"You can't escape me now..."

"M-maaka-kun? T-this..." Sumire averted her gaze by tilting her head to the side; giving Ren a perfect view of the veins pumping underneath the tender flesh just above her collar bone.

'That's it... Good girl...' The vampire's fangs once again pulsated expectantly.

If it weren't for his strong desire to bury his sharp teeth deep inside of her neck, he would have acknowledged how positively divine she appeared spread below him.

Her cheeks were a beautiful shade of scarlet. Pursed pink lips opened ever so slightly, while her midnight violet hair sprawled out; released from the towel that concealed the mysterious locks only a moment ago. The way her arms lay at each side of her head in the most endearing way possible. And her breasts...

In a single word?

Only one came to the young man's mind.

They were fucking perfect.

The lavender tank top she wore was like a blessing in disguise. And he was only now starting to see why some men preferred their women to wear them whenever they were indoors.


Sometimes even outdoors.

Somehow the fabric managed to push up the sizable mounds; and so now they were almost halfway out of their confinement. SO close to being released fully in all their glory.

Suddenly the ache in his fangs dulled; overwhelmed by his desperate urge to rip all of those stupid barriers of clothing off of Sumire's body and ravish her at that very second.


He didn't want to do that just yet.

After all he had a stern point to prove.

First he would do what a vampire; such as himself, was meant to do.

And that was to put this human in her place.

To reveal her true nature that every other single mortal shared with one another.

And that was their fear of vampires.

Aptly put, the fear of the unknown. Otherwise all of that which was their alarm of anything able to harm flawed and inferior beings such as themselves.

No human he encountered ever came without this apprehension.

And he'd be damned(dejavu?) if this woman tried to make a mockery out of him and his entire species.

And after that...?

Heh, well...

Then the real fun would begin.

Giving off a seductive gaze; his lips opened in almost a bizarre but attractive manner. His words spilling slowly out of his mouth as if trying to spell it out to her... The grip of his hold on her strengthened; while somehow managing to reposition their bodies so that now his left knee rested between her legs and the other supported the young woman's body from slipping away from him.

'No escape.'

"Are you afraid of me now?" Ren whispered lowly. His golden eyes now reflecting the moonlight shining through the large windows of Sumire's apartment.

As if in cue, the girl shook her head nervously; seeming sincere in the gesture.

"No. But... A-ahh..." She moaned as the older man leaned down and released a longing sigh onto her left ear.

"Really...? Because if you aren't... Then you should know what comes next, right?" He smirked when her blush deepened.

Suddenly the sound of Sumire's heart nearly pounding out of her chest reminded him that this really was; indeed, her first time being alone with another man.

At least when she wasn't at work.

The world happening outside suddenly became nothing more than an enigma.

Truthfully, if the vampire was being honest, then he would have to admit; this was the most excitement he'd encountered with a woman in...how long...?

Well whatever it was, it was pretty damn long ago.

High school maybe? Or maybe even middle school? Ah screw it... It didn't matter anyway.

The point was that he was getting pretty riled up.

And the way this girl struggled to keep up with the young vampire was surprisingly amusing...bordering on adorable even...

Not that he would ever admit the latter.

Perhaps he could hold off on proving his point...? Just for a little while...?

"Maaka...?" Ren's ears twitched at the sudden call of his name. The man had thought she was a little too out of it to really speak. What a strange woman.

"Yes Sumire... What is it?" He asked half out curiosity; the other half out of sarcasm.

Trying to sound interested into what she had to say was becoming practically painful. And he wasn't sure how much longer he could take without forcefully undressing her; regardless of his mind telling him that patience is a virtue... His hormones screamed otherwise, and let's just say that Ren wasn't the best at controlling his urges. Especially since sex was like second nature to the man.

She looked away again; as if trying to form the right sentence inside of her mind before actually saying anything. Finally after what seemed like an eternity the violet hair girl faced him again and timidly finished her response.

"Is that the only reason you came up here after all?" The tone in her voice signified that she felt slightly betrayed and maybe even a little...sad?

'Bingo.' He thought.

This was where the vampire excelled in the women department.

Spending time with a different female almost everytime he sought out blood tended to put him at an advantage when it came to the way they thought. Although since this particular one was a bit more inexperienced and sensitive than the rest, he would have to be careful with whatever words and actions he chose.

