Mevy- Hello there everyone, well okay this is actually a revised chapter of the original work, I'm sorry it took so long to make a chapter, I was kind of busy this few months and completely forgot about this story ^.^' sorry, anyways I hope you guys like this newly revised chapter better than the old one XD (The character entry in the bottom will be kept the same, only slightly altered)

Lucy- Yay! I'm the main character, finally its my time to shine (jumps happily)

May- Hey did you forget about us, you still need to finish your Pokemon story, you're not even close to finishing and you are already starting another story!

Mevy- hehehe about that don't worry I'll update the next chap soon

May- You better (eyes shining evilly)

Mevy- (shaking) Okay…... anyway the story will be in Lucy's pov but there might be some parts where it will be Normal pov and there might be other pov's later on in the story

Lucy- Is that all you have to say

Mevy- Yes so Lucy and May do the disclaimer please

May/Lucy- Mayeevee does not own fairy tail or Pokemon and will never own it ^.^

Mevy- Wow thanks a lot (sarcasm) Okay on with the story XD

Chapter 1- start of a new life

Lucy groggily opened her eyes as the morning sunlight shone brightly through her window. Groaning loudly, she yawned while stretching as far as her muscles let her. After hearing the blissful sound of her back cracking she plopped back into bed face first. Lifting her head once again, she brushed golden tresses away from her milky brown eyes as a sigh escaped her lips.

She laid there for a few more moments, letting the last grasps of sleepiness leave her before she got up and headed to the bathroom to follow through with her morning routine. She grabbed her usual vanilla ointment as she poured it into the running bath. Lucy smiled, smelling the wondrous scent as she then grabbed her hair conditioning and placed it next to the still filling bath. Finally, grabbing her pink loofah from her cabinet, Lucy turned off the water once the bath was full enough. Laying into the bath, she relaxed a few minuted in the warm water as she sighed in pleasure. Grabbing her vanilla soap (she liked the smell! Sue her), she rubbed the soap into the loofah before proceeding to scrub her entire body. Once done, she then scrubbed her hair with cinnamon shampoo before washing it off and continuing with her conditioning.

Washing off the conditioner completely, Lucy proceeded to stand up and grab a pink towel from the towel rack next to the bathtub and wraped it around herself. Getting out of the bathroom, Lucy headed towards her closet, searching through different articles of clothing.

She got dressed in her usual clothes consisting of; a white and blue sleeveless shirt, mid thigh blue skirt, brown belt with her celestial keys attached to it, and finally some black socks.

Looking at the mirror on top of the drawer, Lucy brushed her mid-back length hair, making sure to undo all the knots until it no longer looked like a bird's nest. She continued to fix it in her usual style consisting of putting part of her hair up in a side ponytail while leaving the rest to hang down freely, bangs portraying her face.

Once she finished with preparing herself, she walked towards the door and sat down next to where her usual knee-length black boots lay. Grabbing one, she stuffed her foot inside and continued do the same with her other boot. Standing up once more, she tapped the tip of her boots to make sure they fit perfectly as she proceeded to grab the keys on the desk next to the door before walking out the door and down the hallway. Walking down the stairs, Lucy narrowed her eyes as she felt a small shiver run down her spine.

She turned around, but nobody was there. Tilting her head slightly in question, she then shook her head. She was just being paranoid today, of course nobody was following her. Huffing, Lucy crossed her arms before continuing her walk down the hallway and then out the small apartment home. Smiling as the warm sun rays hit her body, she breathed in the fresh air before walking down the edge of the canal.

"You're going to fall one of these days." She heard the usual claim from one of the fisherman, his partner laughing besides him. Lucy merely smiled at them, waving them by as she continuing walking down the edge.

As she walked down the path to her beloved guild, she was greeted here and there by the various towns people she had become acquainted with during her months of living here. She offhandedly bought some dumplings form a woman who owned a snacks stall by the street. Her sweets were to die for, but Lucy especially loved her berry dumpling.

As she walked closer to the guild building, she heard a rock being kicked and a man cursing. Feeling herself go cold, Lucy turned quickly only to see a shadow flee into the alleyway, footsteps now unheard. Her face went pale white as she gripped her upper arm tightly. Someone had been following her, for what reason she was unsure of, but they wouldn't have run like that if he had not been tailing her.

