Mechanist develops a new communication device and offers it to team avatar (and obviously high ranking members of each nation) for the beta test. Aang and Katara get an ingenious idea for a prank and some of their friends get a closer look into the life of the avatar and his waterbender then they dreamed possible.

Rated M because... well you'll see.

FFA: If you're unfamiliar with the phone moan, it was one of those random screencap posts with an ingenious party game. Basically one member of a pair goes down on the other while the other is on the phone to someone. The game ends when the person on the other end of the call ends the conversation or realises what is happening. The couple then switches and repeats with a different person on the other end of the call. If one member is hung up on before being caught out they either forfeit or call another person. Member that can 'bust' the other in the shortest time wins.

See this for more. . www*picshag*com/the-phone-moan*html (replace asterisks with full stops.)

Aang and Katara sat lazily gazing out at the landscape below them at the Southern Air Temple. She lay in his lap toying with the Mechanist's latest invention and he gazed out at the nostalgic view of his home. He noticed immediately when she sat up and her weight disappeared from his legs.

"Katara is something wrong?" He asked, worry coating his tone while an evil grin played at her lips.

"Hardly. Aang, you remember that prank Sokka and Zuko pulled at the engagement party?" She asked, the words toying out of her lips.

"How could I forget? It was the most embarrassing thing he's done yet." Aang shivered at the memory.

Two months ago…

Aang and Katara sat smiling at the head table of the party. Their friends in the earth kingdom had heard of their engagement and held a party in honour of it. Zuko and Iroh attended as friends to the avatar and the rest of team avatar had attended because they wouldn't hear the end if they hadn't. Sokka and Zuko quickly grew bored of the night since their counterparts had duties in their own nations. Kila, (Suki didn't work out. Ki means hope, La is the ocean spirit so her name basically means 'hopeful ocean 'Long story for another time.) Sokka's girlfriend was training the non-bending girls of the southern tribe in the Kyoshi Dance and Mai, Zuko's wife, had her own family affairs to attend. The two had become good friends since the Boiling Rock and, naturally, gravitated towards each other when the night began to grow dull. The two shared an evil grin and moved to the storeroom of the Jasmine Dragon, Iroh's old teashop. Up on one of the shelves was a dusting bottle of C2H5OH. Or simply, Cactus Juice. They poured a little into two glasses of sweetened rice wine and gave the tray to an unknowing bus boy. Needless to say the following events made for a party that no one was forgetting.

"I think its time for a little revenge." The grin toyed at her lips.

"I think so too, although there aren't any events coming up for large scale embarrassment." She laughed at his comment.

"Large scale embarrassment was exactly what I had in mind. Just not publicly. Come with me." She stood pulling him with her. Together the young couple made their way through the empty temples to their bedroom, an open, airy space that over looked the valley and had amazing acoustics. She pushed him onto the bed and tendered a soft, passionate kiss to his lips before standing. He whined at the loss of contact and sat to capture her for more but she pressed a finger to his lips.
"Not yet, revenge first." That grin reclaiming its place on her features.

"Okay revenge. What is this master plan you have in mind?" His hands wound in her robes, gently pulling her closer.

"Well, you remember when the Mechanist gave us these for a test run?" She twirled the communicator in her hands between them.
"Yeah?" He mumbled, not getting her point.

"Well two weeks ago while you were in the spirit world I got a call from one of our friends, and it was rather interesting."

"Yeah, what has that got to do with anything, how is an interesting call supposed to embarrass Sokka and Zuko?" Confusion broke through his cloud of lust.

"The content of that call love, Toph rang me while she was with someone. And believe me, she was very with someone." Still not getting it, Aang shook his head gently. "Oh for the love of the spirits. Aang it's a game, She rang me while someone was going down on her to see how long until I figured it out. Can you imagine my brother's face if he got a call from me in the middle of that?" She grinned widely.
"Oh spirits that is ingenious. You know he'd fly here and kill me right?" Aang laughed. "Spirits, it would be funny though. What about Zuko then?" She brought her gaze to his, waiting for her Avatar to get the point. "Oh right, there's two of us and two to prank. Got it. Who's first?"

