Hey guys! Happy almost Friday, and Happy almost Valentine's day! I hope you like the chapter! I'm only planning for three more after this, and then I'm starting my new story. Please R&R!

I woke up in a bad, strangely not in any physical pain. I gazed around the room, momentarily not knowing where I was. It wasn't until I saw Reid sitting in a chair beside my bed sleeping that I realized I wasn't in any danger.

"Spence?" I asked. My voice was rough and scratchy, but he jumped and looked up.

"Hey," He replied quietly.

"Is Emily okay?"

"She's hurt pretty bad, but she'll make it."

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding, and a small stab of pain shot through my ribs. I winced and Reid pressed a button on the side of my bed. The pain vanished instantly.

"Garcia called me about twenty minutes ago. She said that Will, Henry and her were just leaving the airport. They should be here soon."

I didn't say anything else. I was thinking about everything that had happened, and Reid didn't pressure me to talk. I drifted into sleep until a knock on the door jarred me awake. It opened slightly and I saw Henry's head poke into the room.

"Mommy!" He cried and took a flying leap onto my bed. He landed mostly on my legs, but my ribs took a little of his weight and I winced.

"Henry!" I pulled him against me with my right arm and held him as tightly as I could without hurting myself.

When I let go of me, he looked at me curiously. "What happened Mommy?"

I immediately brought my hand to my face. I could feel several lumps ad cuts and I was sure that I looked like a wreck.

"A bad guy hurt me." He looked terrified, so I quickly added, "But we got him. He won't be able to hurt anyone ever again." He wrapped his arms around my chest, and I had to push him off. "Sorry Baby. Mommy's hurt there."

He settled for curling up on my shoulder as Will walked in. Reid gave me a nod and walked out leaving me alone with my husband and my son. Will sat down on the edge of my bed and took my non- injured hand. He looked like he hadn't slept for days, and guilt welled in my chest. Tears filled my eyes, and I had to choke back a sob when I spoke.

"I'm so sorry Will." Tears filled his eyes, and I stopped holding it back.

"The things that son of a bitch did to you and you're sorry." He leaned down to kiss me. "JJ, you have nothing to be sorry about."

For a long time it was just the three of us sitting as close to each other as we could get and taking comfort in simply being

When I finally trusted myself to speak, my voice was barely a whisper.

"Did he send you a video?"

He nodded and I almost started sobbing again. He pulled Henry into a sitting position and ruffled his hair.

"Why don't you go hang out with Aunt Garcia and give mommy and I a little time to talk, okay buddy."

"Otay daddy." He said and jumped down off the bed, gave me a kiss, and left Will and I alone.

I closed my eyes and tried not to break down again. He had done exactly what he said he would, and it made me want to throw up.

"I'm so sorry Will." My voice was shaking and I started to cry again.

"JJ," Will started quietly, "I watched him do things to you that shouldn't happen to anyone." He laid down next to me and I curled up on his shoulder. "The only thing that you should be sorry about is not being able to put a bullet in him yourself." He started rubbing my head soothingly. "I'm here for you JJ, and nothing is ever going to change that."

We stayed like that for a long time. He didn't say anything, just held me. After a while, I lifted my head off his chest.

"Will. Would you do me a favor?"

He sat up. "Anything."

"Would you go check in with a nurse and see if they can move me into a wheel chair. I want to see Emily."

"Of course." He kissed me softly on the head and walked to the door.

He returned several minutes later with a nurse. "I'm sorry Mrs. Jareau. I can't risk injuring you just to get you into a wheel chair." She must have seen the disappointment on my face, so she continued. "What I can do is move your bed into the room that adjoins to hers and take down the curtain so that you can still be close to her. Would you like to do that?" I nodded and she smiled at me. "Alright. I just have to get a few people to help us."

I leaned back into my bed with a sigh. Emily was the only person in the world that fully understood what I went through, and I had a need to be close to her. It wasn't long before the nurse returned with two others that grabbed a side of my bed and carefully maneuvered my bed out of the room. Prentiss' room was just down the hall, and they pulled me into the room that was next to it. The sterile white curtain was pulled back, and I could see her laying there and talking to Garcia and Henry. She looked up at me, and smiled. I returned the grin, and Garcia stood up with a squeal.

"JJ!" She cried and practically ran to my bed side. "Are you okay? That was a stupid question, are you in any pain? Do you need anything?"

She was rambling. "I'm okay now." I told her with a small smile.

She turned around and walked back to where her very large purse was taking up a chair. "I got you this while I was in the airport. I thought it would make you smile."

She handed me a plastic bag, and I gave her a questioning look before I opened it. It was a small stuffed frog holding a soccer ball, and had eyes that were bigger than the rest of its body. I laughed, and pain shot through my ribs, forcing me to stop.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"I love it Garcia." I told her, tears suddenly starting to cloud my vision.

"I got one too." Croaked Prentiss, holding up her own animal, a small black cat.

I laughed at the sight of Prentiss cradling a stuffed animal, and the urge to start crying was gone.

"Call the rest of the team in." I told Garcia. I was finally ready to face my team. "I think it's time for a reunion."