"Ugh. I get that you had to go to your stupid business thing, but did you really have to drag us along? Especially after you changed us into kids again!"

England, America and Canada were driving to a business meeting England had to attend and America had been pouting, arguing and complaining the entire trip, turning England's relatively good mood, sour.

"Stop being a brat! You know the reason why. I had to go; this was not my choice, trust me. And besides, I have no one to watch you two; and I sure as hell can't leave you alone after last time."

"Geesh, relax. It was one little party." Alfred interjected.

"You completely trashed my house!" Arthur yelled.

"But it was epic" answered America.

Arthur took few deep breaths to calm himself then continued.

"Besides, I don't know why but everyone seems to fall for your idiotic charms okay. For some odd reason, they can't stop cooing over you 'little angles' and it help with business. So for once just help me, alright". Arthur spat to America.

"Of course they do. I'm awesome! But why should I? What have you done for me huh?" Alfred countered

"I don't know, feed you, and bathe you, teach you to walk, read, write and pretty much everything else." England listed.

America glared at his older brother.

"Fine, ok I'll go. Just had to play the guilt card, didn't you" America pouted.

"It's what I do best" England smirked, stepping out of the car. "Now come on loves, hurry or we'll be late."

Soon enough Canada was left all alone in the sleek green Jaguar (which England constantly reminds America is a British company) staring at the black leather seat in front of him.

"They didn't even bother to ask my opinion" he sighed, also getting out of the car.

The three walked up to the auburn door and Britain rung the bell.

A few minutes later a primly dressed lady answered the door.

"Why hello Mr. Kirkland, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person. My husband talks about you all the time." she stated in a much too chipper to be real voice.

"And these two must be your younger brothers that you told him about."

"Howdy ma'am. I'm Alfred F. Jones but please call me Alfred. It's really nice to meet you." He said giving a gentlemanly bow.

"H-hi Mrs. Dursley. I'm Mathew Williams, but please call me Mathew. You have a really nice home, eh."

"Oh if you two aren't the sweetest things." She said bending down and giving them a hug. "If only our son Harry was so well behaved. I really have no idea why you complain so much about them Mr. Kirkland."

"Yeah, they're adorable before they dump a few million dollars of tea into the harbor" he mumbled under his breath.

"Well Petunia, don't make them freeze out there. Invite them in" a manly voice called out from inside the house.

"Oh, how rude of me. Of course, please come in".

She stepped aside and the three walked into the house.

"Well I guess it's time for introductions" the woman clapped.

"First" she said pointing to a young, slightly chubby, young boy about the twins' age. "This is my son, Dudley Dursley."

"It's very nice to meet you" the boy smiled.

"And he" she said pointing an overweight man, who seemed to have no neck. "Is my husband, Mr. Dursley."

"It's a pleasure to meet you two little ones. And Arthur, nice to see you." he nodded.

"So before we start, would any of you like some tea?" the mother asked in a tooth rottingly polite voice.

"If it would not be any trouble miss, I would like a glass please" Mathew asked politely.

"Of course young man." She smiled patroninly.

"And if you have any coffee that would be great for me please" requested Alfred.

"Sure thing" she smiled, walking into the kitchen. She would have questioned his beverage choice, but her family is not really in a position to do so with that debt hanging over their heads.

"So" Mr. Dursely said, clapping together his hands. "Let's begin shall we".

So the man led the three over to the couches and invited them to sit down.

Petunia came out of the kitchen and brought the boys their drinks.

"Thank you ma'am" they said in unison.

"They really are the most adorable things" she praised.

It took America everything in his power not to glare at her and say that 'Hero's can't be cute', but knowing England might kill him for ruining his meeting, decided against it.

"So Mr. Kirkland" Mr. Dursley began. "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule chat with us. We so rarely get to now a days."

"No problem at all" Arthur assured professionally. "It was about time we met up away from the office".

"Would you like some Wine or Ale?" he asked.

"Ale please, wine has never really suited me. A certain French Frog I know has ruined it for me." England answered holding out his cup.

As much as they hate to admit it. The twins were always impressed by their mentor's ability to make even the smallest actions, like raising a glass, look dignified.

He even managed to make 'French Frog' sound like the words of royalty.

'I guess that's what a few thousand years of experience will do to you', they often thought.

The other man smiled and poured him a glass.

While he was pouring a pounding was heard upstairs.

The three looked up wondering what was causing the ruckus.

"Oh don't mind that" Vernon Dursley assured, giving an obviously forced grin.

"It is just… the cat."

So they went back to their business conversation that the two had no real interest in.

Not because they can't understand it. They have their own all the time. But since it didn't really involve them, they figured what's the point.

"Hello" the Dursley boy said, holding out his hand. "I'm Dudley".

"Nice to meet you" the North Americans said together.

"Wow, so do twins really talk in unison all the time?" he asked.

The three got into a polite discussion while the Adults, (Well adults not trapped in a child's body), began to discuss politics.

They didn't notice the plate floating their heads until it was too late.