Without any hesitation Ren assembled his best sympathetic frown and answered her question with puppy like eyes.

"Of course not. I really like you Sumire. Honest."

After that the girl took a moment to look into his bright golden orbs as if determining the truth behind his words, but accidentally muttered a small "oh."

"What's the matter?" He asked with his right eyebrow raised.

"You're eyes...look like they're glowing." She muttered in awe.

His eyes huh?

A fake smile tugged at the man's lips. "The moonlight tends to do that, silly girl." He teased.

"Ah?! R-right... I'm sorry, that was rude of me to say." She frowned apologetically.

"They're only eyes..." He replied. But the girl shook her head again.

"I was talking about what I said a few moments ago... I should have known you wouldn't do something like using me for a way to kill time." She added firmly.

The silver haired man looked a bit dumbfounded. His eyes wide from surprise and his body froze as a result; which gave the girl a chance to slip out from underneath his grasp and stand up a few feet away from him. A small smile was plastered across her face as she continued.

"You were just teasing me. Don't worry, I'll try to be a little less serious with what you say from now on."

And with that, she disappeared into her bedroom to finish drying her hair. Leaving Ren's mind reeling on a continuous loop; struggling to get a grasp on what the hell had just happened.

Had she just...tricked him?

No that wasn't it... Was it?

The entire time he was left alone, his position didn't change. He just remained in a state of shock as his body slumped over the large couch, cornering what was no longer below him.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of Sumire's blow dryer turn on that the vampire snapped out of it.

Instantly a cross-popping vein made itself visible on his forehead.

How utterly ridiculous.

She had been right on the mark, until managing to flush away any of her previous assumptions out the window and acting as if everything were normal.

Just what was this girl?

She was either incredibly smart, or dangerously stupid.

But this setback, was the last straw.

No more.

With that, the now fuming man rebuilt his resolve, feeling more confident than ever when he unyieldingly approached her bedroom door.


"Henry?!" A fuming Carrera Marker called out to her incompetent husband as she frantically searched every single room of their large and aged castle.

Somehow that idot of a man had slipped away from her grasp. And just when she needed to speak with him the most!

The buxom vampire woman stomped loudly throughout the halls, dead sent on finding that wretched momma's boy and giving him a piece of her mind(like she always had).

Although her patience was wearing incredibly thin by this point, and she wanted nothing more than to beat her husband senseless with one of her own signature slippers; she had more pressing matters to discuss with him.

Suddenly the presence of many bats appeared and flew past her. And after the initial flapping of black wings and squeals cleared away, her youngest daughter of only 12 years old appeared in their place, holding a possessed doll in her arms and wearing the same blank stare she always adorned.

"Ah, Anju... What is it?" Carrera asked with piqued interest.

Normally the young child would rarely appear before her own mother unless she was adamant to voice her own opinion.

She stroked her eager doll's head calmly before practically whispering a sentence.

"Father... He isn't here right now. He went out to find big sister and big brother..." Silence fell over the entire atmosphere after Anju finished. Followed by a loud exasperated sigh echoing throughout the room as the girl's mother rubbed her temples in agitation.

The woman needed to take a brief moment before she regained her composure.

"What a fool. I had intended to tell him the rest of the details before he did just that...! Now everything everything is utterly ruined! How troublesome..." The older vampire propped a forefinger and a thumb up to her chin in thought.

"Haha! What a mess! I bet you Ren will be the most surprised! After all that idiot will be-!" The obnoxious doll was interrupted before he could continue his needless ranting when Anju squeezed his torso almost dangerously tight.

"Boogie-kun... That's enough. You shouldn't talk about big brother that way... We already know he won't be happy when he finds out that a human will be living here." She scolded, even though her expression remained the same.

"Yes. He will be rather upset won't he...? Well there's no helping it. After all, none of us really have a say in the matter now do we?" Another sigh left Carrera's lips.

"But that isn't our biggest issue. What's really unsettling is what that woman will have to say about it when she awakens from her slumber... What a pain! If only Henry hadn't been such a mindless buffoon and flew out of this house without so much as a warning, we could have at least prepared the rest of our family about the circumstances of this situation." She grimaced; gripping the slipper in her hand with great annoyance.

