the thrilling conclusion haha this one was hard for me to finish for some reason


Strike 2

Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit. Abe gulped hard as the dirty blond above him whined. The raven was taking every chance he could to touch Mihashi wherever he wanted. He grabbed the shorter boy's hips hard, wondering if a bruise was going to be left. He slowly trailed his hands up to the other's nipples to play with. Mihashi squirmed at the feeling. Although he did take action first, Mihashi was quick to be submissive again – which Abe didn't mind. He smiled as he realized that this is the second time that Mihashi was on top of him.

Though he did love this view Abe sat up, much to Mihashi's confusion, and smiled while putting a gentle hand on the other's cheek. "Nothing's wrong Mihashi. You said you wanted to help me, right?"

Mihashi nodded quickly. "Y-Yes!" He squeaked.

Abe almost couldn't believe that this was happening, again. But, at least this time Mihashi took initiative. The catcher leaned forward to kiss Mihashi hard. He felt like he needed to make a statement in case something was to interrupt them or if Mihashi would never let him do this again. Once they needed to break for air, Mihashi breathed weakly, "A…Abe is good at kissing."

Abe widened his eyes at the comment. He was also new to this, but that didn't mean he hasn't thought about this moment ever before. "Mihashi…" He was going to tell his pitcher that this was all new to him too, but, that adorable look on his face was too much. If Mihashi thought he was good at kissing…then he was a good kisser. Besides, he was sure Mihashi knew that Abe didn't go around kissing a bunch of people.

He noticed Mihashi looking down at his chest. "What?"

The blond quickly looked away and bit his lip.

If Mihashi wanted something Abe was going to make him say it. He leaned forward again and licked the other's ear. Mihashi squeaked, taken by surprise, "Sh-Shirt!"

"Shirt?" Abe tugged on his own clothing. "Do you want it off?"

Mihashi hid his face and nodded. Abe was a bit surprised but liked that Mihashi was showing more interest – even if it looked like the blond was going to die of blood loss. Once Mihashi waited for the rustling to stop he looked over at his bare chested catcher. Before when they did something like this the room was really dark. But now, he could see clearly and it made Mihashi very happy. He reached out to touch the skin and noticed that Abe twitched slightly at his light touched. He rubbed a finger at one of Abe's nipples, as if experimenting. "Does Abe like this?"

Abe raised an eyebrow at the question. "Yes. I would like it even more if you used your mouth."

Mihashi paused a moment, as if he was calculating the statement. Abe then watched him remove the finger to put in his mouth. The raven raised both eyebrows in shock, loving the view. He then watched Mihashi put the wet finger to his nipple and stifled in a snicker. Not exactly what he meant but it still felt good. He grabbed Mihashi's other hand to put on his neglected nipple. Mihashi took the sign and rubbed both of Abe's nipples. "A-Abe I want to touch you."

"You are, Mihashi."

"No, everywhere."

"Then do it." Abe smiled. "You can."

Mihashi panicked some, not really wanting to take action in fear of making a fool of himself. But, in reality he knew that Abe would never hurt him or neglect him in any way. The blond, shakily, moved his hands to Abe's pants. He fumbled trying to undo them but Abe tried to calm the other down by giving him sweet kisses all over his face. It obstructed his view but Mihashi loved it and shortly he was able to get the pants to come down, as much as they could in their position. Abe got the message and laid back down to raise his hips so Mihashi could finish. He thought Mihashi was only going to pull down his pants but got a pleasant surprise when it all came down. The blond moved from on top to yank the garments down and discard them elsewhere in the room before stumbling around to take off his own clothes.

Suddenly it seemed like Mihashi was taking initiative again and…rushing? Abe leaned up on this arm and took his free hand to Mihashi's cheek. "Mihashi, what's wrong? You seem impatient or something. I don't want you to feel pressured."

The pitcher blink in confusion. "I-I'm impatient 'cause I want to touch Abe. I want Abe to feel good. And….I want to feel good with Abe."

The catcher grabbed the front of the blonde's shirt and yanked him forward for another kiss. Abe took it upon himself to get rid of Mishashi's clothes, except his shirt – he wanted Mihashi to leave that on – and then took off his own shirt. Abe looked down and was relieved to see that Mihashi was enjoying this as much as he was. He grabbed both of their members without warning and began to create a wonderful friction for the both of them.

Mihashi squealed in surprised and a weak gasp soon followed with his back arching. He moaned his catcher's name and Abe gulped hard. He thought this training trip was going to be nothing but painful for him and he was so glad that he was wrong. The blond braced his hands on Abe's shoulders and leaned forward to kiss and lick Abe's nipples before resting his forehead on the other's shoulder.

The quiet sounds Mihashi was making were delightful and Abe knew that he wasn't going to last much longer if he kept going. He tightened his grip and arched his back before coming and groaning Mihashi's name. With a few more pumps the blond came and dug his nails into Abe's shoulders. The raven held Mihashi and laid down on his back, bringing the other with him. He didn't really care about how messy things were at the moment. The blond snuggled close to the other and smiled.

"I want to stay with Abe and help him whenever he needs it."

"That's all I want too, Mihashi."

"I love Abe."

"I l-"

Without warning there was a loud and obnoxious knock at their door. "How was your substitute game?!"

Abe gritted his teeth and growled. "TAJIMA GO AWAY!"

