"Now watch, Haruhi, as your papa excels at this commoner's mini golf!" Tamaki posed ridiculously with his small blue club.

"Just hit the ball you big dummy!"

An insolent ten year old stood a few feet away with his mother, glowering at Tamaki. Tamaki crumpled.

Big dummy?

Kyoya made some marks on a small notepad. "You're already have 176 strokes, Tamaki. Don't you think now might be a good time to graciously accept defeat?"

"Never!" Tamaki raised a fist of defiance in the air. "The people of this putting-golf course need to know that the path to victory is beautiful and tragic. That a true prince will never give up. That with talent, intellect and…"

Tamaki fell back as a neon green ball beamed him right between the eyes. The little boy laughed maniacally.

"Four!" he yelled before doubling over and cackling on the ground. Tamaki was enraged.

"Why you little…"

"Hey," Haruhi spoke up "isn't that the girl from earlier? On a bench about five feet away Tohru was offering Kyo a cup of ice for his head which he was fiercely refusing to accept.

"For the last time, I told yah. I ain't a baby so stop treating me like one."

"Maybe she will when you stop behaving like one."

Kyo raised a fist to Yuki when Haruhi stepped in.

"Hi. I'm sorry. I don't mean to intrude. Is everything ok? He looked like he was hurt."

Kyo blinked at the strange boy a couple times before deciding to suck it up.

"It's no big deal. Just a little bruise."

"I'm glad. You know, I have some Tylenol in my bag if you'd like."

"Haruhi thinks of everything." Tamaki gushed as he meandered over. Apparently he had abandoned his dream of being the put-put prince.

"It's not all that exciting. The small first aid kits were buy-one-get-one-free."

"Really?" Tohru's perked up. "That's a great deal. I should stop by the store on the way home."

Kyo scowled and clenched his fist.

"Here he comes."

"Who?" Tohru looked around in confusion. "Do you see Momiji?" She stood on her tiptoes shielded her eyes from the sun.

"I can hear that piercing voice from a mile away."

"Who's in the forest strolling? The birds and the bees sing Mo-mi-ji."

Kyo covered his ears.

"That damn song!"

Momiji and Honey came into view.

"There he is." The twins stated in unison.

"Momiji!" Tohru cried enthusiastically. She rushed over to them and clutched Momiji's face in her hands. "I was so worried about you!"

Haruhi, Mori and Kyoya joined them. Honey grabbed Mori's hand and pulled him down to eye level. He patted his cohort lovingly on the head. "Takashi! Thank you for taking such good care of Usa-chan for me." He retrieved the pink rabbit.

That's one mystery solved, Momiji thought to himself.

"Honey-chan took the best care of me and helped me find all of you!" Momiji gloated enthusiastically.

"Thank you so much!" Tohru shook Honey's hand with both of hers.

"That is kind of you, Honey but you could have at least let us know where you were." Haruhi reprimanded him although not as a harshly as she originally intended. Honey seemed confused.

"But I sent Takashi a text message."

"You mean you knew where he was this whole time and didn't say anything!" Haruhi cast mental daggers at Mori who shrugged with more than a little embarrassment.

"I must admit I didn't expect to see the Sohma family here." Kyoya gave them his best salesman smile.

"I see you haven't changed." Yuki glanced at Kyoya out of the corner of his eye. Tohru whispered in her friend's ear.

"Is there something between you two?" Yuki dodged the question.

"Another lifetime."

Tohru would like to hear the whole story but she wasn't going to demand an explanation and risk creating an awkward situation. Tamaki waved. Haruhi jumped in once more as the voice of reason.

"Well, I hate to cut this all short but we should probably be going." Momiji frowned and wrapped his arms around Honey. Tohru collected the dejected hamster from the ground where Momiji had dropped him.

"I wish you didn't have to leave! You should come over and play with us!"

"We don't want to intrude. They probably have plans." Yuki stated coldly while averting Kyoya's gaze.

"Quite. I'll be calling the car service to collect us."

"Well we need to do something to commemorate the day!" Momiji whined. He looked around frantically trying to find something to delay their departure. "We can take a picture together!" He pointed with triumph at a small photo booth.

Everyone else grimaced. It looked like it was only built to fit two.

"I personally would be honored to take part in yet another element of commoner culture!" Hikaru sidled up next to Tamaki with his own shopping bag. Kaoru was right behind him.

"Hey boss…"

"…speaking of which…"

"…we were wondering…"

"…if you would wear this special tee-shirt…"

"…we got it just for you."

"According to our mother…"

"…they're all the fashion."

As Tamaki pulled it over his head, Kyoya considered saying something to him but thought better of it. This seems fair trade for dragging me here.

Haruhi and Tohru were counting change between the two of them to put in the slot. As Haruhi handed her the coins they hands brushed.

This boy has such soft skin. I wonder if he uses special lotion.

Honey and Momiji clambered behind the dark black fabric.

"You two should be at the center," Tohru smiled "it is your special day after all."

Yuki looked at Haruhi and back at Tohru.

"Perhaps you could sit together behind them."

"Alright." Tohru retorted chipperly. She smiled at Haruhi apologetically "It might be a bit of a tight squeeze. I hope you don't mind."

"No worries. Honestly, anything to please them and get this over with."

They all crowded in and the timer began counting down.


Tohru held her photo proudly in front of her.

"Now mom's in the picture too!"


Haruhi smiled at her sympathetically and got a distant look in her eyes.


Tamaki stared at the front of his new shirt.

"What is a 'shokushu goukan fan'?"


"Are you sure you wouldn't rather have a professional photographer?" Kyoya complained.


Honey and Momiji squeezed each other tightly