"So... What will we do now?" Anju asked rather plainly.

Her mother eyed her curiously.

"Perhaps we should welcome this new guest with open arms. Just because the rest of our family will be in the dark about this person, doesn't exactly mean that you and I have to be. Besides it's your own father's fault for acting like a child." She replied sternly with furrowing brows.

"Ooooo! So you're saying we should pull a little prank on them? Haha yes, yes! That sounds like one helluva time!" Boogie cried waving his sharp knife in excitement, only to be squeezed again by his owner.

"No, no. He's right. Perhaps this is just a woman's way of being playful... Or in my case a vampire woman." Carrera smirked almost tauntingly.

"Big sister will probably be happy..." Anju whispered.

Her head cocked to the side when she gave the matter more thought.

"She might even be useful to us." She added looking up at her mother who nodded on agreement.

"You're right. A spy on the outside during the day... That would be rather useful wouldn't it? Our darling Karin is a bit too naive to have only that one human boy. Someone such as this one could prove especially convenient in certain affairs."

The only issue was how exactly they were going to go about it.

"I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Carrera shrugged; not giving it a second thought.

Anju opened her mouth; appearing to speak, but shut it closed again when she noticed the presence of someone else approaching.

A certain older sibling she knew all too well came bursting through the doors in a dramatic and unorderly fashion and; as per usual, out of breath and panting heavily with a deep blush plastered all over her cheeks.

"Big sister... Welcome home." Anju said with the faintest of smiles.

"Ah Karen. Just in time I see. You wouldn't happen to know where your good for nothing father is?" Their mother asked crossing her arms.

With a frantic shake of her head, Karin struggled to calm down. In fact it took her a few minutes to actually gain enough oxygen to croak out the question she was obviously dying to ask.

"Haaa, is it true?! Are we really having some new person stay here in our home?!" The un-vampire asked with wide eyes.

Her mother's right eyebrow raised slightly.

"Ah yes, that. It's true. But Henry must have left out a few certain details about this mystery mortal. You see, he ran off before your younger sister and I could actually finish speaking with him so-"

"So they're a human?! Really?! Wow I never would've expected that!" Karen cried cutting the older vampire off. In return the now angered woman whacked her own eldest daughter upside the back of her head. The teenage girl then winced and fell to the floor with a thud; gripping her head along the way.

"Don't interrupt me you stupid child!" Their mother snapped.

"S-sorry!" She cried looking up from the ground as painful tears pooled in her eyes.

Carrera's expression quickly returned to normal before she started speaking again.

"As I was saying... Your imbecile-I mean your father left out some matters regarding this guest-" She began.

"Father is here." Anju cut off cooly before facing the door.

"Father...? You mean he's here already?" Karen asked standing up.


Not long after the youngest girl pipped up did their bumbling dad rush through the front door and race up to the rest of his family.

Carrera was a mere half-second away from taking out her demonic wrath with her trusted slipper on the man, until she noticed something very important.

A worried expression appeared on his face.

"What's in blazes is the matter NOW?" His wife asked sternly.

Henry then started sputtering a bout of nonsense that no one; not even Anju could understand, and so they wondered what on earth had managed to make him so flustered.

"What is it? Spit it out!" She repeated.

He took a deep breath.

"I couldn't find Ren anywhere! It's as if he's disappeared off the face of the planet! I've searched everywhere! I didn't spot him doing his usual rounds in the city... And he wouldn't answer his cell phone! I'm worried! What if that boy finally screwed up and unleashed the rage of all those women he'd been doing indecent things with and was trampled to death?!"

The rest of his family grew vacantly silent.

"No way. You're overreacting dad." Karen brushed off bluntly.

"Yeah..." Anju agreed.

"You really are an idiot." Carrera added deadpan.

"Pfft, what a stupid old geezer." Boogie finished laughing mercilessly.

Henry's body comedically turned to stone afterwards. There had been one too many rude comments directed towards him than he could handle.

A cold chill blew past him from outside of the open doors along with a dramatic silence.

Then tears began pouring down the pitiful man's cheeks.

"Ahh, my family is too cruel..." He sobbed.