"Stop Dobby!" Harry whispered-yelled up in his 'room'.

The elf was banging his head up against Harry's dresser and it was making a ton of noise.

Eventually he stopped and turned back to Harry.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"Dobby had to punish himself sir" the Elf answered. "Dobby almost spoke ill of his family."

"Your family?" Harry gazed, sitting down on his bed.

"Yes my wizarding family" Dobby explained. "Dobby serves sir. Dobby is bound to serve one family forever. If they ever knew Dobby was here…" he shivered. "But Dobby had to go".

"Dobby has to protect Harry Potter. To warn him. Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year."

"What?" Harry tried to interject.

"There is a plot to make the most terrible things happen." Dobby continued.

"What terrible things?" asked Harry. "Who's plotting against me?"

"Can't. Say" the elf said. Then he went into what looked like a seizure.

"It's ok" Harry tried to assure to make him calm down. "I understand, you can't say".

Then Dobby stood oh Harry's table, picked up a lamp and started hitting himself in the head with it.

"Dobby relax!" Harry whisper-yelled, knowing that the guests downstairs could hear him for sure.

And he was right.

Harry started to hear footsteps up the stairs and panicked.

"Dobby" he said, picking the elf up by the collar of his shirt. "I'm sorry for this, but get in there and keep quiet."

So he shoved him in the closet just as the door opened.

"What the devil are you doing up here?" Mr. Dursley scolded.

"I was just…" Harry tried to explain.

"You were just ruining our shot of getting out of debt!"

"Sorry" Harry tried to interject, but was ignored.

That had been happening to him a lot more lately...

"Honestly Harry, why can't you just behave like those kids downstairs? They are acting like perfect gentleman and even understand what the adults are talking about! You need to learn respect!"

"I said I'm sorry" Harry pleaded.

"One more sound" Dursley glared, hate burning clear in his eyes. "And you'll wish you'd never been born."

Harry gulped and nodded and the man stormed down the stairs.

"See why I've got to go back" Harry explained and let out a wobbling Dobby. "I don't belong here; I belong in your world. Hogwarts is the only place I feel I belong, got friends."

"Friends who don't even write to Harry Potter?" Dobby said.

"Well I expect they've just…" he said looking distraught.

"Wait? Hang on? How do you know my friends haven't been writing to me?"

'Great job' Dobby thought to himself, 'why am I so stupid!'

"Harry Potter mustn't be angry with Dobby" he said, backing away and taking a stack of letters out from his pocket. "Dobby hoped that if Harry Potter thought his friends had forgotten him, Harry Potter might not want to go back to school sir."

"Dobby!" Harry growled. "Give me those. Now!"

"No!" Dobby said running out of the room.

Harry chased Dobby down the stair and into the kitchen, where his mom's cake was laying.

The two stopped and Dobby looked back at Potter.

"Dobby, get back here" Harry growled

In response, the elf just smiled with what could only be described as malice in his eyes.

The elf waved his hand and the ornate dessert began to rise.

"Put the cake away Dobby. Please don't" He pleaded.

"Harry Potter must say he is not going back to school". Retorted the elf

"I can't" Harry insisted. "Hogwarts is my home."

"Well then Dobby must do it sir". The elf said with an (obviously fake) sad smile. "For Harry Potters own good."

The heavily decorated, wedding style white, cake began to float in the air and headed towards the two blonde boys with their back to Harry.

As he walked forward to try to catch it, he couldn't help but feel as if the recognized that hair color.

He kept walking forward slowly, but just as he was about to grab it, it fell and splattered on the boys head.


"Ack!" Harry heard the two boys yell, jumping out of their seat and landing panicked on their feet.

When they turned the three boys looked in each other's faces and instantly recognized each other, confusion clear standing out on their faces.

"Harry?" the boys said.

"I'm so sorry" Mr. Dursley apologized, sweat starting to form on his already red face and porky face. "It's my nephew, he is very disturbed. Meeting strangers upsets him and that's why I kept him upstairs and… wait, did you just say you know Harry?"

"Yeah" Alfred said, wiping cake off his face with a napkin, having to hold back a little laughter from the sheer absurdity of the situation. What were the odds of this? "He goes to school with us".

Harry turned to narrow his eyes at Dobby, but the little Elf was had already disappeared into the air with a snap of the fingers.

"Uh Aunt, Uncle. These are the boys who saved me in the dungeon last year" he said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly and had his eyes downcast to the floor.

'Great' Petunia thought sarcastically. 'Yet another thing we're in debt to. This boy is going to make us lose the house.'

"Harry" she growled, failing at keeping a cool temper.

"I-it's ok Mrs. Dursley. It's just a little cake. Which is very good by the way. But If you don't mind may we please use a restroom to clean up" said Mathew, trying to divert the flaming woman's attention.

"Of course darling" she said in an obviously forced sweet voice. "Harry will show you the way".

Nodding Harry led the boys down the small hallways and into the kitchen to clean up the cake that was still falling off with every step, creating a literal breadcrumb trial right to them..

