Hey theere, everyone! : ) So chapter 3 "Battle for a girl" of "Reborn as a Campione" is now done. I managed to use the free time I had this week and the ideas I had thought of and progress faster with the writing on this chapter and so here is it, ready for you to read it. I know that there are still places in which I can improve more, so please – no hate and just enjoy the chapter of my crossover fanfiction.

Battle for a girl

It was around ten in the morning when Natsu woke up or rather was awaken when his ears caught a loud scream, making him jump into a sitting position on the couch he was sleeping on, after which he turned 360 decrees, hoping to find the source of the scream. After confirming that no one was around him, he lifted his head to the ceiling, remembering that Erica and Arianna went to sleep upstairs. Then the boy heard it again, echoing from the second floor all the way to the living room in which he was currently in, realizing that the one who was screaming was the blonde-haired girl.

Natsu got up from the couch, stretched his arms and legs few times, made an really big yawn, wiped the sleepiness of his eyes and started his way of the room, heading to the bathroom. After quickly washing up his face, the boy got out off the bath and slowly but surely started climbing upstairs and after an minute he was in front of the room that the two girls were sleeping through the night. Knocked on the door twice and opened it as soon as 'come in' reached his ears. When Dragneel enter, all three of the females that we currently in this house popped out before his vision.

Inside he saw Lucretia and Arianna giggling and staring the red devil, while Erica was with her head down and by what Natsu could see, she was blushing so much that the her face was becoming more red by the second.

"Good Morning, Natsu-san! How did you sleep?" Arianna greeted.

"G` Moring! Pretty good." Salamander calmly replayed

"Perfect timing, young man. We were just talking about you." The witch of Sardania said with a playful voice.

"We were not." Erica denied.

"No need to hide it, Erica-sama." Arianna said giggling.

"Anyways, let`s go have breakfast. You will cook us something, won`t you?!" Erica said and turned towards Nastu.

"Why me?!" The boy asked caught off guard.

"You're the only gentleman right now. It`s more than enough reason to do so." The blonde girl replayed with a playful tone and left the room.

"W-wait." The pink-haired boy shouted and stretched his hand, but to no avail.

"Good luck, young man." Lucretia cheered the boy and followed Erica, followed on her own by Arianna.

'What a pain in the ass.' Natsu thought to himself and start his way downstairs.

In less than one hour all four of them had breakfast and currently were sitting in the living room talking about various stuff. The group decided to stay another day due to the terrible weather outside. It was raining so much and just seemed to never stop. On top of that the wind looked really strong, judging by how the trees moved, that Salamander began to wonder when was the last time he witnessed such a bad weather.

As they continued their little chat, Arianna decided to go and make tea as well as something for lunch, depriving the room off her presence, Lucretia on her turn though that she wants a bad, leaving only Dragneel and Blandelli in it. The two kept silent for the next three-four minutes until the man noticed the gloomy look on the girl`s face. He slowly moved closer to Erica and then patted her on the head, which resulted in leaving the blonde in surprise.

"Are you still thinking about what happened yesterday?" Salamander asked calmly.

"Y-Yeah. And thanks to me you got yourself in more trouble." She answered "I`m sorry."

"Don`t worry. I`m used to things like that." The boy stated and cracked a grin. "Besides I already made a choice that I won`t let that guy near you."

"Thanks!" Erica thanked and smiled at him.

"Your welcome!" He replayed and moved his hand from her head, placing it behind his head, joined by the other one.

The girl brought her face just few centimeters away from his, surprising Natsu in the progress, which made him blush a little. Seeing that, Erica backed away and started giggling, irritating the Dragon-God Slayer with her actions.

"What`s so funny?!" The boy asked and turned to his left.

"It`s nothing. It`s just that the expression on your face was too cute and I couldn`t hold it." The famous 'red devil' explained as she continued to giggle.

