asked her.

"Yes, something came up," Maria agreed. She looked to be collecting herself. "It appears that there's some nutcase in the middle of New York City, and he says that he comes from the future. And I'll be honest, I'm inclined to believe it. He does have some technology that seems futuristic."

"Appearances are rarely what they seem to be," Harry told her. "So, if you want me to check that out?"

"Please do," Maria told him.

"The sooner we kick this guy's ass, the sooner we get onto the fun stuff," Gwen said.

"So fly or teleport?" Harry asked.

"I vote fly," Kara said, bouncing up and down on the heels of her boots in mid air.

"Web slinging is where it's at…"

"Unless there's no buildings, because you need something to web sling off of," Kara countered.

Harry knew this argument would go somewhere where he didn't want to go.

"We'll just teleport."

Harry grabbed both of them and they teleported out with a huge flash.

The Avengers already showed up to fight some blue man in a hover chair, and they couldn't breach his defenses.

"Some temporal bubble, it's firing them back to the time before they could attack him," Gwen said. "Impressive, but I think that I could hack it if you can distract him."

Another adventure continued, even long after any observation of this universe ceased to be.


So that be all, ladies and gentlemen and various other life forms inhabiting the Internet. Told the story, got out of there.