GraLu Prompt 1


WARNING: This chapter has not been beta read; I only proofread this. OH, AND A BIT OF SEXINESS AHEAD (You might need a box of tissues, won't want any blood on the floor eh?)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy tail, Hiro Mashima does

Lucy's Point of View

I always thought that winter was associated with cold and freezing weathers. And to be honest, they were, but I never really thought they'd exceed that. Maybe it was only me, or only him, but it seemed that someone's mood, maybe mine, maybe his, would reach a point where we just didn't feel friendly at all.

It was frustrating because he was giving me a cold shoulder, but I was doing the same every now and then and I didn't know why we were being this way. I already knew that winter would be a very vexing season, but I meant it as a joke and I didn't think it would be real.

Sighing, I treaded down the snowy path. It was another chilly morning today, and I was hoping to wake up in his arms. I wanted to feel the comfort his hugs always gave me, the love I always needed—unfortunately for me, he left before I even woke up.

I knew there was a reason why he was being this way, but I couldn't bring myself to confirm it. I had a few guesses, like maybe because the weather reminded him of Ul, or maybe because he was on PMS, or it could be because people nagged a lot about the cold while he was practically made of ice (hugging him was like surrendering yourself to the cold)—still, I wasn't sure whether they were true.

Natsu told me he was just being the usual bastard he was and I wrinkled my nose at him.

Erza told me that maybe he was just in heat (I swear I was blushing) and I told her that that happened only during spring time. Gray wasn't even a cat!

Lisanna and Mira said he just needed time and space, like a girl who just broke up with her boyfriend. This irked me to no end, but I decided that if he needed to be away from me for a while, I was going to give him exactly that.

Which, apparently, turned out to be false. That night, he turned up in front of my door, his hair disheveled, in his boxers and out of breath. He looked like a weirdo from some other world, but I let him in anyway, and made him a hot drink, which he refused because he wanted ice-cold water. He kissed me after he had his drink, and we ended up in my room, tearing each other's clothes off. I didn't know why, but I wasn't bothered by the fact that all I had to take off from his body was his boxers.

This was last night by the way, and I completely forgot about his ignorance for the past week. I was just happy that he was in my arms again.

But I was proven wrong once more.

When I woke up this morning, he was gone. His boxers weren't there; the glass of water he spilled last night was in the dish rack. There were absolutely no traces of him, and I found myself in a terrible mood just like the past few days.

I didn't know why he was torturing me this way. Maybe one of my theories was correct and that he was on PMS. But he might just need some space after all.

I didn't know! I was tired of trying to understand his mood swings. I wanted winter to end quickly. Christmas could pass by for all I care. I just want him back.


Frozen in my footsteps, I slowly looked over my shoulder to see the very cause of my morning disturbance: Gray Fullbuster.

He was clothed this time, wearing something under his white coat, and his navy pants tucked in boots. Surprisingly, there was a scarf wrapped around his shoulders and he was wearing earmuffs. He looked so warm amidst the falling snow and I didn't know why he was being this way.

I shook my head and smiled weakly at him. "I'm surprised you haven't stripped off your clothes yet."

"I have a cold," he muttered under his breath. His voice was almost inaudible, but I heard him anyway.

I covered my mouth and stifled a laugh. He did look like he was sick. His nose was red and his eyes were droopier than usual, and to be honest he really did seem under the weather. Heaving a sigh, I gestured for him to follow me back to my house.

"Let's make you some soup now, shall we?"

He looked reluctant to follow, but he ended up walking behind me anyway. I could hear his heavy breathing under his scarf, and after a second he started coughing. I thought it was impossible for the guy to get sick, but maybe he wasn't exactly immune to ice. He was just a human being like me after all, except we had magic, and he was supposed to be a part of the cold now.

I seemed to have been proven wrong a lot of times lately.


I looked at him again, and this time I couldn't tear my gaze away. I was just a breath away from unlocking the door to my apartment, but he kept me there. I couldn't bring myself to break my eye contact because for me that was special and I didn't know if he felt the same way, but I treasured these moments dearly.

I swallowed thickly as he moved to hold my hand – the one on the door knob – and gently unlocked the door. His face fell before me, and I closed my eyes as I felt his bangs touch my cheeks. In the end he backed away and went inside first, leaving me wishing he had just kissed the hell out of me.

With a disappointed exhale I followed him into the house, shutting the door close behind me. I leaned against it for a while, watching him as he started taking off his scarf and earmuffs. As he started unbuttoning his coat, I found out that he was wearing nothing but boxers under it and I smiled. He was scratching his head, his other hand on his hip as he read the opened book on my coffee table. He caught me staring and smirked, causing my cheeks to flush.

I hated it when he smirked. He looked so devilishly handsome and that should be a sin.

"Are you still making soup?" he asked me, leaning slightly against the doorframe leading to the kitchen. My throat felt dry, so I nodded my head instead, not trusting my voice to speak. He looked amused though. "I want something else."

I sucked in a deep breath. "What?"


I barely had the time to register that in my head before I was pinned to the door, his mouth moving against mine and my fingers curling themselves in his hair. He gripped my waist and kissed me like we haven't seen each other for a lifetime, and I didn't object.

I shuddered as he slid his hands down my thighs. I was wearing leggings, but right now it felt as if I wasn't wearing anything. I could feel all of his touches, and I wanted more. More. More. More.

"I'm sorry for being so cold," he whispered against my neck, placing a kiss on my collar bone.

"It's okay." I don't care.


I nodded and scratched his back, moaning as he went back up to suck my lower lip. He was giving me endless goosebumps and I didn't even realize that I was hyperventilating. I kissed his jaw and he grinned, nipping my neck once again.

"You could catch my cold."

I closed my eyes. "I don't care though."

"And why is that?"

I met his half-lidded eyes and felt my chest squeeze. "Because you're here and that's all I really care about." I whimpered as he lightly drummed his fingers on the bottom of my spine. "Is that reason good enough for you?"

He chuckled. "Sounds good to me."

God, it really was cold though. But what would happen later would be really hot, so I really, really didn't care at all.

A/N: Omg, I can't believe I just wrote that! Anyway, happy GraLu week! I hope you guys all join us in this celebration ;) I really will finish all the days. Last year I was only able to make two :( I'm so sorry. I'll finish it this time though :) If you saw any mistakes, please forgive me and if you liked the chapter, review below!

If you have any questions, ask them right away and my links are on my profile! I also submitted the story to the tumblr blog for GraLu week!

"It's too cold for you here and now so let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater." - Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood

Byee! -Anne :D

- Please support/read my other stories: Celebrity Issues, The Devil and the Assassin, Fragile, Life's Challenges, Forgotten Memories, Queen of Stars, A Love That Lasts Forever and Going Against The Current.