"Okay, okay! So please st…" He tried to say something, but stopped all of a sudden when a though hit him right in the mind, taking him away from reality for a second or so. After the thought passed, Natsu remained looking at the ceiling with his mouth slightly opened.

"What`s wrong?" Erica questioned after seeing his expression.

"Oh, it`s nothing. Just a random memory passed through my mind." Dragneel explained.

"An memory of what?" She asked again with as her lips formed a sly smile.

"Just an memory from my life back at home." Natsu said as his face began to get red again.

"Is that so?" The blonde-haired woman continued her teasing over Salamander, which obviously she enjoyed doing a lot.

Suddenly the door of the living room opened and from it showed Arianna, which ran all the way from the door to the couch where Salamander and Blandelli were sitting in less than a second.

"Erica-sama, I`m sorry, but can you give me a hand with the lunch?" She shouted and bowed her head down. "I`m having little trouble." She added.

"Of course." The blonde replayed and got from the couch and followed her servant. And just when she was about to leave the room, she turned towards Natsu. "Don`t think you got away. I want to know what did you exactly remember when I come back." By saying that, Erica turned and went through the door, leaving the mage alone.

"Man, what a pain." He whispered to himself and lied on the couch and started looking at the ceiling.

Thoughts of what just happened began make a mess in his mind. What left biggest impression on him was the way she teased him and seemed to enjoy doing so. In fact he didn`t want to admit it, but he really liked being treated like this as much that the thing he remembered was that Erza liked to do that too back when they were a couple, back at his word, back when she was alive. Lost in thought like that, he failed to notice when tears started falling on the couch and on the ground.

"Why am I crying, damn it?!" Natsu scolded himself, whipping off the tears from his face. 'I guess that`s so like me.' He added and broke into a slight laugher.

Then all of a sudden, Salamander stopped laughing, looked up at the door and clenched his right hand in a fist as a serious look found it`s place on his face. It was right at that moment when he felt like rage threatened to take control over his senses. Fire burned in his pupils, one that showed the amount of anger in him, as he was able to remember something else from the life back on Earthland. An memory of a certain accident that the boy would never forget for his entire life. A battle or rather, a struggle for survival that had a immense importance for him. That was the battle at the Tower of Heaven, where Salamander fought Jellal just and only for Erza`s sake, because he wanted to save her no matter what.

At first Dragneel tried to come up with an answer why he was remembering that of all time and started hitting the top of his head in order to shake the thoughts off, but then realized that the explanation was quite simple. Then he reached to the answer that partly satisfied him. After taking a deep though, Natsu came to the conclusion that the situation back then and the one at hand were totally the same.

"So that`s what it`s about, huh?! Just like that time." The Dragon-God Slayer stated to himself

The rest of the day went normally for him and his friends. The rain continued to fall outside, lightings started to appear in the sky, the wind straightened it`s force, moving the trees right and left, forward and backward. The ground looked dirty and full with puddles everywhere. The group had to turn out all the electricity to prevent from any damage caused by the storm, leaving them a option to only talk in the living room, using candles to lighten in the dark. It wasn`t too long before they decided to go to sleep,

Somewhere around midnight the only male in the house woke up to find complete darkness and silence ruling through the entire house. Natsu got up and slowly left the living room, walking through the corridor and stopped when he reached the door that led outside of the house and just when he was about to open, a voice made him let go of the door handle, after which turned to the source. Right behind him stood Lucretia, the owner of house.

"Where do you think you are going?" The woman questioned in a whisper.

"The storm has stopped so I thought to go for a midnight walk." Natsu replayed with a low voice as well. "The fresh air is perfect right now for the purpose."

"For a midnight walk you say?!" Lucretia said. "We both know that this isn`t your true aim." She added with an low voice, yet the seriousness in it didn`t remained unnoticed by Salamander.

"So you figured it out?!" The boy asked and a smile formed on his face.

"I thought you are planning to do something like that when I looked at you after lunch." The witch of Sardania.