His wife sighed and patted him on the back. "Now, now. Don't be so hard on yourself. It isn't your fault that you're a bumbling and doting father, hm?" She attempted to cheer the man up, but in actuality had the opposite effect.

"That doesn't help me...!" He cried slumping to the floor.

"Father...would you like me to use my bats to help find big brother?" Anju asked.

"Ah! You would do that for me?!" Her father asked excitedly.

"No, not really." She corrected as the man went frigid again.

"It's more for big brother's sake." She finished before calling back her small winged spies, all while disregarding her father's tears.

As if in cue, dozens of them surrounded the young bat wielding prodigy.

"Find big brother Ren and warn him that there is something important mother needs to tell us." She whispered to one in particular; whom most likely was in charge of the rest.

A small squeak from the chibi-like creature signified his understanding. After receiving the girl's command he flew off; the others joining him soon afterwards.

Soft sighs from both parents caught their attention.

"Well, I suppose that's one matter taken care of. Now... Henry, Karen, and Anju... Please have a seat. There's something that I need to tell you about our soon to be guest..." Carrera said as her expression turned dour.


Sumire sat quietly at her bedroom desk; drying her hair and looking into the small wooden framed facial mirror ahead of her. Blissfully unaware at what the vampire was deviously planning inside of his mind this very second.

It was time to turn it up a notch.

This girl seemed to be a bit thick in the head when it came to Ren's normal routine of advances.

Of course she would be though. After all this would mark the 19 year old's first night with someone of the opposite sex.

Oh how he would enjoy this little escapade.

And so, he was going to be more straightforward from now on.

In fact the young silver haired man knew exactly what he needed to do.

And that was to figure out what made her tick.

All of the other women he slept with each had their own unique seperate "tell." Meaning they all possessed a weak spot secretly placed somewhere on their bodies whenever the sexual tension was at it's peak.

Most of the girls were sensitive neck or on their ears. There were some different areas with others...like the occasional collar bone and shoulders, but none that were really unexpected.

And considering the violet haired girl's innocence, any one of them were likely to be her's.

"There we go. I feel a lot better now that I've showered and washed my hair. So Maaka-kun what would you like to do now?" Sumire asked unplugging and putting away the equipment and discarding the wet towel.

Ren then watched as she got up and shuffled things around in her room as if trying to make it look more presentable.

Not that she really needed to since it was practically barren.

A simple room with light gray walls, carpet, and a large circular king sized bed set with matching gray and white colors. There were also big glass windows/doors leading to an open air terrace with a gorgeous view of the night time city, a dark gray dresser laced with a few womanly essentials and a mirror attached, and the work desk she sat at a moment ago with a rolling chair tucked inside of it.

The vampire's tongue clicked in agitation.

'What a plain room for a woman.' He mused.

But he'd keep that little statement to himself... Right now he just marveled at the girl in front of him.

She was even more beautiful with her hair down.

It was longer, reaching the curve of her back; smooth and straight at the top then becoming wavy towards the bottom. She didn't have bangs and instead her hair was sideswept and vibrant, bringing out her more feminine features. Like the flush in her cheeks seemed brighter than before and her hazel eyes almost sparkled...even if it sounded a bit cheesy and cliché.


Sumire titled her head in question, and hadn't realized how utterly arousing that simple gesture was to the womanizing vampire.

Fuck this.

"I can think of something..." He finally pipped up.

"Ah, really? Well then please tell me what it is." She replied curiously.

This was almost too easy.

"How about we play a little game?"

Her eyes flickered.

"A game?"

"Yup. A game. Would you like to know how it works?" He asked.

She jumped and blushed simultaneously when he swung an arm around her shoulders before luring the unsuspecting girl over to the bed; dragging her body with him when he sat down onto the soft spacious cushion and settled her sideways onto his lap.

Sumire let out a small yelp of surprise when she felt his right hand support her back while the other traced light circles with his fingers on her covered thighs.

The feeling of Ren's breath tickled her cheek; while his eyes suddenly shifted to a sexy glazed expression.

He could hear the pounding of her heart without the use of his senses as it echoed loudly in the quiet room.

"T-this...?" Although the frazzled girl couldn't quite squeeze out her sentence; the young vampire knew exactly what she wanted to say.