Feeling goosebumps grow the whole expanse of her body, Lucy tried her best to relax her rising panic as she breathed in and out in a steady rhythm. With one final calming breath, Lucy put on a fake smile as she twirled to face the door with a bit more cheeriness than needed. Opening the doors fully, she made sure that her smile was still strong as she looked at the many members situated in the guild. It was like always, some were unconscious in the floor -either due to fighting or a bit too much to drink- while others sat in the various tables and chair -at least the ones that were yet to be broken by the guild's numerous brawls- and talked or, in certain cases, fought with each other.

"Good morning everyone!" She greeted with the best joyful voice she could. She was still feeling slightly disturbed by what had transpired with the man who had been...staking her, but she would rather not worry the rest of the guild about something that might just be a misunderstanding on her part. She received various responses form the rest of the members that were conscious, taking note that the rest of Team Natsu was surprisingly not present at the moment.

Lucy walked across the guild and sat in her usual seat in the counter. Looking towards Mirajane, who was absentmindedly cleaning some glass cups with her usual smile. She grinned as she spoke to her, "Hey Mira, could you please give me a Vanilla Strawberry Milkshake." Mirajane snapped out of her daydreaming as she looked directly at Lucy and smiled back.

"Of course Lucy," she said gently, her usual motherly smile that made you feel all warm and safe inside in place. Lucy couldn't help but beam at her response, sitting giddily in the stool as she watched in wonderment while Mirajane walked back and fro, mixing different ingredients together before shaking everything in quick movements. Mirajane always seemed to make everything a work of art, or even a sort of dance, what with her graceful movements and elegant features. Mesmerized by the small show, Lucy was snapped out of her stupor when her milkshake was placed in front of her by a smiling Mirajane.

Thanking her sincerely, Lucy sipped her milkshake with gusto as a blush formed on her face. She lightly moaned, unabashed by the action. Mirajane was an god in the kitchen, all of her drinks and food were nothing but top quality masterpieces. Lucy thought all of this as she continued to drink her quickly depleting drink until nothing but foam remained. Sighing in satisfaction, Lucy was quickly pulled into a conversation by Mirajane.

"I will say this again Mira, I assure you that I am not participating in a secret three-way with Natsu and Gray. Please, stop insinuating as such." Lucy said sternly, a bright blush forming on her cheeks as she turned away from the perverted barmaid. How Mirajane came up with these fantasies, the world may never know. Lucy shook her head as a sigh escaped form her smiling lips.

The moment though, was broken as a voice penetrated the conversation.

"Hey Lucy, could we talk to you," Natsu suddenly appeared out of nowhere, he had a pained expression, but it was quickly hidden with an uncharacteristic black face. The rest of Team Natsu was behind him along with Lisanna, the only people missing where Wendy and Happy along with Carla. Mirajane, feeling the now tense atmosphere, narrowed her eyes but then sighed. She gave Lucy a comforting smile -which only made the blonde all the more nervous- before heading inside the kitchen to give the team some privacy. The rest of the guild was located in the tables, nobody occupied the rest of the stools around them.

Feeling uneasy, Lucy's usual smile seemed to twitch down slightly as it became almost painfully fake.

"Sure Natsu, what's up?" She said in the best carefree voice she could muster, eyes betraying her inner tumor as she sat up a little straighter. She was unsure of what was to be said, but she prepared herself for the worst as she mentally steeled her emotions.

"Well you see….. we have started to go on more dangerous missions, and well, you see-"

"We are kicking you out of team Natsu." Erza cut in, giving Natsu a glare from where he was currently cowering. Lucy's eyes widened, a sort of sinking feeling formed in her stomach as if she was free-falling at the moment.

"Oh….I see" She managed to choke the words out, brain still trying to process what she had just been told. They...wanted her out. They didn't want to be with her anymore. She...was losing her companions. Her family.

"We feel like we are holding you back, what with all the destruction we always cause. It would be better for you financially to work either solo or with another team. You can also grow stronger from it." Gary rambled, his bangs were covering his eyes as his voice came out in a brisk pace, practically shoving the words out of his mouth quickly.

Lucy looked towards Lisanna, she had bonded deeply with the young Strauss during the month she had joined their team. Nights of secret sleepover, them laughing and joking as the night drew on, missions in which they had each others backs or were both lecturing the idiotic boys on their continuous destruction, them leaning on each other for support, this all flew across Lucy's eyes as she stared at the girl who she had come to see as a sister she never had. Lucy looked at her and felt her heart break all the more.

Lisanna had turned away from Lucy, a suspicious trembling shook her shoulders and yet, she stayed silent. She stayed silent and let Lucy be kicked out. This, Lucy could honestly say, was the worst part of all of this.

"Anyways... we're taking harder missions and we really don't think you are ready for it." Erza continued her assault, every word stabbing Lucy in the heart deeper.