"Then you know why I am doing this, don`t you?! If so there is no reason for me to explain myself." Salamander said and turned towards the door.

"For that girl, huh?!" The brown-haired woman said and waited for confirmation from Natsu`s side, who only nodded with his head. "However, how are you going to find Lord Salvatore all by yourself? Italy`s a big country you know. He could be everywhere." She added and awaited for an answer to her question.

"I can track him by the smell." Natsu replayed.

"But still, it`s imp…" Lucretia was about to say something, but the boy cut her off.

"Not a problem. I already noticed where he is. During the dinner that guy passed by the house, so he couldn`t have gone far from here." Dragneel stated

"Just to make sure. Are you serious about this, it`s the Italian`s Campione we are talking about. It won`t be easy at least." The woman commented as like she was trying to convince the boy to stay, but received a slight laugher for an replay.

"If I can`t handle one God Slayer, then I might as well give up with the hope of saving my world. Besides, I can`t stand when someone is hurting my friends in whatever way. Will it be physically or saddening them, I won`t forgive people like that." Natsu said with a little louder voice, that slightly echoed through the corridor.

"I see. Then good luck, young man! May you end up victorious!" Lucretia said and just watched as the Dragon-God Slayer opened the door and disappeared in the darkness of the night, she then closed the door and got back to the house.

More than two hours had passed since Natsu left the house and headed on his way to find Lord Salvatore Doni. He walked next to riverbed that continued forward and forward, until it reached some ancient ruins where it made a right turned. The ruins didn`t make much of impression on the mage, only of couple small ones remained, but the atmosphere around was giving Dragneel a strange warm feeling, despite the cold air that was left by the storm.

Suddenly, something caught Natsu`s nose as he began sniffing around. It was the smell of the reason he came here in the first place, the smell of Italy`s Campione that started becoming stronger and stronger, suggesting that the pink-haired wizard must be getting closer to his target. The boy stood unmoving for a while, turned 360 decrees few times, sniffed couple more minutes and just like that dashed in the direction opposite to the one that the river lead away. Salamander ran for the next ten minutes until the smell of the person he was looking for become even stronger, confirming that he`s on the right away and will be a matter of time until Doni is found by him. After using his nose more and more, he looked up ahead to a place where the road started going up a hill.

As soon as the mage neared the start of the climbing point, he noticed that a huge amount of water spread out, which Natsu thought it`s probably the sea and started going up the hill. The path was a bit slippery due to the rain from earlier, the grass was wet and the ground sloppy, making the way to the top even harder for the Fairy Tail magician. Very soon a image of the highest point and a figure sitting onto the branch of a tree.

After taking a clean look on the area around, Salamander got in a better pose for a fight, slowly lifted his left leg and just like that dashed towards the tree. When he was close enough, the boy aimed a flaming punch on the tree, making it shake until it fall on the ground, dragging Italian`s Campione along with it. The impact destroyed the ground around and caused smoke to start floating in the air, which continued for no more than a minute, revealing an lying on the earth blonde-haired boy.

"I finally found you." Natsu said, preparing to fight.

The man in front stood up as soon he heard Dragneel`s voice and immediately started looking around to find the source until his eyes saw the pink-spiky hair that belonged to the his opponent from yesterday.

"You?!" Doni replayed in a surprise. "How did you find me?"

"I have great sense of smell that allows me to even remember the smell of other people, so it wasn`t so hard to track you to this place." The Dragon-God Slayer answered and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Very interesting!" Salvatore stated and took his sword of the scabbard. "So what do you want from me?" He asked, yet with an smile.

"I`m here to settle things with you. Regarding Erica that is." Natsu calmly stated.

"So you are going to fight for her, huh?!" Italy`s Campione questioned. "Then let`s make a deel, if I…" The boy started to talk, but was cut off.

"No deals, I`m simply going to make you leave her by beating the crap out of you." Dragneel said with a serious look on his face.

