A/N: I don't own the cover photo that belongs to an amazing DeviantART user named RiotRebel. Like seriously amazing.

I don't own Randy a Cunningham or Detentionaire so please don't sue. Please?

This is an AU that I though of but RiotRebel has basically co-founder of the idea if not the founder.

This will be MOSTLY canon until I decide to add the council and his Eminence.

Serpent will be an overprotective stalker of an uncle and Biffy HATES Howard

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Last Stall on the Left

Journal Entry 1:

For 800 years Norrisville has been protected by a Ninja. No one knows that every four years a new warrior is chosen, a freshman to fight the forces of evil. I am the Ninja, I am Ruby Cunningham.

( ´▽`)

"Welcome freshman, I'm sure your bummed to be back in school." A blonde haired man wearing a green vest said somewhat pleasantly. Ruby was getting a bad feeling about what was about to happen.

He got into a position where he was leaning forward looking into some poor kids face at the front of class before opening his mouth and screaming at the entire class. "Well so am I!" Papers flew back as he shifted into a normal standing position. "500 Words what you did on your summer vacation." He slammed his fist on the desk making the room vibe rate a little.

Ruby looked down at her notebook paper and pencil.

'Name, Ruby Cunningham. Grade 9. Title: What I Did on My Summer,' her thoughts were interrupted by a meaty freshman with red hair, aka her best friend Howard Wienerman.

He had gotten out of his seat and sneakily gone to the front of her desk. "Cunningham let me copy of you."

Ruby leaned back in her seat resting her right arm on the chair. "Howard we can't turn in the exact same essay." She said nicely. He was her best friend and she wouldn't say that she was a little tired of him copying off of her, after all he had been doing it since kindergarten and she had gotten used to it.

"Why not? We had the exact same summer." His reply was somewhat truthful.

Mr. Bannster, the blonde haired English teacher, threw his shoe at Howard. "No talking!" He screamed his feet resting on his desk showing the shnastiness of his shoeless foot.

Howard looked appalled as he rubbed the back of his head.

'Well,' Ruby thought bringing her pencil up to her mouth, 'it wasn't the exact same. I mean it started out the same. Grave Punchers 1-3 non stop playing without reading the instruction manuals, well she HAD read them but only AFTER Howard was gone. It was better to actually know what you were doing and side quest and the alike, plus she enjoyed reading books. And then something epic happened;

"Congratulations: You have punched all the graves"

A day after that something even epicer happened;

Randy had finished talking to her mom about how the weird video call where some bald madly screeched knock knock. An off screen voice had asked the man what he was doing. Before the guy could end the call the device he was using was, presumably, yanked from his hands.

"Ruby my dear girl how is the Manifestum?" An old man said cheerfully stated. He must have caught her confused expression because he mumbled quietly, "of course she hasn't told you. She wishes to protect you."

The bald person had grabbed the device accidentally hanging up before she had had the chance to ask them who they were and what was the Manifestum.

When she relayed the information to her mother her face had lost a bit of its color. She had taken her daughter in her arms and hugged her.

"That's really weird Ruby." She had a feeling her mom was hiding but she shrugged it off.

Grabbing a piece of gum she made her way upstairs with a smile on her face. Opening her door she didn't fail to notice the little shadow that made its way to her window, instead she had decided to open the weird box it had left on her table. She knew it was watching her as she opened the decorated wood.

"The NinjaNomicon." The purple haired teen spoke aloud.

She had a feeling that the shadow had been watching her for sometime and knew her habits so she no chantry threw the book over her shoulder after secretly memorizing the cover.

Reaching into the box again she pulled out another note. "You are the Ninja." Her eyes didn't widen in excitement they widened in realization. She was not just any ninja. She was THE Ninja.

"Oh my Sweet." She practically sang in excitement. "I have to tell Howard!" She looked back at the box as it glowed showing a third and final note. "You can't tell anyone."

She pouted crossing her arms. "Aw that's WONK!" She smiled and pulled on the mask regardless of the unfairness of the not telling anyone.

