I want to give shout outs to everyone who asked for an epilogue.

fireprincess2020, aLLIE, and kt: Thank you so much!

And to all of the other people who have reviewed, favorited, and followed this story/me: I want to thank you all for your continued love and support. You guys are all very special to me- even people who just have viewed this story! Thank you again! A blue cookie for you all (::)

Still not Rick Riordan. Or a demigod. *sigh* ... Or am I?


Percy and Annabeth stood facing each other in front of the canoe lake at Camp Half Blood. Percy was wearing a black tuxedo with a sea green bow tie, but had refused to wear dress shoes, so he was wearing a pair of black converse. Annabeth looked radiant, in a jaw dropping strapless dress with pearls embroidered tightly over the bodice and then spreading out by the train. Her veil consisted of a tiny pearl circlet with ivory and sea green ribbons flowing down the back, mixing into her hair. And even though nobody could see them under the dress, she too was wearing converse to match Percy's, except hers were white.

Chiron cleared his throat."Do you, Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, two time savior of Olympus and the world, take this woman who now holds your hands to be your true and wedded wife, and do you solemnly swear before Zeus and the other Olympians that are sitting in the front row, to love, cherish, honor, and protect her and to forsake all others for her sake until death do you part?"

"I solemnly swear on the River Styx that I do." Thunder rumbled, and a gasp emanated from some of the mortal audience members. And even though the second Great Prophecy had already been fulfilled in part by Leo, the words still echoed in all of the demigods' ears: An oath to keep with a final breath.

Chiron coughed again, to quiet the crowd."And do you, Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, two time savior of Olympus and the world, take this man who now holds your hands to be your true and wedded husband, and do you solemnly swear before Zeus and the other Olympians that are still sitting in the front row, to love, cherish, honor, and protect him and to forsake all others for his sake until death do you part?"

"I solemnly swear on the River Styx that I do." Thunder rumbled. At this, Hera, Aphrodite, and Sally started to sob quietly into handkerchiefs. Sally whispered, "Swearing on the River Styx... I knew Annabeth was the one from the beginning."

"I, Percy Jackson, have memorized yet another speech to give to my Wise Girl. Annabeth, when I met you, you told me that I drool when I sleep. Not much later, you called me a Seaweed Brain. We became best friends. And I may have developed a crush on you instantly. As you told me just a few weeks ago, I apparently made this quite clear to you when I proposed. At age twelve!" Annabeth laughed, and Percy blushed.

"You proposed at age twelve!?" one of the Stolls yelled.

Percy blushed harder. "Um, apparently it's an Ancient Greek custom that if you throw an apple at a woman, it's considered a marriage proposal. And Annabeth and I played a game of hacky-sack. With an apple."

"Hey, Katie? Can I get an apple to throw at you?" Travis shouted. Travis then exploded in a poof of pink sparkly glitter, and was replaced with a very angry looking chipmunk. "As much as I love young love, I am not letting anybody, not even Tratie, ruin my beautiful Percabeth moment! This is the moment I have been waiting for all of my godly eternal life!" Aphrodite screeched.

"Ahm, continue, Percy." Chiron intervened.

"So, yeah. Where was I?" Percy looked at Annabeth.

"Proposing with an apple inadvertently..." she smiled.

"Right. So, after that, we never went on a quest without each other. Annabeth, you are my reason for existing; my love, my life, my happiness. Actually I would not be alive right now if it weren't for you, but that's besides the point. You are my other half- you complete me. I would say that I would fall into Tartarus for you, but I already have. So instead, I will say that I would fall into Tartarus again and again and again for you. You know me better than anybody, so you know just how deeply I mean it when I swear on the River Styx that I will love you and be with you forever and always. From working through our night terrors and helping each other realize that Bob will be okay in the end, to being with you forever, you know I am serious. Chiron had us swear to be with each other until death do us part, but even as a Seaweed Brain I know better than that. Nothing can ever part us. We will be together forever and always. I swear this on the River Styx." Thunder rumbled in the distance once more. If Percy or Annabeth had looked away from each other for a moment to glance at their family and friends, they would not see a dry eye seated before them.

Chiron wiped a tear from his eye, and tearfully gestured for Annabeth to begin.

"I, Annabeth Chase, think that your speech was just as beautiful as your second proposal on the Argo II. Even though you have indeed remained a Seaweed Brain throughout the years, I would like to say this. You're my Seaweed Brain. We have been through so much together, but not only saving the world. Twice. We have gone through many difficult challenges along our way to realizing our love for one another, courtesy of our dear Auntie Aphrodite. But even though you were an oblivious Seaweed Brain for a lot of the time, you and I made it through. Some of our challenges are actually sitting in the audience today. Mom, Rachel, Calypso, please wave hello." Percy laughed and smiled at Annabeth as Rachel stood up and took a bow."Host of the Oracle of Delphi here!" she yelled. Apollo nodded in approval. Athena scowled and muttered something about dirty sea scum, but waved never the less. Calypso waved but remained staring into Leo's eyes.

Annabeth smiled and continued."Thank you, guys. As you can see, no bitter feelings for any of us. Except maybe Athena. But I know that she wants me to be happy, so that's why she's letting Percy live. But back to my point. Percy, I have loved you for the longest time, and falling into Tartarus with you only made our love stronger. I also swear on the River Styx to love you and be with you forever and always. You are my Seaweed Brain, and nobody can ever change that."

Thunder rumbled near where Zeus was sitting, much quieter than before. "What?" he exclaimed when Hera glared at him. "It's hard making thunder sound all dramatic like that!" The gods rolled their eyes, and Chiron continued.

"Annabeth, please place your left hand in Percy's. Percy, please take this ring."

Percy fingered an engraved platinum band between his fingers as he stared at Annabeth. "I, Seaweed Brain, give you, Wise Girl, this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment, forever and always." He slipped it gently onto her finger as tears of joy started forming in each of their eyes.

"Percy, please give Annabeth your left hand. Annabeth, please take this ring." Chiron sniffled.

Annabeth took an identical ring from him and turned back to face Percy. "I, Wise Girl, give you, Seaweed Brain, this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment, forever and always." She slipped it onto his finger, and he clasped both of her hands in his.

Chiron looked at the two of them proudly and took a deep breath before beginning. "By the power vested in me by the gods of Olympus, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the-"

Chiron didn't even finish before Percy and Annabeth's lips crashed together. A few minutes later he cleared his throat.

Clarisse stood up and yelled, "The newlyweds need to cool off!"

"The canoe lake!" Connor Stoll shouted. Annabeth and Percy started laughing as their friends picked them up and ran down the beach. They held hands right up to the moment they got dumped into the water. Clarisse laughed, and turned to face the shocked crowd. "Uh... Camp tradition?" she said. Chiron laughed. "And now I present to you, Mr. Percy and Mrs. Annabeth Jackson! Who will surface in time for the reception, I promise you."

"How do you know that?" Thalia asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I made blue cookies," Sally replied with a smile. Thalia laughed, and nodded in recognition.

"To the mess hall!" Demeter cried.

Meanwhile, Percy and Annabeth were sharing their first kiss as a married couple in an air bubble at the bottom of the lake. And it was pretty much the best underwater kiss of all time. And it would remain that way: forever and always.

I am so proud of being so proactive and posting this so soon! Any comments or feedback are greatly appreciated- even if it's only one word! Every little thing counts.

Oh, and please tell me- do you think that I portrayed this scene in a way that fits with the characters?

Thank you again, all of my readers, reviewers, followers, and favorite-ers. Please know that you have all truly made my day. Stay tuned for more stories to come! Just remember to check PuppiesCanFly! THANK YOU ALL!