Warning: see chapter 1.

Disclaimer: see chapter 1.

Much Appreciation to: countrylovinfangirl, AnimeFreak7177, Stella Solaris, nika0645, Yana5, Entoarox, Kyogre, Silvermane1, Sachiel Angelo, DarkIceAngelFlare, Darkkight56, Angel88441, Lumi yoshinigama, GarionRiva.

Chapter 4: House Tour

The next day both father and son rose much earlier, they spend a few hours lazing around before actually vacating the huge bed. Right after washing Minato carry his son down to the kitchen to fix something, leaving his son a hot glass of milk to warm his belly before facing the kitchen counters.

On some morning the blond man prepared a quick meal of bread and tea but with Naruto in mind he decided to make it a routine for a heavy breakfast, his son still painfully underfed for his presence of mind.

Minato serves rice, grilled fish, mix vegetables and miso soup, Naruto happily chomp down his meal with extra serving of rice, something Minato encourage to make up for the missing nutrients. The peaceful morning come to an end as Naruto ask his father –rather loudly- where they're going, Minato steer his son back in the playroom the previous day, which he told his son is actually his room much to the stunned disbelief of the boy.

He left his son standing in stupor while a rummaged for something to change the little blond, by the time he found an overall and a shirt, Naruto already snapped out of his daze and was bouncing around the room. Naruto obediently went to his father and let be changed, inwardly reveling in the feeling of being care for.

Young Naruto's mind is still reeling at the thought of having a father, yesterday was almost like a dream, similar to the ones he kept having whenever his upbeat and optimistic personality cannot push off the loneliness. Last night he had another such dream but unlike the others the face was clear, it was the face of the blond that is now holding him in his arms and out of the door.

Waking up today, he thought yesterday mind boggling revelation was a dream but when he opened his eyes it was to the sight of pretty blue eyes softly watching over him and an a smile that warm his entire being, making his heart and stomach do silly thing.

As Naruto rested his head on the firm chest of his father, Minato went down the stairs and turn on a different corner stopping on reinforced glass sliding door, pushing it aside he patted his son's unruly hair and gently set the boy down.

Curiosity to wonderment, Minato watched and committed the expression in his mind.

"Welcome to our garden, Naruto."

No need for dramatics because his son is already gaping at the sight of their 'garden', the word 'garden' was actually a huge understatement to describe their backyard, 'forest' was more appropriate. Broad and towering trees surrounded them, there's even thick swathe of vines around the rough barks, wild flowers and greens sprout randomly on the sprawling green, fruit bearing scrubs and bushes, and little critters running around freely.

The last mention cause twinkling stars of delight to appear in Naruto's wide blue eyes, slowly as to not frighten the brown thing, Naruto crept on the soft grass and with a squeal of glee pounce on the rabbit, it rendered his little show of stealth a complete waste because the small cretin's long and sharp ears save him from the chubby clutches of Naruto's grabby hand.

The escape of his prey made Naruto puffed his cheeks, red tinting his whiskers, at the back Minato smothered his laughter behind a closed fist, his shoulder shaking with mirth. Naruto wasn't dishearten he run, following the rabbit happily enough and when the furry thing escape down a hole under a tree, Naruto shift his attention to a snacking squirrel.

Minato let his son run around, taking a seat on the soft grass, he relax at the sight of his happy baby, it was just like he intended, yesterday was to heavily emotional for his Naruto and he brought his son here to have fun for a change. He marvel at his son's exuberance, looking at the little blond one will never think the boy has experience too many pain for it to be appropriate, even ninja children we're never put through such things.

It was the thought of a defenseless infant Naruto, crying and hurt that endlessly tore through him; he can't stop imagining as he read through the reports the attacks on his son, the oppression of the adults and the children that follow innocently.

Minato breathe deeply and expel the darkening thoughts, slowly consuming him, he will brood on this on the darkness of their room, today under the sun he will gaze on the blissful face of his baby son. Speaking of his son, the squirrel finally had enough of the harassment and took refuge on one of the tall trees, chattering angrily before disappearing into the green foliage.

Naruto pout and look around, the racket he caused with Rabbit-san and Squirrel-kun made the other inhabitants fled the immediate area. He went to his Papa rather sullen and Minato embrace his dismay son.

"It's alright Naruto, they're just surprise because this is the first time they saw you." He pat the spiky head, it seem to droop along with his son's mood, how cute. He can't resist pinching the bottom pink lip, Naruto drop his pout and giggle, batting his father's large hand away, and there is it a smile.

"Give it a little time, they'll come back and play with you." That made Naruto perks up.


"Yes, here let's search for some more." Minato heft his son and walk closer in the forest, from his perch Naruto took in the wild around him, his blue eyes trying to stare at any and every thing, all at once.

"Oh, there is one." Minato whisper to Naruto, probably picking the hush-hush tone the boy stay silent and follow the direction of his Papa's finger. It takes several seconds but Naruto found another rabbit, nibbling on a leaf, remembering his father's words, Naruto remain with his father, content on watching, it's the first time he saw a rabbit eat.

