Rocket looked in a mirror in a room provided to him by the Nova Corps. to help prepare for the ceremony. He was (albeit somewhat reluctantly) dressed in a more formal suit that almost resembled a tuxedo yet still fit with the rest of his outfits. It was black with white accents and Thanks to heavy resistance from Rocket kept his shoulder pads that he loved so much on his uniforms. The part that Rocket was most reluctant about however is the fact his fur was groomed all nice and neat.

"The things I go through for Quill..."

Rocket muttered with half hearted annoyance.

-Flashback : Rocket's POV-

Me and the Guardians were out on a mission to take down some criminals that had stolen some valuable equipment of sorts. I didn't know or care what it was as long as we did our job and got paid. I had found that I and Peter had been isolated from Gamora and Drax. Peter was, for obvious reasons, the focus of our opponents. So it was when their attackers ganged up on Peter that I felt a hint of some strange need to protect Quill I didn't question the feeling but made a note to worry about it later.

Turning My gun around I shot and stunned one of the men while Peter took the upper-hand and took down the second criminal.

"Thanks Rocket."

Peter flashed a thankful grin at me. I didn't understand why at the time but I felt a warmth in my chest at the smile he gave me.

"Yeah, well just be more careful from now on Quill, I won't always be around to save your flarkin ass..."

I stated matter of factly. Before long Gamora and Drax regrouped with us and we brought the wanted criminals in to the Nova Corps.

-Switch back to Flashback: general POV-

When the guardians boarded the Milano Rocket immediately made his way back to his room.

"I have some stuff to do don't bother me until I come out of my room."

Rocket says as he enter his room and shut the door behind him.

"What the hell am I thinking... I mean I know what I am thinking but I shouldn't be thinking this..."

Rocket said. He growled in frustration taking a random piece of scrap metal from his bed and throwing it across the room to vent his frustration.

"Why him?... Why of all the damn people in the universe... Why Peter Quill?..."

Unbeknownst to Rocket, Peter was listening to his little rant on the other side of the door.

'Does this mean what I think?'

Peter thought to himself. Thinking back on Rocket's words and his obvious frustration at the thoughts behind them. Peter had an idea of what had his comrade so infuriated but decided against pressing Rocket about it now. With one more sad glance at the door Peter made his way back to his room and shut the door before heading to sleep. Gamora and Drax just watched as Peter made his way back to his room before sharing a look of concern for their comrades.

Peter awoke to the sound of someone stumbling around in the kitchen area of the Milano. He checked his clock it read, 3:00 A.M., Peter decided to check out who would be up at this ungodly hour. Walking out of his room he spotted Rocket at the dining room table with a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Peter had stayed there looking at Rocket for around ten minutes before deciding that it may as well be now or never to find out what was bothering Rocket. So Peter steeled himself and approached the table and sat across from Rocket.

"What the flark are you doing up Quill?"

Rocket grumbled as if Peter was the last person in the galaxy that he wanted to be around right now.

"I should be asking you the same thing there Rocket..."

Rocket sighed in defeat. He hated when he got bested by Peter.

"I couldn't sleep..."

He said. hoping Peter would be satisfied with that answer.

"I kind of figured as much..."

Rocket gave Peter a confused look.

"What makes you say that Quill?"

"The rooms on the ship aren't exactly soundproof you know... Especially against a frustrated pissed off Raccoon with anger issues."

Rocket mentally facepalmed ath Quill's reply.

'He heard my rant.. Someone kill me now...'"How much did you hear?"

Rocket asked begrudgingly.

"I heard enough Rocket... I don't want to make assumptions but I am pretty sure I know what you were upset about that involves me."

"Oh really and what, exactly, would that b-mmmmmph!"

Rocket was unable to finish his sentence as Peter pulled the Raccoon in for a kiss. Rocket's brain went haywire as his emotions exploded. He now understood what made him have that urge during the mission. He, Rocket Raccoon, loved Peter Quill.

Peter broke the kiss, a bit too early if you asked Rocket.

As Peter broke the kiss he opened his eyes and saw a euphoric expression on Rocket's face... Well as close to it as Rocket's seemingly limited range of facial expressions would allow. This caused Peter to smile.

"So, uh... I am gonna take a chance and say my guess was right?"

Rocket nodded, not trusting his words just yet.

"So, do you want to try this? being a couple I mean?"

Peter asked slightly at a loss at what to say at the moment.

Rocket let out a small chuckle at Peter's confusion and took the opportunity to plant a kiss on his lips before replying.

"Star Dork, yes, I want to try for something with you."

"Star Lor-... Okay whatever I don't care strangely enough."

Peter got up and told Rocket to get Groot and have him move him into his room before going back to his room to wait for Rocket. Rocket had to keep himself from bolting to his room and snatching Groot and running into Peter's room. He willed himself to calm down and walked calmly into his room and picked up Groot's planter. Groot stirred and looked up groggily at Rocket.

"No need to wake up buddy, we are just moving into Peter's room I'll explain tomorrow."

Groot was curious but decided to do as Rocket suggested and went back to sleep. Rocket opened the door to Peter's room. Placing Groot on the desk next to the door he made his way over towards Peter' bed. However something was off, this was Peter's room but there was no sign of Peter. Then before Rocket could investigate further he felt Peter's hands pick him up and place him on top of Peter's chest as Peter laid on his back on his bed.

