Alright, so assuming you guys want me to go on, I'm going to ask you guys, yes YOU, to send me a quote from either movie (Preferably the second one since this is modern with the older Hiccstrid, but if you haven't seen the second movie that's perfectly fine. I'm making this as spoiler free as possible, so send them in!) and I will write fluff based on that quote. Or you know, if you just want something in particular to happen, send it to me. Oh! and before I forget, my Tumblr url is dragons-forever-and-always if you want to find me.

"C'mon Toothless, move over." Hiccup told him, but he simply stretched, taking up more of the couch. Hiccup shoved the wolf's leg until Toothless slumped to the floor with a grunt. Hiccup slipped off his prosthetic and flopped on the couch, to which Astrid climbed in front of him. They'd planned on watching a movie or this show Astrid was really interested in. Game of Thrones, that was it. Hiccup was about to turn on the T.V. before Toothless fixed him with a blank stare. "Oh what? You're pouting big baby boo?" Toothless flicked his ears and Hiccup could've sworn the dog lifted an eyebrow. Hiccup threw an arm around the neck of his wolf and tried to pull him into a headlock, but the large animal wouldn't budge.

Toothless's ears pricked forward and before Hiccup could look at what Toothless was staring at, he lunged forward. Hiccup lost his hold and almost shoved Astrid off of the couch trying to run after Toothless.

"Toothless! I swear to all the gods that if you do not give me my leg back I will make a pelt from your fur!" Hiccup stumbled after him, using the walls and furniture for support. He tripped and slammed his jaw on a counter in the kitchen, falling to the floor with a groan.

"Hiccup!" Astrid tried to hold back her laughter as she walked to her boyfriend. He groaned and she couldn't stop a giggle from leaking through.

"I 'an't feel mah 'aw," he mumbled, trying to move his jaw up and down. Astrid laughed and grabbed his chin, moving it up and down so that his teeth clicked. She moved his jaw faster and laughed harder, collapsing next to him on the floor. "What?" he questioned, but she was to busy holding her sides.

"You... You- looked so- stupid... God Hiccup..." When she'd finally calmed down from her slap happy state, she wiped a tear from her eye. "Haha, your head kept moving when I shook your jaw and it just looked really funny." She let out another fit of giggles.

"Nice to know I'm a puppet." he chuckled, finally feeling his jaw working.

Astrid giggled, "You're my puppet."

"Then I guess you can make me do whatever you want me to huh?"

"Mmm, sounds nice. How about..." she leaned up on her elbow and gently tugged on the back of his neck, pulling his face to hers. Her heart thumped in her ears and he put a hand on her waist. He'd just moved his other hand to lock with hers when two heavy paws braced themselves on her back. She landed heavily on top of Hiccup and their teeth clicked together painfully.

"Toothless," Hiccup wheezed, "I would be nice if you could get off!" The weight was lifted when Astrid moved her shoulder blades. Toothless finally jumped off and dropped the prosthetic in front of Hiccup, now covered in a generous amount of drool. "Aw man..."

"Oh it's nothing you can't clean," Astrid teased, throwing him a nearby kitchen towel. "Big baby boo."

"I thought I was a puppet?"

Ugh, god guys, I'm so sorry that this is late. I've been sick lately (Not to mention I was grounded from the internet) and I've been feeling a little depressed (Probably from all the pills I've been taking) and stressed (Even though I'm not even into the third month of school yet). I've been a mess, I had a meltdown today cause my dad yelled at me and I just... *Sigh* I don't know. A review would be nice. I promise I'm not looking for attention either, it's all true and I just need to let someone know, so it might as well be those who enjoy what I do... Does that make sense? Oh well, Review please!