Katara laughed as she pushed her love onto their bed. She kissed him gently while untying the sash that held his robes together. The waistband of his pants slackened and she pulled them off. Left in his trunks Aang leaned against the pillows and dialed his old master's number. Mai answered after a few moments and promised to find Zuko for him.

"Aang, How are things in the South?" At the sound of Zuko's voice Katara removed his final piece of clothing and began to place kisses along his stomach.

"Better than you could imagine. The temple's looking great." He groaned a little under his breath.

"Good, and how's living with your girlfriend? Sokka still doesn't know does he?" At this point she moved her hands to his manhood and began to caress along his length with gentle flourishes of her wrist. He shuddered under her touch.

"Better then ever and of course he doesn't. I'd be a babe in the Water Tribes if he knew." Katara moved her kisses down towards the head of his manhood, drawing a very loud groan from her fiancé. "Although I don't know how much longer I could take it. The word girlfriend is a little to immature for me."

"True but no one uses fiancé." Katara moved her mouth to take him in. His groans very loudly passed into the microphone of the device in his hand. "Are you okay Aang? You sound a little preoccupied." Katara gagged from laughing at Zuko's comment.

"Fine, fine. Preoccupied? Who's preoccupied? I'm the avatar I don't get that luxury."

"If you say so All-knowing. So any way, you already popped the question, we're just waiting on you guys to decide." Katara began to combine her hand with her mouth and sped up her pace a little. Aang's breathing became heavier and a mumbled, "Holy spirits." Escaped his lips.

"Yeah but then there is Sokka to deal with and all the political aspects. I mean I can practically hear the comments regarding knocking her up and you know Sokka will be fun to deal with." Katara sped up her movements even more. Usually hearing your boyfriend discuss his reservations on marriage in this situation would not end well but she fought the urge to laugh. They had already arranged the wedding alone and were planning on the announcement in the following months.

"Sokka won't care. He's just doing his brotherly duty." Zuko stated.

"Oh and does that duty extend to getting his little sister high at her own engagement party?" Katara took this as her cue to really push Aang, she had let him go for too long as it was.

"Aang, come on man I already apolo-" He was cut of by Aang's voice and a thousand others groaning out,

"Oh my spirits!" Realisation hit Zuko faster than a fireball. For a moment he forgot Mai walking back into the room or the servants that were going about the business.

"Dude did you seriously just call me with Katara going down on you? Come on!" (No pun intended) He disconnected and left the couple in fits of laughter and sweat.

"Oh spirits! Katara, you're a mad genius." She crawled up his body and kissed him gently. He pulled away after a moment. "A really sexy mad genius." He brought his lips back up to hers and rolled them over. He moved to his clothes before she stopped him. Her head flooding with ulterior motives.

"Leave them off, it will make it harder for me." She offered a wink and moved her hands to the ties on her tunic.

"If you say so my love." He placed gentle kisses along her neck while undoing her tunic and sliding it off her form. It was summer in the South and as the temple was theirs she left off her usual pants. Left in her bindings Aang began to untie the ones at her legs. He slid them off gently and placed kissed up her legs. Katara took the communicator from its discarded place on the bed and dialled the number of her brother.

The gruff, familiar voice answered. "Little sister, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Oh just you know, felt like a chat big brother. It has been so long. Almost two months!" Aang laughed from below her, tickling her folds with his jagged breath.

"Huh, felt longer. How's life in the Earth Kingdom?" Katara groaned internally. She had forgotten to tell her brother of her living arrangements.

"The usual. Stuffy nobles and such. There isn't as much for me to do with the war over, I've been learning natural medicine from local herbalists and assisting in the medical houses. Ba Sing Sei has not changed." Katara mentally applauded herself for the quick lie, overlooking the obvious reason it was going to be caught out.

"Really? Sounds like such fun. How about Aang heard much from that punk?" At the mention of his name Aang placed gentle kisses along her sensitive spots.

"Sokka please. I'm marrying him the least you could do is show a little respect."

"Marrying? When did that happen?" Sokka grunted from the other end of the line.

"I don't know, maybe at that party two months ago which was to celebrate our engagement?" Her fingers came up to the orange pendent at her neck.

"Oh right. I thought you needed permission from dad for that?"

