shooting stars and burning embers

Song Inspiration: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri and Try by Colbie Callait

"Love is not about how much you say 'I love you', but how much you can prove it's true."

Their love was unique; it was special.

The duo had beaten impossible odds, survived the toughest of battles, and was still together. Their bond was unbreakable, and their love was steady and thriving, growing even more powerful every day. People from everywhere around wondered how such affection came to be, but the answer was simple:

They were destined to be together.

You could see it in the way they talked to each other, how he always strove to make her laugh, how she always inquired about his plans or how he was feeling, if they could go on another mission, or just spend time together.

It was obvious in the way they touched; he was always tender and gentle with her, as if she was made of porcelain. She leaned on him for support, but never took more than she gave. She was his rock, as much as he was hers.

They balanced each other; grounded one another. His determination and unwillingness to give up inspired her, and her ways of always putting others before herself made him all the more determined to protect her.

They were two halves of a whole, yin and yang; where one was broken, the other was whole, and worked to put the pieces back together.

Even now, as they fought for their lives and the lives of their friends, you could see the love they had for one another. When she was struck down, his rage increased tenfold, and he did not stop raining ultimate destruction on their enemies until he could see her rise once more. If he was surrounded, with no way out and near exhaustion, she distracted their enemies to give him time to recuperate and gain back his strength.

And when the two were back-to-back, enclosed in a circle of enemies and without any other means of help, the extension of their love was truly revealed.

She took on an otherworldly glow, hair fanning out and eyes widening. Stars formed by her ethereal body, and she released the rage of the heavens upon her opponents, fighting for her life, her friends, her love.

Twenty-foot flames erupted from his body, scorching enemies close by but completely missing his partner. His eyes darkened and scales appeared on his skin, teeth sharpening to dagger points. He roared savagely and attacked with all his might, incinerating his adversaries and blackening the ground below him. His fire was fueled by his anger, his courage, his tenacity, his will. He fought for those he cherished; and he made sure his enemies knew he was not going to let them win by any means.

And after the battle was finished, and their friends were all accounted for and being taken care of, the two turned to each other and shared a passionate embrace.

"I love you, Luce."

I love you too, Natsu."


Their love was written in the stars themselves, and in a place worlds away, a blonde woman with chocolate brown eyes smiled lovingly as she gazed down at her daughter.

"She's done so well, our little Lucy, hasn't she, Jude?" Layla Heartfilia asked, looking up at her husband. Jude Heartfilia smiled and took his wife's hand.

"Yes, she has."


~two red converse