Naruto became bored and squirm to be put down, Minato set his son down and Naruto happily but carefully bound around searching for interesting oddities, which he point out to his father. Minato readily answer any question, giving interesting and short facts as they explore the area, Naruto learn about the pretty flowers' name and insects, he even saw an clump of something his Papa called Beehive and it was super dangerous to get near one so they steer away from it because Naruto don't want to be sting, his Papa said it was painful.

Then Naruto caught sight of some birds, but unlike the scavenging crows around the orphanage or the occasional twittering small birds whenever Naruto go outside with his Hokage-jiji, it was of different colors but it flew away before he can show it to his father who was busy studying a possibly dangerous plant.

On the topic of plants, Minato had shown Naruto the harmful habitants of their backyard and telling him to avoid contact or close inhalation, and letting Naruto pick some wild berries to try. When lunch came around, Minato pull Naruto away from a trail of ants and return to their home, they arrive to a checkered blanket spread out in the ground and laden with a woven picnic basket and containers.

While exploring, Minato send a clone to fix a picnic style lunch, seeing as Naruto will be too enamored to leave the wide space of adventure presented to him, it also made for an experience eating outdoor.


The day's coming to an end and Minato's washing a worn out Naruto after dinner, the boy tire his self in trying to cover every ground of their garden but Minato carried a tired little blond with the promise of coming back.

Swathing his baby son using a fluffy towel, he help his son on a set of pajamas before hauling the almost asleep child to their room. Arranging his son, Minato reach to switch off the lamp, kissing a smooth forehead the man settle beside his son.

Up and seemly vibrating with energy, Naruto let his father guide by hand to another room, although he wanted to return to the 'Jungle Garden' as he called it, the prospect of seeing every part of his new home was enticing enough. This time they remain on the same bedroom floor, they'll go to the family library where Minato and his wife collected all sorts of books, scrolls and old tome.

Most of which are related to sealing theory, also an extensive line of jutsu scrolls, some are under security areas for their risk. At the word ninja, naturally Naruto practically zoom around the bookcases, his neck stretching to gaze at the ceiling-tall books and nearly toppling backward.

"Naruto, Sarutobi-jiji said that you wanted to be a ninja." Minato watched as Naruto poked at a scroll but not attempting to pull it out.

"Hai! I'll be an awesome ninja!" Naruto grinned, "Like Hokage-jiji and Papa!"

Minato let out a pleased smile, "Is that so?"

Minato pulled a chair and took a seat, "Then, Papa will help you become a ninja."

"Eh?"At this Naruto visibly perked up, "You will"


Naruto cheered, he bounce to his father, calloused hand supporting him as he clambered on his father's lap. Naruto paused become shyly laying a sweet kiss on his father's right cheek, his flimsy arms squeezing around the strong neck.

"Thank you, Papa" Minato's small pleased smile became brighter and adoring to match his son's smile. Inwardly, he consider the gesture as a small victory, yesterday Naruto will never kiss him on his own volition, he was happy and partly worried on easy his son can open his heart.

Brows slanted in concentration, Naruto awkwardly hold a brush, a smaller one to fit his little hand and copy the characters above the white paper. He can already read a little, the picture books in Naruto's room will be a good start. Minato started his son on writing to make Naruto recognize and hopefully boost his reading.

Before he can hold cool weapons and grand techniques, his Papa told him that he needed to learn basic, basic as in studying how to write, read, and such mind numbing ordeal. Of course, Naruto wasn't deterred to become a ninja he will do such 'arduous training', he'll make his Papa proud!

Heh, it looks like Naruto will be busy training for a while, Minato sure do know how to…persuade his son.

In the second day of Naruto's lesson, someone knocked on Namikaze' frontdoor, it was out of curiosity that Naruto trailed after his father. Sarutobi stood at the porch with a benign smile, one which did not reach his eyes and Naruto didn't catch but Minato did.

Naruto was sent back to his meal as the two adults talk in the hallway, his Sarutobi pop around the kitchen and told him that he'll take over the lesson for the day, Minato follow later dressed in a similar cloak he wore the first time Naruto saw his father.

"Naruto, Papa will be out for a little, okay?" Minato told him, kneeling in one and a gentle callous finger touching his cheek, "Sarutobi-jiji will stay with you."

Albeit confused, Naruto obediently nodded and kissed his father, a frown on his face as he watched his father out of door for the first time, Sarutobi steer him back on the study and managed to take Naruto's mind off of the thoughts of his father little trip.

By the end of the day, Naruto started fretting despite Sarutobi's best efforts to entertain the child with games; it was a good sign and a exasperating one in the old ma's opinion. When a chime echoed Naruto was faster than a cat and was upon the door, tiptoeing and grasping the door open, his face lit up.

His father readily greet him with a kiss and hug, and it was after that Naruto notice another person, a young man, appearance in disarray with all the bandage and plaster on his head and arms, a single eye flashing nervously.




Made a detour in Ao3...it was a little confusing, it took me several trys navigating around but its an interesting site..