"Sokka, do you really think that dad would give anyone my hand? I gave him permission. Dad accepted and Gran Gran did as well. I'm the only Waterbending Master truly of our tribe in existence and the best female master in half a millennia. You don't just offer me off like a prized polar bear-dog." She growled, her pitch altering with Aang's movements. "Oh spirits do that again." She whispered.

"What? Didn't catch that last part." Sokka spoke from the phone.

"Nothing, talking to someone else. Not important." Aang repeated the movement more forcibly, drawing a low moan from her.

"Are you busy or something? I can call back Katara." Sokka began to grow uncomfortable.

"Not even remotely busy," A grin forming at her lips. "Um the reason I called was to tell you something important." Aang brought his hands to her entrance, increasing her pleasure and her breathing. She was beginning to lose her mind.

"Ok then tell me 'something important.'" Sokka grumbled from the other end of the line.

"I moved, um," Aang sped his movements, bringing her untold pleasure. "I moved into the southern." Her breathing became impossibly erratic and it took all her self-control to bite back her screams of pleasure.

"The Southern what? Is someone threatening you Katara? Are you okay?" Concern flooded his voice.

"Hardly." She breathed heavily. Taking a deep breath she restated her sentence. "I moved in with Aang. I've been at the Southern Air Temple for weeks."


"Sokka calm down, of course Aang's here. In a manner of speaking." Aang grinned against her and changed his movements to bring her to the edge.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He was met with silence. "Katara!"

"Whoa calm down. Aang is… Oh spirits Aang." She vocalized his name much louder than intentional.

"Nice chatting with you Sokka." She hung up and brought her gaze down to her boyfriend.

"Well that was fun." He grinned up at her.

"My love, you can say that again." She sat up to meet him and pulled him on to the bed with her. Their lips met in a blinding passion and lust gripped in both of their stomachs. Katara reached down to his manhood and began the same flourishes she had before. His hands moved to the knots of her breast bindings but he pulled away slightly.

"Aang?" she questioned.

"Are we really about to do this?" He asked, breathless.

"I thought that was a little obvious, is something wrong?" She began to worry.

"No, its just, under different circumstances this would be okay but as an Air Nomad-" She cut him off, jerking herself up right. (unfortunate choice of words sorry.)
"Now is not exactly an ideal moment for you to tell me about issues with me being Water Tribe. That would have been the day we met, or the day of the invasion when you kissed me, or I don't know, MAYBE WHEN YOU PROPOSED!" Her voice shuddered, pleasure replaced with rage.
"No that isn't what I meant. My people just place different values on different aspects of relationships. Your people view marriage as the final commitment of a relationship. My people viewed this as it. Sure we can fool around but once we take this step, there isn't any going back for me. I will be entirely yours." His voiced softened her frown and his words softened her rage.
"So what you're saying is, this is basically a marriage ceremony for you." She puzzled it out in her mind.

"Yeah, Air Nomads grow up knowing this but since you aren't an Air Nomad I needed to make it clear to you, I have no issues with you being from the Water Tribe." Katara relaxed her body back onto the pillows. She grabbed one of his hands and brought it to the orange and saffron band around her neck.

"Aang, to me this is a promise. It's a promise of marriage and future and of you. My people view this as a stepping stone to the ultimate commitment of two people. To my people, this necklace is a symbol of commitment and the promise of marriage. By giving me this necklace you promised yourself to me and by accepting I return that promise. There was already no going back for me." She brought her lips to his for a brief second. "Its only right that we acknowledge that promise in both our cultures, don't you agree?" She ran her hands along his chest, drawing a throaty chuckle from him.
"Of course I do, but if we do this, I want it to be right by your people as well. What do you say to putting our wedding ahead a few months? I'm sure Kanna and Hakoda won't be overly shocked." He sat up pulling her with him, hands in hers.

"They will most likely have had wedding plans set up the moment we announced our engagement." She returned.

"Then you're okay with waiting?" He asked gently.

"Definitely not. But for you Sweetie, I will make an exception." She pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "I love you Aang." She smiled against his lips.

"I know." He stated, nearly making her want to smack him. Pulling away he began to stand and move for his clothes. "I'd return the favour but 'I love you' is beginning to feel a little too inadequate for how I feel about you." He grinned and moved towards the master bathroom. His grin spread to Katara as she herself grinned and collapsed back against the sheets.