

An obvious OTP is about to become cannon the world of Skip Beat! All we have to do is wait, but Yashiro doesn't feel like waiting. A series of One-shots. RenXKyoko fluff.

"Really?" Kyoko's eyes widen in horror as Yashiro nods solemnly.

"That's right." Fighting back the smirk that was threatening to creep onto his face, Yashiro crosses his arms across his chest. "In fact I think it might have been a few weeks now. Since he's had a proper one I mean."

"How awful!" The actress cries. "I should have reminded him." She continues to mutter under her breath, clearly berating herself for the neglect she had demonstrated towards her senpai.

"And it was his birthday yesterday." Yashiro says thoughtfully.

Kyoko gasps in horror. "I forgot to call him! I didn't wish him happy birthday! Oh dear! I am unworthy of being his kohai! Such audacity!"

Yashiro nods in agreement, secretly congratulating himself on having concocted such a brilliant plan. Kyoko flaps her hands and shakes her head in denial.

"Oh woe to me. Such a horrible person. Ren-senpai must—"

"What must I do?"

Kyoko freezes in fright. She turns so quickly that she must have given herself whiplash. "Ren-senpai!"

Behind her stood a tall man, dressed in a white suit with a blue dress shirt underneath. He rolls his eyes slightly at her. "Kyoko-chan, do you have to call me

'-senpai'? '-San' or '-Kun' would do. Or even just Ren."

"No!" The actress cries desperately, stepping away from the man, shaking her head back and forth. "That's far to intimate, I mean personal, er, friendly! I could never address you so boldly!"

"Oh?" Ren's eye narrow. "Are you implying that you believe me to be unworthy of your friendship?"

Kyoko gapes like a fish and her eyes fill with tears. "No! Ren-senpai! I would never dream of it! I only meant that I could never call you so intimately!"

"So you do not consider me a friend?"

"No!" Kyoko wails, throwing herself on the marble floor at his feet. "I mean yes! But- Ren-senpai you are a person whom I have the greatest respect! I'm so sorry!"

Ren smiles at the back of Kyoko's head. "But not your friend?"

"I would be honored to be your friend!" Kyoko's voice is muffled by her arms. "But addressing you with your given name with such personal honorifics is not a senpai-kohai relationship! Even addressing you by your given name is detrimental to my health.


Yashiro coughs loudly, cutting off Ren's attempt to guilt trip the young woman. "Kyoko, didn't you have to tell Ren something?"

The fiery woman's eyes glint with malice and something else that eludes to a storm brewing behind those molten golden eyes.

"Ren-senpai." Kyoko says, voice minacious.

"Uh, yes?"

"Yashiro-san has been kind enough to inform me that you have not been eating 3 square meals a day while I was filming in Taiwan."

Ren glares at his manager, who takes a nervous step back from his hostile charge.

Kyoko draws herself up to her fullest height in an attempt to look threatening, though due to her height, even with high-heels, she didn't even reach his chin, therefore, rather than looking threatening, Ren thought she looked down-right adorable and only endeared her to him more.

"I didn't have the time."

"That's not excuse!" Kyoko huffs. "As a professional actor and model, you should know how important it is to take care of your health."

"I can't cook Kyoko-chan. You are well aware of this."

Kyoko nods. "Yes. Which is why tonight…" She trails off and digs around in her pockets. She pulls out a small hand-held organizer and punches in a few letters. "When you finish work at 9pm, you will take me to your apartment and I will make dinner for you."

"That's a brilliant idea Kyoko-chan." Yashiro cheers enuthsicastically. "But what about the rest of the week? Shouldn't you make it a regular thing, that you cook dinner for him every night?"

Kyoko stops in her tracks, then nods. "I'll make enough to last a week. You can put it in the freezer. A microwave shouldn't be too difficult for him to handle."

Ren frowns, feeling left out of the conversation.

"But Kyoko-chan!" Yashiro whines.

"Kyoko-chan!" Sawara calls from atop the stairs. With surprising speed he raced down the stairs and came to rest in front of the pretty young talent "We've been trying to get a hold of you. We've moved the photo shoot to 3pm. You'll need to go now if you want to get there on time."

Kyoko jumps, bows at each man in turn then races off towards the LoveMe room to change out of the offensively pink outfit.

Sawara sighs. "I really need to think about getting that girl a manager. She's become more popular lately."

. "A female manager I would think?" Ren asks tensely.

Sawara, ever oblivious to Ren's concern, shakes his head. "Yagaku Aoi has been looking for some work. And he's quite efficient. I'd get him on the job."

"I know him." Yashiro chirps gleefully. A man who would spend hours every day with Kyoko might pressure Ren into making a move sooner. "He's young, but he'd be very well equipped to deal with Kyoko's um… uniqueness."

Ren stiffens. Absolutely not happening.