"Is that so?! Those are some strong words coming from your mouth." Lord Salvatore said and pointed his sword at the man in front of him. "Can you back them up?" He added.

"I can." The pink-haired boy replayed and clenched both of his hand in fists.

"Okay then, I will fight you. To be honest, I don`t have interest in that girl at all." He said and Natsu`s eyes instantly widened. Noticing that Doni continued. "I just wanted to take her, so I can lure Godou here to have a fight with him, figuring that he will be stronger that way. But I guess I`m going to enjoy fighting you instead of him."

"Man, you are seriously pissing me off. All that just for an reason like that. Do you know how much you hurt and saddened Erica with actions like that? She isn`t a toy or something, you know?!" Natsu shouted at his opponent.

However, all Salamander received in replay was quick swing with the sword from the Italian`s God-Slayer. He quickly dodged to left, but yet the attack managed to cut off the right sleeve on his T-shirt, revealing the red guild mark on his right shoulder. He quickly turned around and aimed a kick at the boy in front, who was forced to block with the sword, after which backed off a meter or two.

"O Sword that pierces enemies with but a single swing. For the sake of plundering all life from creation, shine with brilliance!" Doni shouted as a bright light appeared from the blade of the sword.

The light forced Dragneel to cover his eyes in order to prevent getting blinded by it, dropping his guard, which didn`t remained unnoticed by his enemy, who immediately dashed forward and started swinging his sword in an incredible speed, leaving the mage no choice, but to dodge. At first it seemed he managed to do so with an ease, until he slipped and fell on the ground.

'Crap.' He cursed in his mind, but didn`t had the time to do more of this, as Doni aimed another blow at him.

Almost hit by the opponent`s attack, he used left hand covered in flame to deflect it`s direction, then didn`t waste a second and gathered air in his mouth.

"Fire Dragon`s Roar!" He screamed and send a breath of fire at Lord Salvatore.

The blonde didn`t had time to do anything, just accepted the fact he was hit. Natsu`s attack send him crashing into a tree, breaking it in the progress and passing right through it. Flying in the air, Doni flipped and used another tree to push himself straight at Dragon-God Slayer. Closing on the enemy, he swung sword quickly, forcing Natsu to duck, which however that was expected by Italy`s Campione, who showed it by sending an kick in the pink-haired boy, making him bend forward. Awaiting for that he aimed a quick with hit his left knee, ending up in Salamander`s face and then tried to slice his target with a quick swing.

Fortunately, Natsu managed to recover from the last two hits and touched the ground using his left hand and flipped over, landing a flaming kick on the opponent`s chin. After which, he landed couple of fast punches in the face of his enemy, making Doni a bit light-headed, lowering his guard down.

"Okay, now…" Natsu said and closed his eyes and just like that summoned a bow and arrow.

He bend the bow and let off the arrow, which flew in an incredible speed towards Doni, who at the last moment regained awareness of the surroundings and deflected the arrow using his sword. Then he landed on the ground and smiled at the boy in front of him.

"Not bad." Salvatore commented. "The last time I had so much fun was when I fought Godou. He however, didn`t had any experience at all, while you seem to have knowledge about how to fight."

"Your not half bad either." Dragneel replayed, cracking up a smirk.

"So how are you exactly? It`s not polite to not introduce yourself." The blonde said.

"The name`s Natsu Dragneel, a Dragon-God Slayer!" Salamander said as the smirk on his face disappeared, replaced by an serious look.

"Interesting!" Doni replayed as a pink light started glowing around him.

"I`m all fired up!" Fairy Tail`s mage said and flames began to come from his body and so the two dashed at each other again.

Meanwhile at Lucretia`s house, Erica had just woke up and slowly went downstairs, passed through the living room. There she saw that the couch was empty and started to look around for her male friend, but soon stopped and left the room, heading to the bathroom. As soon as the girl got out of it, she decided to go to the kitchen, where awaited the owner of house. The witch was sitting on a chair and looking out of the window.