She was thrown up into the air as black ribbons with a red glow wrapped around her. When she opened her eyes she was in the ninja suit. A bit modified since she was a girl, no one ever knew the true ninja of the ninja so they would just assume that the ninja had always been a girl, for all 800 years.

'Listen I don't know how the ninja suit works but it is totally the straight up cheese.'

Ruby remembered jumping off of the ground and punching stuff.

She also remembered doing a roundhouse kick to Mr. Camilio. Her father told her she had named it after her Uncle Camillio who she hadn't seen since she was two. The same went for the orange sloth that was Holg from her Uncle Holger.

She had felt awesome when she'd done it but she had almost immediately regretted it. That was one of her favorite possessions.

'I am Ruby Cunningham, I am the ninja. It's pretty much the coolest thing ever, the only bummer is I can't tell anyone not even my best friend.' She paused in writing and looked over at Howard who was rubbing his pencil under his armpit.

"Pencils down!" Mr. Bannster yelled as Ruby looked down at her paper.

'Which is why this probably wasn't the best topic for my essay.'

She shredded it as the teacher reached his hand forward. She dropped the tiny remains of the essay in his hands.

"What's this supposed to be?"he asked her angrily.

Thinking quickly about how to turn this into an A she spoke smartly and rationally. "This is a metaphor on the fleetingness of summer."

He raised an eyebrow. "Excellent use of a metaphor.."

'But will it be enough?' She thought as he let the remains drop to the floor.

"I'll give you an A-." She sighed happily it may be 90 but it was still better then a B.

She and Howard walked out the door as Bucky ran by. "I don't want a wedgie Bash!" He screamed terrified.

"I already gave you a wedgie I just want to give you a change."

As Bash ran past her and Howard twirling a pair of underwear above his head like a sling she couldn't help but think how it seemed to be almost timed so that she and Howard would see it. Maybe she was thinking to deeply about this. Bash wouldn't wait for the last two freshman before torturing a weaker kid.

The others scattered away in fear.

Howard pushed the scene off as he walked forward. "Can we talk about this Ninja situation?" He said.

"Wha- what ninja situation, there is no ninja situations!" She said uneasily.

"Exactly the no Ninja situation!" Howard replied angrily sticking his arms towards her in frustration as Bash and Bucky ran in front of them. "We've been in Norrisville High for two days and we haven't seen this guy once!"

"I think maybe the Ninja has to wait for like a robot or monster attack or something." The purple haired teen shrugged. She saw Bucky resting before noticing Bash and the chase starting again.

Howard turned and started walking sideways to reprimand her. "Why are you not madder about this, we are the ninjas number one fans!"he faced forward again as they continued their walk through the hallway.

"I mean it's not like the ninja can just smoke bomb on by for a meet and greet.." She said shrugging.

Then she got a terrible idea. It would backfire, that much she knew but she would do anything to keep Howard from finding out her secret.

"Or could she?"

( ´▽`)

In MicFist industries the CEO was talking to a business partner.

"I thought you said you were going to destroy the ninja." A voice said from the green glass in front of him.

"But I haven't seen the ninja all summer. Have you Viceroy?" McFist replied tugging on his collar.

"No but she is a ninja so it's kind of her dealio." Everybody stopped and stared at Viceroy.

"What?" The scientist asked.

"You said her." The sorcerer and McFist replied simultaneously.

"Well yeah. I mean no offense sorcerer but you never found out if the ninja's gender. And besides the deep voice could because of a cold. A really long cold or something." Viceroy replied.

McFist rolled his eyes at Viceroy. "We have a plan." He pushed his hand away from his beard. "As soon as he pokes HER," he emphasized her shooting a glare at Viceroy having a feeling the scientist was right, "out of her Ninja-hidey-hole. BAM!" His robotic hand slammed into his flesh on. "We destroy her."

Green mist swirled around the screen and the ugly green sorcerer. "Do. Not. Fail. Me. " the Sorcerer stated as his face faded from the screen.

It was silent for a moment before the phone started ringing scaring both Viceroy and McFist. McFist ran to the phone and had a struggle to get it. He breathed in knowing what was coming.

"Hello. Mhmm. I'll be there in fifteen minutes sugarplum."

