She dreaded the long flight back to the States but it was worth it to be able to see her friends, her true family again. Her job in London had kept her busy and she'd met some great people but it wasn't the same. No one could replace her team and she couldn't help but second-guess her decision to leave from time to time. Clyde had been an understanding ally and friend and he patiently indulged her moody behavior because in the end he would have the best Unit Chief ever. Not only that, Clyde had his own agenda, one that had nothing to do with running the London office.

There they were waiting patiently to greet her. Penelope, Derek and JJ smiling and waving the moment she came into view. It was all she could do to keep from running toward them and jumping into their arms like a little toddler. Instead she smiled widely stretching her face beyond its limits. Hugs, hugs and more hugs engulfed her nearly smothering her, yet she didn't mind. It just reminded her what she had left behind and what she had missed so desperately. The four of them, like a human chain walked arm in arm toward baggage claims each talking incessantly about how they had missed each other and what the plans were for the next week.

"Cruz has us on stand down for the next two weeks are you sure you can't stay longer?" Garcia piped in.

"I wish I could but I had to promise Clyde all sorts of unspeakable favors just to get this week off."

"Ohhhhh…sounds like you and the Brit are getting a little chummy!" JJ teased.

"Not hardly, sorry to disappoint you. He just wants to have an excuse to take a small vacation himself."

"Alone?" Garcia inquired.

"Garcia, please I stay as far away from Clyde Easter's private life as possible."

The four laughed as Emily noticed that Derek was unusually quiet.

"Hey you, you're awfully quiet. What's up?"

"Are you kidding? With you cackling hens a man can't get a word in edgewise."

Penelope quickly socked him in his arm and playfully stared him down with a scowl on her face.

"Ouch! I need that arm, Garcia!"

"Yeah for what?"

"To protect you from the bad guys, that's what!" He smiled grabbing her tightly and planting a wet kiss on her cheek.

"Ugh! You too are still at it I see!"

"Trust me, nothing's changed! They are still as sickening as they were when you left!" JJ offered.

"Well, I'm starving and not even those two lovebirds can make me lose my appetite."

"No worries, Hotch, Rossi and Spence are joining us at the restaurant and we're headed there now."

"Unless you're too tired…" Morgan began.

"No way Casanova…let's go!"

The four friends headed toward the parking lot giggling and laughing totally oblivious of anyone around them especially the man dressed in black that had been carefully watching the group from the moment they'd arrived at the airport.

Mar's Bistro- Later

Traffic was horrific and Hotch, Rossi and Reid had already arrived and were well into their second drink when the others arrived. It was good to be back in their old familiar meeting place. Nothing had changed but it had only been two years since she'd moved even though it felt like much longer. Once again she was surrounded by hugs, hugs and more hugs…she missed them all of them and it felt good to be home.

The waitress brought over a beer without her even having to place an order and Emily smiled at the familiar face as the mug was placed before her. The next two hours passed quickly and it was as if she'd never left. Nothing had changed; Derek was still the object of all of the women, Garcia was still watching him to see if he noticed, he still showered her with his undivided attention as Reid rambled on about any and everything while Hotch sat quietly amused at them while periodically checking his watch no doubt feeling slightly guilty for not being home with his son.

He'd managed to place himself at perfect spot at the bar. He had a bird's eye view of the happy group. He was amazed at the amount of alcohol some of them could consume but he guessed that in their line of work they deserved to do whatever necessary to dull the memories and pain their work dumped on them every day. They loved each other…they loved her and they were a family showing their affection for each other so easily.

Observing this he knew that she had her orders and she knew the consequences if she did not follow them to the letter. He admired and envied what they had it almost made him feel sorry for having to break it all up. He and his associates had spent a lot of time and money putting everything in place and failure was not an option; they'd come too far and had too much at stake to turn back now. As he sat and sipped on his beer he wondered how she would feel after it was all over after she had completed her task. He wondered how they all would feel about her; would they love her, still consider her as family or would they throw her away and turn their backs on her for the other. He'd soon find out, very, very soon.

Derek was the first to notice the yawn. Emily had tried to hide it but after all, he was a profiler and he knew that it had been a long day for her. Besides, with the exception of himself, JJ and Hotch, they'd all drank way too much and it was near closing time. So, being the least intoxicated of them all he took it upon himself to volunteer to take her home.

