Complete Chaos. That's the only way you can really explain what was happening.

Gas, heat, and buzzing.

Screaming, yelling, crying, and moaning.

Leila sat up slowly opening her eyes. The smell of gasoline filled her nose her throat was raw and her eyes were slowly adjusting. "What the hell?" She finally stood up fully adjusting to her surroundings. Holy shit the plane crashed and she was alive.

With all of the noise Leila could only make out one word.


Leila whipped around to see who was calling out so loudly. She stifled an unexpected scream of pain. She lifted up her shirt and quickly removed a piece of scrap that had inserted itself in to the area slightly below her left rib cage. The gash was deep enough to need stitches but it wasn't that bad.

She ran towards the woman who had been screaming help. She was a blonde pregnant women who looked no older than she did.

"Oh my God are you okay? Are you bleeding are you hurt?" Leila questioned as she kneeled towards the woman.

"It's my baby! I think I'm having contractions!" The woman cried out.

Leila started panicking. 'What the hell am I supposed to do?' She thought to herself.

She decided to go with a calm approach to the situation and smiled reassuringly, "Take deep breaths okay? Deep breaths." She said breathing with the girl.

The woman's pain started suppressing and she looked up at Leila thankfully, "I'm Claire." She said smiling a little until the pain took over once more.

"I'm-" She was cut off by a different voice that was running towards them.

Leila looked up to see a handsome man coming toward them.

Seemingly being the only doctor surviving the crash he felt an obligation to save them all. He knew something was going on with his back and what he really needed to do was to take care of it. On his way to the jungle he heard a young woman's cry for help he turned towards her. He stopped for a slight second to examine the situation.

There was an obviously pregnant blonde woman who was desperate for medical attention but the woman next to him distracted him for a moment. She had long, black, curly hair that seemed to be in a bit of a mess understandably. Her slightly tan skin was covered in sweat. She seemed to be no taller then 5'4 and her beautiful brown eyes shown with worry.

"Are you two okay?" He yelled over all of the noise.

"She's having contractions and-" Leila started.

"You're bleeding." The handsome man said looking down at her shirt.

"Don't worry about me! I'm okay this woman isn't!"

"No you're not okay you probably need stitches. Come with me." The man reached out grabbing Leila's hand. "You." He turned to the larger man who was standing by him, "Time out her contractions and keep her breathing."

The two started walking back to the jungle.

"Wait dude! What's your name?" The large man yelled out.


So Jack was the Heroes name. Leila couldn't help but check him out. She was a girl for God's sake! He was tall and muscular. He was wearing what was the remains of a suit. There were holes everywhere and his tie seemed to be tight around his neck. The white button up shirt did anything but hide the blood stains.

They came under some shade provided by the palm trees. There was an opening where Jack knelt on to the ground panting. Leila began getting anxious. She was not good around blood.

He pulled off his shirt to reveal a nicely chiseled body. Hairy chest and strong arms. It was not a bad sight to see. His back on the other hand had a deep gash.

"Have you ever sewn anything before?" Jack asked her breathlessly.

"W-what?" Leila replied anxiously.

"I need you to give me stitches if you're okay with that." He looked at her pleadingly. "Please."

"Okay." She said hesitantly kneeling next to Jack. He handed her a sewing kit. "Any color preference Jack?" She asked slightly jokingly.

"Standard black is fine." He replied smiling. 'She's cute' he thought to himself.

"Jack I'm really not good at this kind of stuff." Leila placed her hand on Jack's back carefully preparing to make an incision.

"You'll be fine I promise."

She let out a nervous sigh, "Just tell me if it hurts okay?"

He nodded as Leila began sewing. "You're doing great."

She laughed a little, "You're the one getting stitches and you're reassuring me that everything is fine? How are you not scared?"

"Well, fear is sort of an odd thing," he started, "When I was in residency my first solo procedure was a spinal surgery on a 16 year old kid. A girl, and at the end after, 13 hours i was closing her up. And then I accidentally ripped her dural sack. It's at the base of the spine where all the nerves come together. The membrane is as thin as tissue." Jack began wincing at the memories. "So it ripped open, the nerves spilled out of her like angel hair pasta. Spinal fluid flowing out of her. The terror was just so crazy. So real. And I knew I had to deal with it." A tear rolled off of his cheek. "So I let the fear in. I let it take over. Do it's thing. But only for 5 seconds that's all I was going to give it. So I started to count, 1-2-3-4-5 and it was gone. I went back to work, sewed her up and she was fine." He finished.

"If that was me I probably would've had a nervous breakdown and ran for the door." Leila tried joking. A part of her truly meant it though. She would have been terrified.

"No I don't think that's true." He looked back smiling at Leila. "You're not running now and I don't think you're a person who would give up."

Leila smiled at Jack and finished up the last incision. "All done." The realization hit her that she had just helped someone get stitches and joy over slowed her. Helping people felt great. "Oh my God! I just sewed you up and you're alive!" She squealed.

The doctor laughed while pulling his shirt over his back. "Now your turn."

"No I'm okay I really am!" Leila tried stand up but clutched her wound in pain.

"You sewed me up and now it's time I return the favor." He smiled at the short girl.

"Jack I can't please. I'I'm afraid of needles." She sat down again.

"I'll take care of you don't worry just talk to me." Jack started lifting up the girls shirt until it rested above her rib cage. Her wound wasn't all that bad but definitely needed stitches. "Color preference?"

"Ha ha you're funny." She rolled her eyes playfully. "Black is fine for me too."

He began sewing her up. "So why were you in Sydney?"

Her heart started beating rapidly, "Next question." She said quickly. She wasn't sure if it was the question that made her nervous or the close proximity between her and Jack.

He decided not to press for anymore answers. "Okay, what's your name?"


"You know my name and my profession but I don't know yours." He flashed her a charming smile.

She took in a sharp breath at the needle pushing through her skin again, "Fair enough. I'm Leila Ansari and I am a musical department teacher in LA."

"All done Ms. Ansari." He smiled as he stood up, helping her up too.

"Thank you Dr..."


"Thank you Dr. Shepherd." She smiled her big goofy smile. "Now back to the chaos."

Upon their arrival back Jack left her to go check up on everyone while Leila walked around examining the area.

This was really really bad.

The plane had crashed and they were legitimately stuck on an island. A part of her knew that help was not coming.