"Can`t sleep, huh?!" Lucretia questioned.

"You can say so." Blandelli answered with a sleepy voice. "I had an strange dream, which made me wake up."

"I see. Well, you should go back to bed and try to get some more sleep." The brown-haired female said.

"What time is it?" The red devil asked, wiping the sleepiness off her eyes.

"It`s half past four in the morning." Lucretia stated. "It`s still early."

"Half past four?!" The blonde screamed. "We have to be at Rome`s airport in two hours to take the plane back." She said and headed upstairs.

In less than ten minutes, both Erica and Arianna were down at the kitchen, now fixed and ready to go. They had a quick coffee and a breakfast and just when they were about to prepared to leave, Erica suddenly gasped and started panicking.

"Where is Natsu?" She asked in a loud voice.

"I haven`t seen him since dinner." Arianna replayed.

"That`s right, I almost forgot." The witch stated. "The young man went out almost four hours ago." She finished, catching the two girls in a surprise.

"What? Where did he go at this time at night and at this weather?" Erica questioned in a louder voice.

"I`m not going to lie to you. He went to fight Lord Salvatore Doni." The oldest in the house explained as the blonde`s eyes widened at the second she heard it.

"Lord Salvatore?!" Erica questioned with a stunned look on her face. "But why would he do that?"

"You know why yourself." Lucretia stated and turned towards the blonde-haired girl.

"He is going to fight him for me?" Blandelli said asked, receiving an nod with a head for an answer.

"Natsu-san is doing that for Erica-sama?!" Asked a equal surprised Arianna.

"Before he left, that boy said this, that he can`t stand when someone`s hurting his friends in whatever way it would be and that he will never forgive people like that." The witch of Sardania explained what Natsu said to her.

"Do you know where he is now?" The red devil asked in harsh tone.

"I know where Lord Salvatore could be. He likes to rest at the hill next to the sea." Lucretia answered. "The young man should be there two."

"Arianna, I need you to drive me to that place." Erica said, turned around and ran out of the kitchen, followed by her servant.

The two got in the car and started their way to the mentioned hill, leaving the witch alone in the house.

In that time the battle between Salamander and Doni was reaching it`s climax, as neither one of them showed any signs of tiredness and continued to exchange attacks. The area around the two was mostly destroyed due to their strength alone, trees were lying on the ground, few huge stones were partly or entirely damaged. Natsu had a wound from cutting on his back, suggesting that his opponent managed to land a hit with his sword, but he as well seemed wounded. Salvatore`s left arm appeared to be broken, because the blonde had to block an fierce attack by the Dragon-God Slayer using it. Unfortunately for the Italian the force of the impact sent him crashing into a big stone, which ended with a broken arm.

Currently both charged at each other with an immense speed. When they were close to each other, Salvatore swung his sword directly towards the pink-haired boy`s head, who dodged to right with an ease and as soon as he was out of the target, turned around and aimed an kick at his opponent`s stomach. Almost hit, Doni used his right knee to lead the incoming attack out of the way and counterattack with the sword, aiming it at Dragneel`s right arm.

As soon as Italy`s Campione landed on the earth, he didn`t waste a second and lifted his sword above his head.

"O silver arm, upon my oath, turn into the invincible blade!" He shouted and his right arm become silver. After that Salvatore took a fighting stance and dashed at Natsu.

When the Italian man was close enough, he tried to stab Salamander in the stomach, who jumped over the attack and as he was floating above Doni, he gathered flames around his right hand.

"Fire Dragon`s Crushing Fang!" He shouted and aimed a claw-like fashion attack at the opponent.

Fortunately for Doni, he was able to dodge at left just before he was hit by Natsu`s charge, which ended hitting the ground, destroying it a little. The blonde immediately aimed another kick in the enemy, pushing him few meters back, resulted in Dragneel crashing in a stone. The impact itself didn`t do much damage to the mage, but the fact that he crashed with his wounded back into it, made the pain unbearable for Natsu. Sadly for him, there wasn`t much time to recover as Salvatore appeared in front and swung his sword that threatened to cut the Dragon-God Slayer`s head.

