I'm back! I am genuinely sorry it took me so long to update. I have had no time to write recently, because of the sheer amounts of tests and stress and everything so I'm really sorry.


Intoxic: yeah I think she'll recover but maybe not...

Lindsay7618: Cool, I hope you enjoy this chapter

AngelWithaSeraphBlade: thanks! Literally the only reason I could update right now is I accidentally woke up at half twelve.

RedCoral: sorry I kept you waiting so long! I've had a lot of stuff on. I'm really glad you liked it! And I hope you like this one

Amaira Rai: We're on our way! And thanks

Miss Glitter: I'm glad you liked it and I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long.

{warning: swearing}

Cate POV (haha bet you didn't expect that huh?)

I didn't mean to do it. I really didn't, but now that Asmodeus knows where Magnus is.

Right so Ragnor told me to call him if I felt woozy at all and I did. So I started dialling his number. Only thing is I was Lucia's house and didn't have my cell so I used Lucia's landline. She was in the kitchen making her pasta, so I started dialling the number. Only problem is I got two digits wrong.

Usually that'd be okay. You'd just be told wrong number. But this was a very different kind of wrong number.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Um hi, it's Cate. Where's Ragnor? Magnus gave me this number to contact him with," I said. Was this Ragnor's roommate? I'd never actually met Malcolm.

"This is a wrong number then. Did you say Magnus?"

"Yes, um, I better double check the numbe-"

"Wait, please don't hang up," the man on the other side said quickly.


"He wouldn't happen to be Lucia's son?"

"His mother is called Lucia, yes," I said.

"Is he okay?"

"Yes he's fine, unless that's changed in the last twelve hours. Um, I should really go-"

"Just tell me if he's happy? Please, I knew his mother when he was younger, and I know her condition. Just humour an old man," he said.

"He moved out," I said.


"His mother mistook him for his father, did you know him?"

"Yes, I know Asmodeus."

"Well, she was terrified, so Magnus left. He went to his friend's house, last I knew," I said.

"What friend? Is it the Ragnor you spoke of?"

"No. Ragnor's in college. He's living with Alec Lightwood, I believe. I really better-"

"I would like to see Magnus again. I knew his mother well, and though I only met Magnus one time, I think we got on well, though the pink eyeliner was a bit off-putting."

"Oh right. He texted me the address, one sec." I had it written down on a pad in my bag. I searched through it and found it.

"It's 1234 Institute Road. Can I get a name so I can tell Magnus you're coming?"

"Tell him his father will be there soon." With that he hung up and I was left staring at the phone, so mad at myself.

Quickly I dialled Magnus' mobile.

"Hey Cate," he answered.

"Magnus I've made a huge mistake, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it-"

"Slow down Cate! Just tell me what happened."

"I was trying to call Ragnor and I hit the wrong numbers, and guess who has a phone number almost exactly like Ragnor's?"


"Your dad," I said.


"Only I didn't know it was him, I mean what are the chances? He talked about how he knew you and Lucia and I told him how you were and where you are and he says he's coming to see you, and I don't know what to do," I panic.

"SHIT!" Magnus swore.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Does he know where Mum is?"

"No, only you, oh Magnus I'm so, so sorry-"

"So, he has no idea where Mom is?"

"No. At least, I didn't say where she was."

"Well that's something, at least," Magnus grumbled.

"I'm so sorry!"

"No, Cate, it's a mistake. I'll deal with it." He hung up and I called Ragnor.

Jace POV (really unusual POVs for me, right?)

I walked up the street towards Clary's brother's flat. I moved in a while ago, Jonathan said it was alright, and Jocelyn doesn't live there, and Clary does a lot of the time.

But so does Simon. Whatever he said to Alec about not having a crush on her any more, is utter bullshit.

Now, I'm not jealous. I'm not. Why would she choose him over me? I'm Jonathan Stephen Herondale-Lightwood. People are jealous of me. Plus I'm me and Simons Simon. He's an idiot.

So, I'm not worried and I won't be worried ever lalalalala- wait is Simon in our flat? I'm out, Jon's out, why is Simon in there, alone, with my girlfriend? Clary's got some explaining to do!

I stormed into the building and took the elevator. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have, because I saw before I went in how many people were in there. Unless by some massive coincidence they all ended out to be going to the almost top floor, then I was going to have a LOT of stops.

There was no massive coincidence.

I couldn't even get near the button to push for my floor. So there I was surrounded by people. One of which had an extremely unorganised bag. I could feel it.

I couldn't wait to get out. I did eventually get to my floor. Then I stormed across to my apartment to find...

Clary and Simon playing video games!

"Hey Clary," I said.

They turned around, not even guilty.

"Hey Jace," Clary smiled.

"Sup Jace," Simon said. I glared at him.

"What's wrong?" Clary asked.

"Oh nothing. Can you leave now?" I directed at Simon. He nodded and glanced at Clary. Clary was just looking at me. He sighed and turned to leave.

"See yah, Red," he muttered and she nodded. That's my nickname! Oh she's in trouble.

He left and I turned furiously to Clary.

"What was that? Clary he has a major crush on you!"

"He's my best friend, Jace! I'm going to hang out with him, this is my apartment."

"Are you sure you don't want me to move out so you and Simon can hang out everyday?" I ask mockingly.

"No, Jace I love you, why the hell would I cheat on you?"

"I don't know, but maybe you are!"

"Okay, get out," she said.

"Excuse me?" I asked, taken aback.

"You heard me. Get. Out."

"Clary, do you mean that?"

"I can't be in a relationship where the other person doesn't trust me. Please Jace, I just can't."

"Fine, I'll grab my stuff," I said bewildered.

Alec POV

We, Izzy and Magnus and I, were just finishing up dinner when the doorbell rung.

"I'll get it," I volunteered. Izzy and Magnus nodded.

I walked over to the door. I opened it to reveal Jace standing there bedraggled.

"Can I move back in?"