"Yes Sumire. This is the beginning of the game. The rest is what I like to call 'Show and Tell.'" He replied bringing his fingers up higher and making circles on her collarbone. When she shuddered, the man had to try his best not to smirk in triumph.

"What happens next is that I'll touch you somewhere on your exposed skin, and then you show and tell me if it hurts...or if it feels good." He whispered; deeply inhaling that sweetly addicting scent of tropical fruit emanating from her beautiful tresses.

It wasn't so strong that his nose recoiled, but rather surprisingly refreshing...and also stimulating.

"Wait a second! M-maaka-kun that's definitely out of the question!" She retorted squirming underneath his grasp.

"And why's that? It's just a game."

This blunt response seemed to catch her attention. And for a moment the conflicted woman thought about it, before realizing how completely ludicrous the entire idea was.

"A-absolutely n-!" Her voice vanished when she felt the pressure of Ren's soft lips pressed against her shoulder blade.

His arms weaved themselves around her torso; keeping Sumire in place.



As if he'd stop now.

This was way too entertaining.

He pulled away to see her reaction.

'Perfect.' He thought; reveling in the flustered expression plastered across her face.

She had given up struggling after the first few seconds; probably enjoying the new blood pumping experience.

Ah, blood. Right.

"Well...?" He asked coyly.

"Ah, um..." Her eyes darted away from his own; embarrassment swirling around in them as she tried to mutter a reply.

"I-It didn't hurt. But still this kind of thing, is it really necessary?" She whispered bashfully.

Ren snuggled his nose against her hair again; and then her flushed cheek. "Yes, it is." He replied exhaling softly. All while making sure to ghost his breath across the unsettled girl's ear lobe.

"Mm...M-maaka..." She muttered.

'So her ear huh? Figures.'

"What's wrong Sumire? Did I hurt you?"

"...No." Her voice was almost undetectable, even with the vampire's superhuman hearing.

"Hm...? Then how about this?" Ren dragged his lips along her jawline, pressing moderately light kisses everywhere they touched.

Sumire cried out a bit louder this time; gripping onto his chest as he continued.

"Good girl..." He teased.

In a brief flash, the violet haired woman lay flat onto the bed with the significantly larger man hovering above her.

He slowly shook off his black coat; revealing a plain white turtleneck sweater and tossed it aside.

"Maaka-kun...?!" Before she could even blink, the tank top she was wearing hiked up and exposed her bare torso.

Her body twitched at the feeling of Ren's calloused hands brushing against her sides.

'What the hell? This girl's skin is so smooth that it feels as if it were butter.' His tongue clicked.

Just who was she?

Curiosity got the better of him.

He then traced the curve of her waist with his left index finger, admiring the sensation of supple flesh grazing his touch.

"Aah..." She moaned.

The vampire's golden eyes flickered; almost glowing with anticipation.

Finally, he'd get to sink his fangs into that beautiful neck of hers and relish taste the blood of a virgin...before taking away that precious treasure soon afterwards.

"Sumire... I want you..." He beckoned with an innocent but longing expression.

The flare of pink on her cheeks brightened. She felt at a loss for words.

It was almost criminal how cute she was.

"Please...?" He called again pressing the bridge of his nose and mouth into the crook of her neck.

The blood pumping through her veins quickened; as the unsullied girl's stress levels reached their peak. Ren could feel his fangs pulsate more than they had all night. So whether she pushed him away or accepted him; he would get what he wanted from her...or at the very least, half of it. The usual feeling of sharp protruding teeth and instinct gradually took over most of his sanity.

Soon it would all be gone; and he would be completely satisfied; which only made the next few moments of silence unbearable.

The vampire eventually heard Sumire open her mouth to answer...


"I KNEW IT!" Suddenly an ear splitting scream and a loud slam echoed throughout the room grabbing both parties' attention.

In the open doorway stood the same woman that Ren had been introduced to earlier. The one who ran the front desk; and apparently who was also a long time friend and sort of mother/sister figure to his current prey.


Not good.

The look on her face pretty much gave away what any mother's expression would be in this kind of situation.




Pure fury.

Whatever the hell you wanted to call it.

Either way it was a sure sign of something...