However, using the stone behind his back, Salamander pushed himself in the air, avoiding certain death and when was few meters in the air, flipped thanks to the help of one of the remaining untouched trees and launched himself directly at the other Campione. Falling down, flames covered Natsu`s entire body, making the attack more dangerous. Reaching Doni, the boy made a somersault in the air and aimed his left leg at the opponent. The last action of the pink-haired man caught the blonde off guard, leaving him no choice, but to block with his left broken arm. The force from the hit, send an immense pain in the arm of the Italian, which made him drop his guard.

Dragneel awaited just for that, falling towards the earth, he spun himself from left to right side, landing an kick with his right leg in Salvatore`s face, pushing him couple of steps back. Deciding that this wasn`t enough, Fairy Tail`s mage leaned forward and once again lighten his body ablaze.

"Fire Dragon`s Sword Horn!" He said and dashed in high speed like an arrow at the enemy.

Seeing the upcoming attack, Doni lifted his right hand, which hold the sword and placed it in front of him as a bright light appeared from it.

"Even if the body is crushed and scattered, the sword never dies! The broken blade shall be melted down in the furnace, forged once more to be reborn as a new sword! This level of flames cannot destroy me!" He shouted and prepared for the hit.

Not a second later, the impact was fact as the ground around began to shake, causing smoke to once more appear in the air, which remained for few minutes, until it slowly started to vanish. The clash left Natsu wondering what happened to his opponent and was surprised when Lord Salvatore came out all of a sudden and swung his sword. Caught off guard, the pink-haired boy decided to dodge to the right, but couldn`t completely do so, as the sword managed to cut off his left leg a little. Releasing some blood, Salamander fell on his right knee, but didn`t had to recover, because Doni aimed another strike at his direction.

At first Italy`s God-Slayer thought he won, but soon was left stunned on his side as well, as just before getting hit, Natsu literally vanished and in less than a second reappeared behind the blonde. Seeing the chance, he landed a flaming kick in the back of the Italian, sending the opponent four meters behind, crashing the dirty earth.

"Was that what I think it is?" Salvatore questioned getting up on his legs.

"Yeah, that`s one of the authorities I got from that God, Persues after defeating him." Dragneel answered loudly.

"I see. So you were the one, who slayed that god, huh?!" The blonde asked and cracked up a smile. "Your even more interesting than Godou when I first fought him."

"One thing I don`t understand. Why did you really put up with an act like that in order to make that guy come here?" Salamander questioned.

"That way he would become stronger and it will be more interesting." Doni replayed.

"I get you want that fighting strong opponents is in your heart, I was like that until two years ago." The mage said, stopped for a second and continued. "But making other suffer and saddening them isn`t right. That`s why I still want to beat you down."

"I see…" Doni said and bowed his head down. "It`s already too late to go back, right?! So let`s just finish this." He added and lifted his head. "O Sword, shining bright, release flames!" Saying that, flames started gathering around the blade of the sword.

Natsu did not answer, just prepared for another go, suppressing the pain that was coming from his back. The two stared at each other for a second or two when they suddenly dashed ahead, both of them ready to put an end to this fight. Almost a meter ahead, the Italian stopped and using his sword threw dust at Salamander, creating smoke after it, which started circling around him. Betting on the advantage from the smoke, Salvatore ran behind the Dragon-God Slayer and swung his sword at the head of his opponent.

However, Dragneel didn`t shake and ducked with an ease, then gave Doni an fast and powerful elbow in the stomach, making Italy`s Campione to cough some blood, who tried to regain the upper hand as he aimed a kick towards the pink-haired boy`s face. But again to no avail as Natsu overturned himself few times, escaping the attack. Seeing that, the blonde swung his sword once more, sending a ball of fire against the opponent in front of him, who didn`t seem to be scared and just waited as the attack found it`s target.