"Hey Em, looks like your fading over there."

"Yes, I have to admit as much as I'd like to stay, I think it's about my bedtime."

"I'll be happy to give you a ride home. Baby Girl, do you mind catching a ride with JJ?"

"I don't mind, Handsome…I'll leave a light on."

"Thanks, Beautiful. I won't be long…I promise."

The two lovers exchanged sweet kisses and Derek and Emily headed for the door. The man in black quickly paid his tab and followed them out the door into the crisp night air.

"I forgot how chilly D.C. nights can be this time of year."

Emily pulled her blazer close to her body. Derek noticed her slight shiver as he removed his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Take this, Princess."

"Thank you but if you catch pneumonia, Garcia will kill me."

"No worries. Besides, it's just a short walk to the car."

"Thanks, Derek."

"For what?"

"For allowing me to intrude on your down time. I know you all don't get time off often."

"Are you kidding? We all are happy you're home. We can't think of a better way to spend our time off. Come on, your family, we're family, right?"


She smiled and headed toward his car. Penelope was a lucky woman to have a man like Derek Morgan. He was so kind and caring…loyal…a great friend. Emily hated agendas and she hated secrets even more. She didn't deserve a friend like him but she had her orders and orders were meant to be followed. She knew the damage secrets did; the Ian Doyle incident had taught her that and she was blessed to still have them all in her life after that, especially Derek. But here she stood with the one friend that always had her back and whom she'd hurt the most because of her lies and deception. She wondered if he'd be able to forgive her one last time.

Ever the gentleman, Derek followed her to the passenger side and opened the door. Emily slid into the passenger seat fighting the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. She couldn't let him see, he'd have a million questions that she couldn't answer so she took a few deep breaths and pushed the anguish aside and waited for him to get in the car. As he started the engine he glanced over at his friend. She seemed troubled and he couldn't help but to think back to the time before Ian had "killed" her. He dismissed it as fatigue he knew she would never keep another secret from him; she knew the consequences of secrets and so he put the car in gear and sped away. He glanced at her again, where those tears? He thought to himself.

"You good?" He asked concerned.

"I'm good. Just tired…happy to be home."

He placed his hand on hers lightly squeezing.

"I'm glad you're home too."

The man in black was careful not to follow too closely; he didn't want to draw attention to himself. He knew Derek Morgan was a force to be reckoned with and he was not about to make a mistake now. After all, he had his orders too and even though they were certain that Emily was finally ready, he was there to make sure that nothing went wrong…He too knew the consequences of failure and like Emily Prentiss he had too much to lose. As he kept his distance he couldn't help but think about the love he saw between all of them. He'd never had anything like that business had kept him from forming attachments. Close relationships were dangerous in his line of work; it made one sloppy and weak…still he'd give anything to have what she had if only for just one day.

Derek pulled up to the front of her building. She still owned her apartment never quite being able to part from it even though she'd only been back a few times in the past two years. It was well worth the money she spent on the property manager to keep it maintained. She fished around her purse for her keys her hand landing on the small revolver that she had placed there shortly after claiming her baggage and putting her suitcases in the trunk of Derek's car.

This trip was supposed to be a time of relaxation a time to reconnect with her friends whom she loved and missed. She had called them at the last minute sharing her well-rehearsed excuse of needing a break from work and missing them all and feeling extreme guilt at the loud squeals on the other end of the phone. Perfect timing Garcia yelled, the team had just been give time off and they'd all be excited to hear she was coming home.

He walked her to the door of her apartment he couldn't help noticing that she was still quiet. He wanted to think it was because of the long flight and the even longer evening of eating and drinking. She was worn out, that had to be it, right? She handed him his jacket back and unlocked her door and took a step inside before turning back to say goodnight.

"Em, it's good to have you home. Get some rest I'm sure Penelope will be calling you bright and early in the morning."

Emily reached into her purse and found the small smooth steel. It had fight perfectly in her small handbag…her orders were ringing loudly in her ears refusing to be ignored or put off any longer…she loved her friend, he'd been there for her through the good and bad times…but she had her orders…there was no options…no excuses…she had to obey them…to the letter…he smiled as he gave her a quick hug and turning to walk away then turning back when he heard her call his name.