Rocket was content to stay in this exact spot forever. No amount of credits could make him feel how he felt now. He placed a kiss to Peter's neck and traced a finger down the bigger man's chest.

"Tomorrow will be an interesting day..."

Rocket said.

"What do you mean Rocket?"

Peter asked.

"Well, the others will have to know sometime that you and I are , you know, together."

Rocket answered his ears turning back a bit in embarressment as he hadn't thought that far ahead.

"Ah well I wouldn't worry too much about it Rocket I think they will be quite alright with it, especially Groot."

Rocket nodded.

"Yeah you're right."

"Wow the world must be ending! Rocket actually admitted I was right about something."

Peter exclaimed in mock shock. Rocket simply rolled his eyes.

"Don't get used to it I may love you, but you're still a dork."

Rocket replied as he rolled off of Peter to lay next to him.

"Yeah, but I'm your dork."

This caused Rocket to laugh lightly.


"Good night Rocket, I love you"

Peter said happily looking into Rocket's eyes.

"Love you too Pete."

With that Rocket turned off the light on the nightstand and the two fell asleep.

-End Flashback-

Rocket finished fixing his outfit and made his way out to the ceremony hall. It was only a small group of people. in the audience was Groot, and Gamora. They had agreed to keep the ceremony to just the Guardians and any Nova Corps. members who wished to attend. Rocket took his place at the makeshit altar next to Nova Prime who would be acting as the minister of this ceremony.

"Good morning Nova Prime."

Rocket greeted corgially.

Nova Prime smiled grasciously down at Rocket before replying.

"Good morning to you as well Rocket, how are you feeling?"

"A little nervous but I'm alright... It's a good kind of nervous."

Nova Prime nodded her understanding. In the back room behind the doors Peter stood there in a tuxedo with Drax standing next to him with nice black pants.

"Are you ready for this Quill?"

Peter nodded.

"A little nervous but I know this is what I want to do."


"Wait, going by my understanding of the earth custom of marriage the one who is offered the ring in normal couples is the female... And proper attire for said person in the ceremony is a gown..."

Gamora stated. She had been asked by Rocket to assist him and Quill with the wedding planning. At the mention of the idea of Peter in a dress, and the embarressing mental image that followed, Rocket proceeded to bust a gut in a fit of hysterical laughter.

"Rocket shut up... Stop those disturbing fantasies of your's because I am not wearing a dress. No matter how badly you and I want to honor tradition there is a line I will not cross..."

Rocket finally managed to calm his amusement at Peter's discomfort and tried his best to put on an apologetic face.

"I'm sorry Peter, it's just too funny."

He said wiping a laughter induced tear from his eye.

"Shall we move on?"

Gamora suggested and Rocket and Peter agreed and they went on to discuss other parts of the wedding.

-End Flashback-

Just as Peter finished adjusting his tie one last time the music started and the doors opened signalling it was time to go see his soon to be husband. As Peter and Drax began walking down the aisle Peter caught sight of Rocket and he had his breath taken from his lungs. Rocket looked stunning.

-Flashback: 12 hours ago-

"But why can't I sleep with my fiance tonight?"

Rocket questioned a quiet whine in his tone as Gamora escorted him to his original room.

"Tradition states That you have to spend the night before toe wedding and all time after that until the ceremony starts, seperated from your future partner."

Rocket was now really hating earth traditions right about now and he wanted to be with Peter but he knew not to try and est Gamora's patience.

"Fine, fine. whatever..."

He caved in and went to his old room and went to sleep.

-End Flashback-

Once Peter got to the altar and stood in front of Rocket, neither of them could hide their joy and were smiling happily. As the music ended Nova Prime spoke up.

"Gathered friends... We are here today to witness the union of Peter Jason Quill, and Rocket... If anyone objects to thier union speak now or forever hold your piece..."

There was a pause to see if there were any objections. Seeing none Nova Prime continued.

"The couple have prepared vows to recite to eachother today we will let Rocket go first."

Rocket cleared his throat and looked up at Peter.

"Peter, You know I am not one for the romantic words... So I guess what I will say is this... I love you more than anyone or anything in the galaxy... No... in the whole of creation... And I promise I will always be there by your side when you need me..."

Peter smiled down at Rocket as he finished before starting to speak.

"Rocket what can I say that I haven't already said... You mean everything to me we have confided in eachother about things we don't even tell anyone else and it's because I love you that I share those things with you... I promise to always love you and protect you to the best of my ability and then some..."

Nova Prime nodded as both men finished their vows.

"Do you Peter take Rocket to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold in sickness and in helath till death do you part?"

"I do"

Peter replied. Nova Prime then asked the same of Rocket to which he replied,

"You Flarkin bet I do!"

"Then I now pronounce you Husband and...Husband... you may now kiss the groom"

Rocket didn't need to be told twice as he hopped up holding onto Peter as their lips met and a heer sounded throughought the room. Rocket and Peter broke the kiss and stared at everyone in the room and then back at eachother as they realized that this wasn't the end it was really, the beginning...

(Okay so there we have it The end of the first of the stories in my Shooting Star series has come to an end however the story is just beginning I am currently working out a sequel piece for this so stay tuned!)