"Sorry." He said handing the twins handful of towels.

"It's fine dude" Alfred assured with a role of the eyes. Please as if this is the worst he's been through. Plus he does this stuff all the time to the other nations and pretty much never apologized for it. They need to stop being so sensitive.

"Maska, Kanata?" Dobby said suddenly appearing next to them, dust floating through the room from his entrance.

Harry jumped back at the sudden reentry but the boys just looked at the elf with tilted heads.

"Dobby?" they said disbelief clear in their voice.

"What are you doing here?" Mathew asked.

"I came to protect Harry Potter". Dobby answered, huge smile on his face.

"Sir" Dobby said to Harry, pointing to the nations. "These are Maska and Kanata. Dobby worked for their family a while ago. They were by far the nicest Dobby had ever served."

'Why does everyone call them Maska and Kanata? When I get back to Hogwarts I have to ask Hermione about that'. Harry noted in his head.

"Thanks bud" America said leaning down to look him in the eye, now completely de-caked.

"Hey still remember that handshake we made when I was little" he smiled.

"If course I do sir." Dobby smiled right back.

The two began the complicated and obviously rehearsed movements and Harry just looked at them.

When they were finished Dobby turned to Canada.

"Kanata, how are you? Do you still have that polar bear with you?"

"I'm good" Mathew giggled, happy to see his old friend. "And yeah, he's at home right now with Maska's spirit. He has threatened to kill the poor rabbit more times than I can count."

"That is really great sirs" Dobby said happily.

"I told you not to call us sir" said Alfred, no real command in his voice.

"Sorry Maska" replied Dobby.

"Oh, Kanata and I go by Alfred and Mathew now. I know when we were little I told you to use our native names but now no one understand them so it's not as fun anymore" America told him, a slight pout on his face. "I missed the days when people actually knew what names meant."

"Very well Alfred and Mathew." Said Dobby committing the names to memory.

"You three know each other?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow, deciding to just ignore the 'back in my day' sentence and just skip strait to the obvious.

"Yeah, Dobby worked for us was as kids. Although he really was more like a best friend than a servant." Mathew told him.

Harry was still confused, but nodded anyway.

"Dobby is sorry for dropping cake on your heads, Alfred and Mathew. Dobby did not know it was you". Dobby apologized.

"You should be sorry" Alfred said jokingly. "You had a perfect shot of Arthur and you missed it!"

The three laughed and Harry just stood there feeling awkward.

"So…" Harry interjected, hating the feeling of missing something.

"Sorry Mr. Potter, Dobby has just not seen them in many years."

Then Dobby realized something.

"Mr. Alfred and Mr. Mathew, how do you know Mr. Harry Potter?" he asked.

"We go to school with him" they answered in unison.

'I forgot the do that. Still just as freaky as the first time' Harry thought.

Then Dobby's face dropped to one of absolute horror.

"Do the masters mean Hogwarts?" he shivered.

"One don't call us master, and two yeah, is that a problem?" Alfred answered.

"No!" he cried. Grabbing onto the two.

"Please do not go." Dobby begged. "Dobby doesn't want Alfred and Mathew to die; Dobby could not stand it if you got hurt."

"Why would we get hurt?" asked Mathew, gently prying Dobby off him.

"Apparently there is some plot going on" Harry answered for him.

"What kind of plot?" asked Alfred, suddenly growing tenser.

He has learned it is much better to call a false alarm than to ignore a problem.

"Code black cloak" Dobby whispered.

The twins suddenly got a wide eyed look in their eyes.

"Black cloak..." they responded robotically.


Harry was about to ask if they were alright, when Arthur came in through the door and gave Harry a look that obviously betrayed that he assumed that he assumed the twins (or more likely Alfred) had been the actual cause of the chaos with the cake.

"Boys what is going on? You have been in here for bloody ages. Are you harassing the poor Potter boy? I swear…." He ranted walking through the door.

Then he looked and saw the elf standing with just as much surprise as him.

"Dobby?" he cocked his head to the side just as the twins before him had.

"Mr. Kirkland?" exclaimed Dobby.

'Am I the only one who doesn't know Dobby?' thinks Harry.

"Well how are you Dobby? Do you like your new family?" asked England.

"Dobby is doing well sir, although no family has come close to your kindness sir" Dobby bowed.

The three nations had always been so kind to him. Even when he was under their servitude, they had treated him like an equal. They would ask him to sit, to play, if he was hungry.

They treated him more like family than a lowly house elf.

The four reminisced of old memories, while Harry looked on wondering what they could be talking about, when Mr. Kirkland's wristwatch beeped.

"Oh well I hate to cut this short, but me and the boys must go. I wish you all the luck in the world Dobby."

With that Arthur grabbed the boy's hands, bid goodbye to the Dursleys and led them out the door.

Dobby proofed away and Mrs. Dursley stormed into the kitchen where Harry was.

'Well, this is going to a long night' he thought.