He slammed the phone down several times before sliding down in his chair angrily. "HOW am I supposed to run an evil empire with my son is causing problems at school?!" He healed angrily at Viceroy.

"Just make a deadly machine with cup-holders!" His mechanical fist broke his coffee cup spewing warm coffee onto his face. "Forget the cup-holders just make it deadly.."

( ´▽`)

"Cunningham if you don't want me to take your lumpy tots just say so!" Howard whispered towards the door as he picked one off her plate. He would leave her five. Probably.

"Smoke bomb!" A feminine yell was heard before a red cloud appeared. After the smoke cleared the ninja was revealed only it's gender was more defined, the ninja was a girl.

"Hello hi, Ninja here!" She said feeling sick. She didn't want to do this. She really didn't want to.

( ´▽`)

"In the two days alone that your son has been at school he has given sixty wedgies, thirty two swirlies, and one ChadaNuggaGravy Bowl." Principal Slimivits read off their sons infractions.

"Is that even a real thing." McFist asked boredly.

Principal Slimovits turned his computer around to show the disturbing evidence. Both he and Marci gasped.

"Oh sweet potatoes." Marci exclaimed.

"Ah yeah." Bash shouted.

"Oh Principal Slimovits I just don't believe my little Bashford would do anything like that."

"Yeah ma he's framing me!" Bash stuck out the hand that had the underwear on it and McFist had trouble making himself not face palm as Bash quickly hid his hand behind his back.

"Hey the ninja's in the cafeteria!" A student screamed as she passed the principals office.

The principal shot up excitedly. "Oh the ninja, let's say we take a fiver?" He asked before running towards the cafeteria.

"I'm escaping!" Bash yelled as he ran out the door.

Marci sent a look at her husband internally groaning,"oh go on if you don't destroy/capture the ninja now it's all you'll talk about on the ride home."

"You know what?!" He healed before kissing her cheek. "You're the best." He ran out the door and dialed Viceroy.

He saw the ninja and almost gasped. She was most defiantly a girl. So he'd been getting beaten by a girl.

V: *sigh* McFist industries. Evil genius Viceroy speaking.

M: The ninja's at the school right now. Release the *pause* the thing.

V: his name is Crackenstien.


( ´▽`)

The call ended and vice roy sighed. Charging up his taser he shoved it at the monster charging it up. Cackling evilly he spoke to the monster robot "go forth my Crackenstien and destroy the ninja!"

The monster roared in response.

"Well She's about yeah high red scarf black suit or maybe it's navy blue."

The monster roared again before running through the wall.

"No your right you never wear red with navy blue."

( ´▽`)

Ruby showed off some fake moves her stomachs sinking as she gloated.

"Well you've all been nice but I've got to go. Remember to tip those lunch ladies." She said.

"Wait."Howard wrapped himself around her leg and she shifted uncomfortably. "My best friend and I are your biggest fans. Please wait for her."

She felt her heart tighten. She'd always had a tiny crush on this side of Howard, the side that cared about her. "That's sweet and all but I must go!"

Then the lunch door burst open and a stitch work monster came in. Ruby's mood immanently got higher. "My first monster fight, so honking bruce!"

"Ninja flip!" She flew through the air and landed a few feet in front of the monster. "Monster get ready to.." She was cut off as she was punched into the hallway.

Howard gasped texting his best friend. "Cunningham get back here, the ninja's totally getting pond."

Ruby slammed into the lockers and took out her phone. "I wouldn't say I'm getting pond." She paled when the monster shot through the the hole. She jumped and slammed her foot into it before running to the closest restroom. She didn't take time to realize it was the boys restroom.

"Oh man I am getting pond." She slammed into the last stall on the left the monster following after her.

"I wasn't running from you." She said nervously. She ran out and jammed a pipe in between the two stall door handles. She would read the NinjaNomicon next passing period to see how she was to defeat it.

She ran into class just as the bell rang.

"Where have you been we were supposed to meet the ninja together!" He paused before leaning closer and whispering to her. "Hey but between you and me she was kind of stinking it up out there."

"Come on Howard I... I'm sure the ninja was trying her best okay." She replied moodily. "It's not like there're instructions on being the ninja." She inwardly screamed because she hated keeping secrets and she knew the NinjaNomicon was basically a guide to being the ninja.