Lucy felt cold, so very cold. She could not feel any sadness, or even betrayal. No, all she felt was cold and nothing more. She could not make herself feel anything, no longer did she feel the hurt, nor did she have the desire to cry. Cold. Why was she so cold?

"Its fine." She said with such calmness that it surprised even her. Yet, she could do nothing more than stare at them with unseeing eyes. She didn't feel anger, she didn't feel sadness. Why? Why did she feel so cold?

"I agree completely with all of your points. I feel like it would be favorable for all of us if I do in fact terminate my position in the team." Lucy saw Lisanna turn to look at her with tears running down her eyes, a hand clasped over her mouth as her eyes widened in surprise by her cold and calculating words.

Again, Lucy could not make herself feel any sadness. Pain. She felt numbed pain in her chest but the coldness seemed to sap all of the force form it. Tired. She felt so utterly tired after all of this. She wanted, no, needed to go home.

"I am gad we were able to come to a favorable conclusions. Now if you may excuse me." My father's daughter came out, the one who hid behind a mask of indifference and polite language. She had been so used to doing this with her father and other workers, it seems even after all theses months it was still like second nature to her.

Brushing past her tea-no, ex-team, she walked towards the guild doors. Lucy walked out into the open as she continued her walk towards her house. She needed to sit down and read. Maybe summon Plue and cuddle while grieving in pure sadness. The coldness was melting, the shock had left her a while ago leaving behind numbed emotions of betrayal and pure emptiness that will have her immobilized once set free.

She gritted her teeth, continuing her path home. She knew she had to let these emotions free, suppressed emotions left nothing but damaged mental physic and such negativity that she had not energy to deal with. So Lucy tried to continue the pure coldness that had enveloped her, trying her best not to break down there and then.

Once she made it home, Lucy merely unlocked the door and kicked off her boots. Tears started streaming down her face as the cold left her; letting free the unadulterated feelings of betrayal, loneliness, hate, and so many negative emotions that it caused waves of sadness to crash down on her. She did not sob, merely let her tears flow free as she walked down the small room, dead set in laying down in bed and letting these negative emotions pass.

Suddenly, she saw movement behind the couch as her whole body tensed. The figure stood up, dark hair a clear contrast to the morning sun as a male stood behind her couch. Black orbs looked directly at her, causing watery eyes to widen in shock as her mouth opened to let out a screech-

Only to be blocked by the male -now in back of her- as he placed a hand over her mouth, successful stifling her rising scream as Lucy gasped behind his hand. She tried to bring a fist up, only for the man to grab both her arms with his free one and trip her, causing her to fall to her knees as he put pressure on her making it close to impossible for her to stand up or move her legs. Lucy whimpered, his grip causing increasing pain in her physic as she glared up at her assaulter.

"It's okay Hikari, I'm not here to harm you." Lucy's eyes widened, she stopped fighting as her body went slack. What had this man just called her? "I'll let you go now, please, before you scream, let me explain first." Lucy felt suspicion fill her, but she nodded nevertheless. The man let go of her mouth, yet cautiously let her free fully from his grip. Lucy did not miss how he was still fairly close to her, making it easy for him to take hold of her once more if she made any unwanted movements.

"I-I think you have the wrong person..."Lucy said breathlessly, looking at the male with caution as she rubbed her now reddened wrist. The male seemed to shoot her injury an apologetic look, yet Lucy pushed such thoughts away as she sat in a more comfortable position. She knew it would be idiotic to try and escape, the male was far stronger than her, she would rather keep this civil if she could. The man sighed, seeming to contemplate the situation before looking at her in a slightly saddened manner. His stare made dread fill Lucy as she held herself in a more protective manner.

"My name is Kurai and to answer your second question you are not Lucy as you say or think you are, your real name is Hikari Ōkamitsuki and you are my sister." Lucy stood there, eyes widened in shock as she tried to process what he had just said. Her mouth opened, then closed, then repeated the motion a few more times before she gulped. Okay then... she could never meet anyone sane now could she?

'This is, by far, the worst day of my life'

Mevy- Okay done, I'm so sorry for it being so damn short but hey, its longer than the first one no?

Lucy- (sulking) They kicked me out, big meanies (starts crying)

Natsu- I'm sorry Lucy

Erza- We have a good explanation

Kurai- Get away from her, touch her and you die (starts growling and gets in front of Lucy)

Mevy- Talk about overprotective brother (sweatdrops) Well that is it for today, I will revise the second chapter soon, I believe today XD

Everyone- Bye