"Your strong, I`ll admit that." Fairy Tail`s magician spoke from inside the flames. "But too bad for you, because fire doesn`t work on me." He stated and dashed out of the flames, dragging them with him, setting his body ablaze.

"O blood of the evil drag…" Doni tried to cast a spell for defense, but was too late.

Igneel`s son hit him right in the stomach with a brutal force, pushing the blonde along with him forward, crashing through couple of trees and then suddenly stopped and used his Fire Dragon`s Sword Horn attack to throw Salvatore flying in the air. Unfortunately for the Italy`s Campione, he wasn`t done yet and just like that disappeared again, leaving only red light behind himself. Not even a second had passed and Natsu reappeared above the floating in air, God Slayer, gathered flames in both his right and left hand.

"Secret Dragon Art! Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Edge!" Dragneel said and swipped his arms in circular fashion creating a powerful, and highly destructive, torrent of flames that barraged his target.

The flames completely covered Lord Salvatore Doni and sent him crashing on the ground, destroying it in the progress and creating a little crater in which fell the body of the now unconsciousness Italian, burned by Salamander`s powerful spell. Not so long after that, the Dragon-God Slayer himself crashed on the ground, exhausted from the long battle with the blonde-haired man. He managed to get in a sitting position and stared at the hole he created for just in case the opponent isn`t defeated yet, but after four long minute of nothing, he came to the conclusion that Doni lost consciousness, yearning him the victory from that high paced battle. Realizing that, the boy lied on the ground and started breathing heavily, trying to suppress the pain in his back and no to think about it.

It was right at that moment, the sun showed itself from the East and started shinning in his eyes. Yet, Dragneel didn`t seem to pay much attention to it and continued to lie on piece of grass and enjoyed the silence that had moved in after the end of their fight, which lasted only for a minute, until a loud scream reached Natsu`s ears and his nose cough the smell of not someone random, but the reason for the entire conflict, Erica Blandelli. Getting back into a sitting position, he saw the said girl running up the hill.

Reaching him, Erica immediately jumped at the boy, pushing on the ground in lying position and buried her head in his chest. They remained like that unmoving for the next two minutes, until she backed away and sat on his lap. It was then Natsu saw the tears that came out of those violet eyes, which fell all the way on the ground and some on his chest.

"You idiot!" She shouted, breaking the silence. "What were you thinking coming here to fight Lord Salvatore?" She asked and then noticed the hole that few meters in front of them. "What happened?" She ignored her last question, asking another one.

"I won of course." The boy replayed, cracking up a smile and tried to get up, but stopped as the pain from his back remained it was still there.

"Your hurt." She said, seeing Salamander shaking up from the pain.

"It`s nothing, just a scratch. That`s all." Dragneel stated yet with an smile on his face. "So don`t worry."

But as soon as he managed to sat up on the ground, Erica used a puddle next to them to look at his back and gasped when she saw in what condition it was. There was a big slice, which even showed an little amount of the meat behind his skin. Fortunately, his spine was untouched, relieving the girl even little, but still a relief. Natsu also had couple of more cut, some on the left leg and one on the right shoulder. His face was bit hurt due to the punches and kicks he received from the God Slayer. Even with all those wounds, she thought that his body still seemed hard, strong and attractive.

"You seriously overdid it this time." The blonde-haired female said with an harsh tone. "Why did you had to do all this?" The girl asked.

"I just couldn`t stand the fact that this guy saddened you, because of his foolish reasons, such as planning to kidnap you, so he can lure Godou here to have a fight." Fairy Tail`s mage explained himself.

"So that was his real intention?!" She stated and bowed her head down.

"Also I did that, because I decided that I want to protect you from him." The wizard said, catching Blandelli off guard.