She watched the period pass slowly. Jumping up as the bell rang and ignoring Howard completely because of the shame she ran towards the bathroom pulling out the Nomicon. She hugged it tightly ignoring the way it gave of an aura of confusion. "God I love books they're so knowledgeable." She said as she sat in the stall. "Now to find out how I'm supposed to defeat robots." The book seemed to glow which scared the cheese out of Ruby.

It opened by itself seemingly happy that she wanted to learn its secrets.

Then she was falling as though her soul had been sucked from her body into the books pages. Pictures and words rushed by until she slammed into a wall. Looking up she saw a saying, "believe in the weapons in the suit."

She was so confused till little arrows appeared around her. "Oh I'm in the suit." She rubbed the back of her neck embarrassedly. "I just have to believe in myself."

She flushed the toilet to make it appear as though she had been using the restroom before opening the stall and washing her hands. Running from the up stairs bathroom she neared the stairs ready to go to the boys bathroom in the basement, apparently it was the closest to the lunchroom go figure, when a foot came out of nowhere. Instead of falling she felt dainty arms catch her. Looking up she saw Howard smiling down at her. "Hey Ruby your back!"

"I gotta go Howard." She said pretending to look at their next classes door.

"No!" He screamed wrapping himself around her. He buried his head into her stomach. "Look I know your still mad about me saying the ninja is having an off day but to make it up we get to see her in action. Turns out the Ninja didn't defeat the robot so I set it free so we could both see her in action."

"You did what?!" She asked.

"Yeah now the ninja will have to come back and we'll watch her beat the monster together." He said waving his hands around.

A car slammed through the wall and Howard looked at her expectantly. "You want to thank me now or later? How should we do this?"

Ruby frowned then looked back outside and saw McFist run into the parking lot. She heard him ask where the monster was. She shrugged it off as him being excited to see the ninja in action but her stomach protested.

Howard grabbed her arm and led her through the hole in the wall. "Ninja action curtesy of maw." He stated proudly.

"Who's the best friend ever?" He turned to belly bump her only to realize she was gone. "Are you kidding me?"

The monster was throwing things when Ruby appeared as the ninja via smoke bomb.

"I believe in me. I believe in me. I believe in me, kicking your butt." She whispered as a chant. She beckoned it towards her. It ready all six sets of hands.

She ran at it kicking its chin before using its face as a push off board for a flip. Turning around to survey it's effectiveness she saw the monster running towards her. It looked pain but not to much. It tried punching her but she blocked all of its fist kicking its last one flipping midair.

She sighed happily as it appeared down for the count when a secret arm popped out of nowhere.

"Secret arm that is so Viceroy." McFist cheered.

"Why isn't this working I'm believing what else could be in the suit?!" She avoided a punch. Reaching behind her she pulled her hands away holding a sword. Words saying weapon and sword is weapon appeared in neon letters along with arrows.

"Ah believe in the weapon that is in the suit!" She felt so stupid now. She slashed the hand that had her pinned to the ground off.

"That makes way more sense." She hopped back up and slammed her feet into the monsters chest cavity. It flew back growling as she got into a battle stance. "Let's do this."

The monster ran at her. "Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop!" She screamed as she twirled the sword around like it was her Uncle's staff.

The monster slowly fell apart much to Ruby's relief before it split into half. She saw a kid run to the trash can and throw up after it split in two length ways. She couldn't blame the kid. She wanted to do the same. But she was the ninja she couldn't.

"NOOOOOOOO." McFist screamed. "Way dudes that was awesome."

The crowd cheered smoke bomb and Ruby was all too happy to oblige. "Smoke bomb!"

Ruby ran to meet Howard. "Hey Howard."

"What do you think I'm some chowder head?" He questioned her.

She shifted uncomfortably. Her jury was still out on that one. "I don't know how to answer that." She replied truthfully.

"I know what you've been up to." He stated.

"You do?" She said surprised.

"First your gone and the ninja is here then the ninja is gone and you're here." He said knowingly crossing his arms and smirking at her. "I know your secret girl."

