I had stared at the same place on my desk for so long that I was starting to go cross-eyed. I always stayed latest considering that I had the most paper work to fill out after each case. Morgan had gone home a little more than an hour ago, and I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my coat and headed for the door, sending Will a text saying on my way. I hated being away from them so much and I was looking forward to having a few days off. Knowing Will, I figured that Henry would be awake and waiting for me to get home. God I missed them. We talked every night, but being able to see them beat that any night. Being with them helped to drive away the darkness that we surrounded ourselves in each day at work.

Before I was even in the door, Henry had himself wrapped around my leg.

"Hey!" I said, grinning. I picked him up and gave Will a hug. "It's past your bed time. Why are you awake?" I asked, setting him down and ruffling his hair.

"Daddy said I could stay up and wait for you!" He crossed his arms in a way that looked defensive and I laughed. He looked just like me.

"Well now that mom's home, it's time to get ready for bed." Said Will, steering him in the direction of the stairs.

"I'll be up in a minute." I told him when he looked at me expectantly. When he was up stairs, I gave Will a long kiss. "You're teaching our son to be a rebel."

Will smiled and pulled me closer. "I'll take the responsibility."


I was pulled out of my amazing dream by the shrill ringing of my phone. I groaned and rolled over, putting the pillow over my head and trying to block it out. Almost as soon as the ringing stopped, it had started again.

"Just don't answer it." Will said very unhelpfully.

"Ugh." I rolled over and reached over Will to grab it just as it started ringing a third time. I didn't even look at the caller id before snapping, "Agent Jareau," into the phone.

"Agent Jareau, it's Chief Strauss. I need you and your team to come in to the BAU as soon as possible."

"But Ma'am it's," I glanced at the clock, "three in the morning."

"Believe me; I wouldn't be calling unless it was extremely important."

But the thing that was bugging me most was the level of alertness in her voice, like she had been up for hours before this. And in my sleepy state, it didn't occur to me how sarcastic and disrespectful I sounded when I said, "Do you ever sleep?"

To my amazement and relief, she sounded amused. "Not during hours of crisis Agent Jareau. Call your team and get here as soon as possible."

"You have to go don't you?" Asked Will after I hung up.

I felt guilty. This was my first day back home, and I hated that I had no say in whether I went in or not. "Yea. I'm sorry Will. I don't want to leave, trust me, but Strauss said that it was an emergency and that-"

He cut me off. "I don't care JJ. I just want to know when you'll be able to stay for more than a night before you get whisked away again. You know as well as I do that we won't be able to do this forever. What am I going to tell Henry?" His voice broke my heart.

I hesitated, not wanting to go, even though I was already throwing on clothes and getting my go-bag ready."Tell him mommy's off fighting bad guys." I gave him a kiss. "I really am sorry Will."

"Just come back to us in one piece."