That Ren's entire plan was destroyed.

Completely finished.

And the fact that he could see a cellphone in that woman's hands with 911 already dialed and ready to be called with a flick of her plain ring-less fingers(unrelated but still amusing) froze him in place.

Sure being a vampire he could easily erase both of their memories of tonight's events and be on his merry way, but the fact that Sumire's room was so ridiculously huge and that there was a huge gap between him and the other woman standing in the doorway gave her a good chance of escape or at least call the cops before he could even get any closer.

Getting the police involved would cause too much of a scene. And so, there was no way he'd be able to get away with this twisted scheme without creating a commotion.

As much as it would hurt his pride...

He'd have to accept defeat.

"What the HELL do you think you're doing?! I knew that you were suspicious, but even I wasn't expecting you to go THIS far!" The brunette scowled in disgust.

All Ren could do was stare at her with shrinking eyes.

What was her name again?


No, that wasn't it.



But before he could even open his mouth to speak; the woman was already walking away from the setting. Most likely to make the call.

'Damn it!' He thought jumping up and trying his best not to run full speed after the nauseating nuisance; lest he risk his secret identity.

But after catching up, he was shocked to see a small, chibi-like vampire bat hovering over a now unconscious Koneko; squeaking triumphantly.

'That's one of Anju's...'

Never had the eldest sibling ever been so relieved to be rescued by his littlest sister... He'd have to thank her for that.

"I'm guessing you aren't here to clean up my mess?"


"Ah, so the others are so desperate to find me that they'd need your skills? Damn it... Fine. Since you saved my ass, I'll let it slide and go see what they want right away." He huffed.

"K-Koneko!" A familiar voice cried worriedly.

The shock and embarrassment of almost being exposed to the mortals nearly made the vampire forget about the place he currently stood in belonged to a human.

'Shit... Right after I handle her.'

"What happened to Yui?! And why is there a bat in here?" She rambled hurriedly.

Ren let out another sigh.

"So damn close." He grumbled suddenly appearing right in front of the now startled girl.

"W-wha?! H-how did you just do that Maaka?!"

Again with the informalities.

Just why was it that whenever this girl referred to him that way he felt irritated?

"Geez, just shut up already." He snapped putting a hand to her forehead.

A gold light emanated from it as his eyes began to glow in a similar manner.

"Maybe next time sweetheart..." He smirked.

And when the girl went limp in his grip his scowl suddenly returned.

"Hey. All of you return that other woman to her home a shame. I'll take care of this one."

The bat squealed in understanding as a bunch of others rushed in and did as instructed.

Once the cloud of flying noise makers disappeared with Koneko, Ren lived up to his end of the deal by picking Sumire up and setting her down back onto the spacious bed.

Too bad he couldn't join her...

"Tch... This better be good mother."

His eyes narrowed when he gathered up his jacket and threw it back on. Then in a flash, a cloud of more frightening looking winged creatures enveloped the young man's body before exiting through the prey's terrace.

ALRIGHT! So since this chapter is a bit longer than I was expecting, so I am going to keep this side note short.

I've been working on this chapter for the past couple of weeks, writing little by little whenever I wasn't busy... Which wasn't a lot actually. *Sigh* It's just shame considering I have so much to do.

As you probably know I have another ongoing fanfiction based on N and White/Touko from the Pokemon Black and White series. That is actually in the process of being re-written with greater details and updated grammar corrections and such. As of right now, I am on chapter 4 and I need everyone to be as patient as possible, PLEASE?! That is all I ask.

I also have a few Fire Emblem Awakening one-shots that I need to do. I'm almost finished with the Chrom X Female Robin one, which actually is about a whopping 20,000 words. Yeahhh, much longer than I thought it would end up being. Then I believe I have Lon'qu, Frederick, Stahl, and...heh, Tharja to do; all with Female Robin. But those will be much shorter than the Chrom one(I just ship them so hard), and will come much faster.

But for now, that's it. Be patient with me PLEASE!

I know it's killing you guys to have to wait but I'm just so busy lately.

ALSO this is probably the last kind of slow-paced, boring-ish chapter before it goes more into the manga/anime story-line with an obvious twist and some extra OC's... Not much for me to say about this chapter though, so enjoy I guess!