She silently was relieved she couldn't go four years lying to the guy she lov- liked. Liked platonically. The guy she platonically liked. "Look Howard I wanted to tell you."

Howard slammed his hand up. "Well it's to late now. Yeah I've figured it all out. With my mind." He started tapping his head before she hugged held his shoulders.

"This is such a relief." She said walking forwards of she could transform. "It's been killing me that I couldn't tell you!"

Howard smiled and closed his eyes. "I mean sneaking off so you could take off your jacket every time the ninja shows up so your birthmark isn't covered is..." He stopped when he saw the ninja where his best friend stood "Wait your the ninja?" He asked.

"My best friends the ninja. This is incredible, I'm going to tell everyone."

Ruby was a little red at his compliment of being awesome before she realized he would spill the beans so she quickly but kindly crushed the thought.

"You can't tell anyone." She reprimanded him shaking her head.

"Well that stinks." He says deflating a bit.

"No Howard this stinks. smoke bomb!" A cloud of smoke enveloped them smelling like farts.

"Gross this smells like farts." Howard complained.

"You'd be surprised you get used to it then you kind of start liking it."

( ´▽`)

Ruby stepped out of the shower drying her body off before pulling on her pajamas, a tank top and barely below the knees pj pants. She quickly ran the towel up and down her hair making sure it was pretty dry before brushing it out. She had brushed her teeth before the shower and washed her face during it. She pulled her somewhat damp hair into a ponytail before looking in the mirror. Her birthmark had been making her worried lately. On the first day of school she had decided to hide it with a jacket but it didn't stop the fact it was there.

She fingered it lightly smiling. She loved it, no matter what the bully's said. Throwing her towel over the rack she stepped out of the steamy restroom to the cold wood just outside the bathroom.

She quickly made her way downstairs to say goodnight to her parents when she decided she'd listen to their conversation.

"Lee she's going to start getting curious." Her dad's voice rang strong and deep.

"I just want to protect her as long as I can Biffy. She's our daughter, I don't want our high school escapades to be her life. She deserves better then that..." She heard their embrace and kiss all the way from the foot of the stairs.

"I know kitten but one day she will have to know," dad paused, "but we will protect her and keep her naive as long as we are able."

She heard her mothers soft sobs as she quietly made her way to get a look at them.

Her dad was wearing his signature hat and his strong arms were holding her mom close. One around her waist the other in her red and black hair. He was in pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt. It was hard to believe how strong he was when he worked at his own computer company.

Her mom was in one of his cat t-shirts and her hair was loose. As a policewomen her mom almost always had her hair put up in a way that it wouldn't get in her way should she have a runner or the alike case.

"I'm scared Biffy I don't want to loose her." Her mom whispered into her dad's chest.

"I don't either Lee."

She slowly backed up deciding they needed their moment before she tripped over something scaly that threw off her balance causing her to fall onto her butt. A hiss came from the family pet and her closest ally, even compared to Howard, Tazz. She had never considered it weird that the family pet was a tazzelworm she actually found it pretty honking Bruce but it had just alerted her parents of her presence as they ran out of the kitchen to make sure she was okay.

"Oh Ruby did you fall down the stairs again?" Her mom asked examining her for bumps and bruises as her dad gently pulled her up.

"I'm fine mom I just wanted to say goodnight." She wrapped her arms around her mom and dad tightly holding them close. She looked at Tazz tiredly "let's go to bed bud."

Tazz hissed happily before rushing up the stairs and to the left to her room.

"We love you be baby girl."her mom said a look of tired secrets in her eyes.

"I know." She replied quietly before making her way to her room.

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A/N: Ok so reporting beginning A/N:

I don't own the cover photo that belongs to an amazing DeviantART user named RiotRebel. Like seriously amazing.

I don't own Randy a Cunningham or Detentionaire so please don't sue. Please?

This is an AU that I though of but RiotRebel has basically co-founder of the idea if not the founder.

This will be MOSTLY canon until I decide to add the council and his Eminence.

Serpent will be an overprotective stalker of an uncle and Biffy HATES Howard.

Hope you enjoyed it

Until the next installment,