Erica sat stunned in his lap for a minute, looking at the boy in front of her, because she was surprised and that wasn`t anything surpising by itself. After all, he said things like wanting to protect her and couldn`t stand someone saddening her just for their benefits. Her mind became a mess and failed to notice when exactly she started to blush. The so called red devil even couldn`t think off what to say in return to such kind and elegant words, that were coming from a boy, that she met not more than a week ago and now he was making her blush. Natsu on other hand stared at her with a wonder and was thinking what could be going inside her mind right now.

All of a sudden, Erica pushed the boy back on the ground and slowly leaned over him, which surprised Dragneel as well as he was expecting something else than that. Something like 'thank you' or 'I won`t forget your kindness', but not something like that.

"What are you doing?" He asked, swallowing an spittle down his throat.

"I am going to heal your wounds in other way, since healing magic won`t work directly on your body, so I need to inject it into you. So just shut up and follow me." Erica said and just like that kissed the man under her.

Natsu remained stunned and unmoving for the first few seconds, until he felt the pain from the wounds fading away and decided to join in the kiss, which shocked the blonde at first, but ignored the surprise factor and continued with the kiss. They kissed for next five minutes and did nothing else, but that as both Natsu and Erica seemed to enjoy what they were doing and didn`t want to stop. That was until the both of them heard a voice, speaking from behind. Getting in a sitting position they saw that the voice belonged to Arianna, who started giggling at the sight.

"My my, Erica-sama." The maid said with a hand in front of her mouth. "I knew it, I knew it. You like Natsu-san." She added

"Arianna, don`t stuck your nose where you want." The blonde replayed and got up her legs. "I was just healing him."

"Sure you were." The black-haired girl said and ran down the hill. "I`m waiting you at the car."

"Let`s go." Blandelli said and stretched a hand towards Salamander, who gladly accepted it and then pulled him on his legs as well. "I guess we are going to stay another day at Lucretia`s house."

"That`s okay with me, but what are we going to do with the guy in the crater?" The Dragon-God Slayer questioned and pointed the hole behind him. "We can just leave him here in this condition."

"I see. Your right when I think off it." Erica replayed and crossed her hands.

"So what should we do?"Natsu asked again.

"We will take Lord Salvatore to Lucretia`s house. She`ll treat his wounds in a proper way until he wakes up." The girl explained and started her way down.

Fairy Tail`s mage went to the hole, took the blonde-haired man out of it, placed him on his back and followed his friend. In less an hour traveling by car, they were once again at the house of the famous witch. There Natsu explained in details what exactly happened while he was fighting the Italian Campione, who they placed in room on the second floor, treated his wounds like planned and left him sleep. The group decided to remain one more day in this house, due to the fact that they already had missed the appointed plane. The Dragon-God Slayer had breakfast and went to take a short nap, feeling tired from all the fighting and left his female friends to rest and do what they want. It wasn`t long before he lied down on the couch in the living room and closed his eyes, falling asleep in the progress.

And so, that`s the third chapter of "Reborn as a Campione", named "Battle for a girl. In this chapter, I tried to progress the things between the main male and female of the story, Natsu and Erica and show a slow approach from both sides. Also tried to explain how important to Natsu is Erica, going all the way to even fight for her and getting mad when he heard Salvatore`s real reason behind attack the blonde-haired girl, just to lure Godou to have a battle.

And yeah, the most awaited scene in the end of the chapter for most of your readers, Natsu and Erica kiss. And there will be more scenes with this couple, so don`t worry. xD

Now I want to announce that it may take a while for my next upload, because I`m starting University from Monday and my program appears to be really busy for the next two weeks, so please be patient. Most probably I will write another chapter for the fanfic and then turn more attention to "Unbreakable Love", since it`s been a while from the last update on it.

Anyways, I hope you like the chapter and please leave a feedback if possible. Critiques are welcome as well, but without hate, okay?!

Well, that`s all I wanted to say. Until next time. See you! : )